
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 190: come and fight me

"Where is your brother?" Aldred asked.

"This way. Follow me."

She ran inside a small cave and Aldred followed immediately. The rest did not say anything and followed as well.

The tunnel was supposed to be dark, but because of his godly eyes, he could see everything in detail.

As they ran along the tunnel, Stella transmitted a message in his mind: "Be careful. That little girl is lying to us."

Aldred was shocked at first, but he understood that this was her power. 'What do you mean she's lying? How can you tell?"

"I sensed no living being except the spider ahead of us."

'That might means that her brother was already eaten.'


Aldred clicked his tongue. 'If we cannot save her brother, then we should at least avenge him.'

"I will follow your decision, but you need to watch out for those traps."

Aldred quickly grabbed onto the little girl as a large, sharp, steel nail protruded out of the ground.

Suddenly, small hideous creatures swarmed from ahead.

Aldred frowned and raised his palm. "Flame Jet!"

A powerful flame burst out of his palm and burned through every monsters in front of him. He put the little girl down.

"Let's continue."

The little girl nodded frantically.

As they ran, Aldred asked. "How did a little girl like you end up in a dungeon."

"Papa and mama told me to be strong and powerful. So they send us to fight in the dungeons. I am a wind magician while my brother is a warrior."

"I am going to have a little talk to your parents after this."

They began running deeper into the cave, until they encountered what appeared to be an entrance to another area in the cave.

As they were about to enter the, Stella stopped Aldred in place.

"Be careful," she said not using the telepathy again. "The aura of that thing is very powerful."

"Don't worry. I can handle everything with my power."

Stella smiled. "If you don't, I will save you."

Aldred raised an eyebrow at her remark, but he ignored it.

"Let's go in." Aldred entered the cave with the little girl beside him.

But when he did that, a thick cobweb blocked the entrance, preventing his allies to enter.

Stella frowned and blasted the cobweb but it was as if her attacked was absorbed and then sent elsewhere by the cobweb.

Bartrem charged at the cobweb and slashed it with his sword. His sword got stuck on the net, he pulled it out, and slashed again. The cobweb was still intact.

"Shit!" Bartrem cursed. "We cannot go past this thing."

Stella's eyes ignited with her star power and she inspected the cobweb. Her eyes widened. "Aldred! Watch out! That spider is created by a Diamond Rank dark magician."

"What! Doesn't that mean he will die if he interferes with the treasure hunt?" Aldred asked.

"Yes. That means that Diamond Rank is willing to die just to kill you."

"Fuck! What did I do to his mom that he's willing to die along with me. Wait… was it Byron?"

"There's no time to think. Look above you!" Stella shouted.

A gigantic spider, the size of a firetruck jumped off the ceiling and landed in front of him. Taking a closer look, Aldred realized that it wasn't just a large spider. All over its body, green, disgusting pus constantly leaked out like a poisonous miasma.

"Is that the spider that attacked your brother?" Aldred asked the little girl.

The little girl was oddly silent for a moment before she turned around with a dark grin. "No. That is my brother."

"Kekekekekeek. Good job for luring him in, Rea."

Nilerea giggled as she ran to one of her brother's many legs.

Aldred frowned and then he laughed. "Just as I am about to do good deed for once. Genuinely wanting to do good things FOR ONCE. And now you just have to ruin my faith on every sentient being to ever exist."

"Kekekeek. You won't need faith anymore. When you enter my belly, nothing matters anymore. Kekekekeke."

After the spider said that, a different voice came from it. "No. Don't eat anymore. No. I have enough."

"Silent!" The spider said to itself. Then it looked at Aldred. "Where was I? Right, I am about to have a meal. A tasty one at that."

Its numerous eyes widened. "That infinite energy… kekekeke. You will be a fine feast indeed."

"Aldred, be careful!" Stella shouted.

Right as Stella warned him, the spider kicked its leg and pounced at Aldred with its gigantic mouth wide open.

"Fuck it's faster than I thought!" Aldred quickly jumped back.


The moment the spider landed on the ground, it was destroyed and cracked.

"Kekekke. Yes. Yes. It wouldn't be fun if you die immediately like the other prey. The hunt is more fun if you fight back! Kekekeke!"

The spider's hoarse voice started to make Aldred uncomfortable.

Aldred summoned his long sword and he pulled it out of its scabbard before pointing it at the spider. "You know. Most monsters I killed before. They don't speak. But since you do, let me ask you some question. How did you become a spider?"

"How did I become a spider? Kekeke. Funny thing. No one had ever asked me that before. I will tell you. My parents told us that we are too weak. Too weak to be the member of the family. So they threw us out. We were left in the streets for years, and I barely could give my sister food. So of course, when a man in dark robe said he could fix everything. I shook his hand without a question. The next day, I become this. A powerful being that no other Gold Rank could match. And I can keep growing as long as I eat."

"If you become stronger, will you return to your parents?"

"Kekekek. No. They're dead. They were the first meal I had. I can still recall their taste. The cracking sounds when I ripped their limbs aparts. Ahhh… How I wish I can turn back time and do it all over again."

"I see. So you're the good turned to evil type of person. Since that is the case, I will give you salvation."

Aldred raised his sword. "Come and fight me."