
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 251: more students

When Aldred arrived at school, he realized that he was late already because his students had been waiting for him.

He landed on the training field, and the students were pouting.

"Master, where have you been? We've been waiting for you."

"I have urgent matters to take care of. You guys do 500 push and 500 sprint around the field first. I have to visit the headmaster."

The students looked at his back, then looked at each other.

"Let's just listen to what he told us."

The students began their training as Aldred walked through the hall, passing teachers and students along the way.

He entered the headmaster's room without knocking. Bravar wasn't angry, but only felt slightly surprised.

"Why are you in a hurry?"

"I have something to tell you. Take a look at this paper."

Bravar took the paper and read the content. "This… is this real?"

"You can send someone to check. But if this is real, then we have to tell the Phoenix to make a proactive decision."

Bravar nodded. "I will take care of this. You must focus on teaching the students."

"About that. I would like to teach more classes if possible. I can teach magic as well."

"Oh? I thought you wanted less work?"

"Just think of it as me helping Phoenix's future generations."

Bravar laughed. "Good. We're lucky to have someone like you. I will send the students later."

Aldred chatted with the headmaster for a short moment before he left and oversaw the training of his students.

A half an hour later, more students came to the field with confused looks.

"Excuse me, are you teacher Aldred?"

"Yes, I am."

"We are the 1st Grade Magic Class F. We were told to come here. Are you our new teacher?"

"That's right. I am your new teacher. My time is expensive and valuable, so we're going to skip the introduction phase. I have better ways for you to know me better."

The students were slightly disappointed. The introduction phase was their favorite phase. That was when they took things slowly, and didn't have to do any study.

"What are we going to do, teacher?"

"Simple. The magic class will fight the martial class."

"Soldiers, gather around!"

"HAA!" The martial class quickly dropped everything they were doing and made a formation in front of him. Their body was straight, and they had the demeanor of a soldier.

Aldred nodded with a smile. He trained them well.

The magic class on the other hand was shocked. They only saw something like this when their personal army was being trained by their generals. Each soldier would have a fierce aura accumulated from battles, and looking at them, the magic class could almost feel the same aura.

"All of you have new friends today. But sadly, they didn't know you well yet. Would you like to introduce yourself?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Go!"

The martial class students charged towards the magic class.

The magic class was confused and slightly scared at the charging students, but they still reached out their hand for a handshake.

The martial class students also reached out their hand, but not for a handshake.

It was for a punch to the face.

But they still introduced themselves while hitting the magic class students.

"My name is Zeth. Nice to meet you!" a student shouted as he barraged the magic student with punches.

The magic students were helpless at first, but they then started throwing magic at the martial students.

A small fireball struck a student. There was heat. But that was it, it didn't feel painful at all.

The martial students continued pummeling the magic class as they told them their hobbies, pets, and favorite food.

"I like cake." Punch! "What about you? Do you like cake as well?" Punch! "I sometimes eat vegetables, but not that much." Punch!

After a few minutes, Aldred thought it was enough.

"Stop! Return in position!"

The martial class students stopped punching and stood in a formation.

Meanwhile, the magical students were laying on the floor in pain.

"Now that you know each other, we can begin our training."

The magical students groaned. What kind of introduction was that!?

"All of you stand on your feet and make a formation!" Aldred shouted to the magic students.

They stood up and formed a formation, but it took some time for them to do it.

"Too slow. Do better next time."

"Yes, teacher."

"I want you to call me sir, during the training."

"Yes, sir!"

"Good. Do you know why I told the martial class to beat you up?"

"No, sir!"

"One is to introduce you to your new friends. Now you know their strength, name, pets, and favorite food. And I don't think you will ever forget what they told you as they hit you in the face."

The magical students thought about it for a moment and realized that the teacher was correct. They remembered every detail the martial students said to them.

"The other reason is because I want to let you know how it feels to be punched in the face. All of you are magicians, so you think it won't be necessary to get hit, but that's wrong. A magician should get used to being hit, because when the time comes, you will be prepared for it. Do you all understand?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Alright, the martial class can resume their training. The magic on the other hand will be showing their magic spell to me one by one."

The magic students showed Aldred their ability, and he wasn't impressed at all.

"Why are you all so weak?"

"Sir, we haven't even entered the Bronze Rank yet."

"That's no excuse. You all should work hard to improve your spells."

The students sighed and groaned. Aldred frowned. These students seemed so dejected and unmotivated.

'How can I motivate them? Oh right.'

"By the way, tomorrow you will be fighting against the martial class again."

"But we will lose again."

"Then it's a good time to start training. I will teach you one by one."

"It will be a bad result anyway. We have been taught a lot, but our magic has stagnated."

"Just do what I told you guys."

Aldred then instructed them on how to cast the spell properly. He taught the basics first just to improve their mana circulation, and strengthened their spell by a significant margin.

The students casted their spell and their eyes widened at the huge improvement.

Their tiny fireball now transformed into the size of their head, and they could even feel the heat from it.

"See. Now are all of you motivated to learn more?"

"Yes, sir!"