
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 191: second form

"Arrogant words coming out of the prey. Kekekek. I cannot wait for my teeth to sink in your flesh."

Aldred snorted. "If you like to eat that much, then I will let you eat my blade!"

Aldred rushed at the spider with the long sword in hand.

"Execution Strike!"

A powerful red aura shone on the long sword. Aldred slashed forward, and the powerful aura shot towards the spider like a blade.


The spider blocked the strike with its leg. It grinned at Aldred as if saying the attack was too weak. The impact even echoed a ringing sound that made his ears hurt a little.

'Is this spider made out of adamantite or something? It's too tough!' Aldred grimaced at how hard the legs were. It was even harder than Xer Xai's exoskeleton but that was probably because her power was sealed.

"You truly are different than the others. Kekeke." The spider slowly walked forward while showing him a terrifying smile. "But, you won't be able to defeat me with that strength. I was created by a Diamond Rank dark magician. Even a Platinum Rank might struggle to cut my leg."

"Beast, you talk too much. No wonder you parents threw you away."

The spider was angered. "How dare you!" The spider pounced forward and swept its legs to attack Aldred, but Aldred dodged it easily.

Aldred smiled. "Now that I know your speed, dodging your attacks is much easier."

"Keep dodging. We will see how long you can last!"

Aldred raised his long sword. "Execution Strike!" He activated his skill and aimed it directly at the spider's face.

"Kekeke. Foolish." The spider blocked with its two limbs, but the red, sharp arc changed its trajectory.

This shocked the spider, and the arc went from the back of the spider. "I have 8 eyes. I can see from all directions you fool!"

The spider blocked the red arc, but suddenly, the small rock below its belly turned into a human with a long sword, and stabbed at its belly.

The spider quickly jumped back, but the long sword struck one of its 8 eyes.

"Ahh! Bastard!" The spider opened its mouth and spat out a blob of poisonous liquid at him.

His clone smiled. "Foresight Slash!". The clone's body turned slightly transparent with glowing blue particles all around him.

The poisonous liquid went through him, and his clone slashed forward with red aura enveloping his body and blade.


A deep scar made its mark on one of its legs.

Aldred's blade and the clone glowed with white outline. His spirit meter had increased to half of the sword while his spirit level was at white. This increased his speed and strength considerably.

The spider on the other hand was terrified at the increased damage that the sword dealt to its leg. Earlier, the attack didn't even scratch its leg, but now there was a deep cut.

"Brother, you can do it!" Nilerea clenched her fist and motivated her brother.

The spider glanced at her and nodedd before turning to look at Aldred again.

Aldred then grinned after looking at this scene. "I didn't want to do this at first, but ... Clone! Attack that little girl!"

The clone dashed towards the little girl, long sword raised high.


The spider rushed from behind with even faster movement. The clone smirked and turned around, slashing at its head.

The spider flinched. "You fooled me!"

The spider blocked with a clang, but Aldred came from the side and slashed at its leg. "Spirit Slash!"

His blade went through the leg, but there was no wound or scar, instead the limb felt weakened and numb.

Aldred attacked again. "Spirit Slash Twice!"

The leg got even weaker and the spider almost couldn't feel it anymore.

That was when Aldred attacked for the third time. "Spirit Slash Thrice!"

He spun and executed a swept attack that completely cut off the soul of the limb. And not only that, he weakened the spider's strength slightly.

"AHH!" The spider took a few steps back.

Aldred's long sword turned yellow on the rim of the blade. That meant his spirit outline was at the second stage which increased his strength even more.

His clone also received this advantage and its long sword had the same glow.

"HOW DARE! HOW DARE! HOW DARE YOU!!" The spider glared at Aldred and then rushed at him.

Aldred and his clone dashed forward and attacked with perfect synchronization, throwing the spider away.

"HAAAAA! Let me show you my true form!" The spider's body bulged with dark mist leaking out of its body. Its body size ballooned and each legs was twice as big as Aldred's adult form. But then something happened, and the spider's body started to become smaller.

"NO! NO! I need more blood!" The spider glanced at the little girl. Its 8 eyes turned dark and then pounced on her before sinking its hideous teeth onto her body.

"Brother! No!"

The spider ignored her plea.

"Please! Brother, no! Arghk…. Brother…" The little girl's hand fell to the ground. Both of her eyes devoid of life.

The spider picked her up with its jaws and then devoured her.

Mary, Mira, and Mareona closed their mouth in shock.

Even Aldred couldn't believe what he saw. It was obvious that the brother and sister had great relationship with each other, yet now she was eaten without hesitation.

"KEKEKEKEKEKE!" The spider enlarged and the dark mist thickened. It's 7 red eyes terrifyingly rolled and then glared at Aldred.

It leaped forward in a flash, and Aldred couldn't even see it before he was kicked onto the wall while his clone was bitten before it explode into a mist of blood.

Aldred gritted his teeth, and stood up, but before he could do that, a sticky web shot at him.

Aldred quickly jumped to the side, and slashed as another cobweb came at him.

Aldred dashed forward and stared into one of its seven eyes. The spider stared back, and they fought each other ferociously.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Sparks lit the caves as their battle continued, Suddenly, the spider roared and pinned Aldred on the ground.

It raised its sharp, gigantic legs, and stabbed his heart.