
Aldred lay on the grass as the fresh morning air blew his black hair away. Caressing his face was a slender smooth hand. Mary caressed the boy's head like he was her child. She didn't know why she felt this way. It was unthinkable, unimaginable even. But she couldn't hold this feeling of love.

"Mother," Aldred called in his sleep.

Mary knew the boy wasn't calling for her. Yet her heart trembled nonetheless.

"Yes, dear," she replied with the tone of a mother. She still didn't understand why she felt this way. Her heart was filled with the empress alone, or so she thought.

"I am thirsty, mom," Aldred said. "It burns."

Something moved within her chest. It told her to undress her breast. She did. She opened her shirt and grabbed the boy's head into her embrace. Slowly, she set his lips on her plump, breast. Her graceful pink nipple went into his mouth.

Aldred instinctively sucked in. He was still asleep. But even in his dream, he still felt the motherly love given by Mary.

The boy raised his right hand and fondled her left breast as she sucked her left nipple. Mary was a virgin, so her breasts weren't supposed to have milk. But magically, warm liquid came out and entered the boy's mouth. Her left breast spurted milk to his face.

Mary smiled. She didn't feel embarrassed. Her gaze focused on the boy and the only thing that filled her mind was how to take care of him as much as possible.

Her heart and mind were in great turmoil. On one side, she wanted to take care of the boy as much as possible, on the other side, she didn't understand why she felt this way towards the boy. It didn't seem right, but…

She couldn't answer. She kept breastfeeding him because it felt like the right thing to do.

Time passed, and the morning became night. The sun went down over the horizon with three moons rising into the sky, dotted by twinkling stars.

Sacha, the bright, red moon, was closer tonight. It dwarfed the other moons as it shone in a beautiful red hue.

Aldred pulled out his mouth. He frowned and groan like he experienced a great nightmare? Mary was worried. She checked his forehead to see if it was hot. It wasn't.

It was cold. Abnormally cold.

His skin became pale, then suddenly, a pair of fangs grew from his teeth.


The boy grabbed her shoulders and went for her neck. She was about to stop him, but his teeth had already sunk deep inside her skin. It gave her a feeling of great ecstasy. Her limbs became weak and heavy. She couldn't move and her body trembled.

"Ahh," She moaned. She couldn't hold it in. The desire was too strong and she moaned the entire night.

Aldred opened his eyes. He was shocked to realize he bit Mary's neck. He pulled out his teeth and saw Mary helplessly blushing in front of him.


He looked at her neck and saw a pair of holes. Blood came out of the hole, and for some reason, Aldred had a strong urge to consume it.

'I am a vampire? But how? My father is a demon king, so how could I become a vampire?'

Aldred recalled that his mother never actually reveal her race. 'Is she a vampire? It has to be, or it would be impossible for him to be a vampire.' Aidan hadn't checked her status and history too. He just thought that his mother would be as strong as his father, and he also thought that she was a demon too. Because why would a vampire marry a demon? That did not make any sense at all.

He noticed all of his wounds disappear. From that, he concluded that drinking blood would heal his wound.

Mary breathed raggedly and looked at him with an enticing gaze. Her shirt was wide open, making her breasts all clear for him to see. It was so beautiful as her smooth white boob reflected the moonlight. Her pink nipples were flawless and they beckoned Aldred to come.

"Mary? What are you doing?"

She ignored his question and pulled him into her embrace. She caressed the back of his head. "You will be fine, dear. Mommy is here."

'Mommy?' What the hell happened?

[Extreme Charm activated]

Oh… So that was what happen. She was charmed by my handsomeness. But why did she call herself mommy?

"Are you thirsty, dear?" She gently put his lips on her nipple.

'This isn't so bad.'

Aldred sucked on her nipple and enjoyed the warm liquid. It wasn't as heavenly as her mother's milk, but it still tasted good. Mary grabbed his right hand and put it on her left breast.

He squeezed.

"Ahh." Mary moaned into the sky as her cheeks turned red.

Her moan made Aldred excited. He fondled her breast more and sucked her nipple harder.

"Ahh! Are you enjoying yourself, dear?"

"Yes, mommy," Aldred played along. He didn't know her age, but she seems to be qualified as his mother. Based on her looks, Aldred would guess she was at least twenty-two years old.

After some hours passed, Aldred became sleepy. He recalled that he always wanted to go to bed after a breastfeeding session with his mother. He closed his eyes.

Mary noticed that the boy was fast asleep. She smiled and lay his head on the grass. She lay beside him and caressed his face. "Good night, boy."

Suddenly, bright blue flowers sprouted from the ground. Glowing butterflies and fairies flew around them. Plants came out and wrapped around the boy.

Mary looked at this magical scene in wonder and amazement. 'What magic is this?'

One of the fairies floated in front of her. Her fluttering wings left a trail of sparkling lights.

"Thank you," the fairy said.

"What are you?"

The fairy smiled. "I am his mother." She zipped inside Mary's head, shocking her.

Powerful energy circled inside her mind, then it went throughout her whole body. She glowed in bright blue as the plants around her crawled and wrapped her tight. A Blue stream of light streamed from the plants and into her body.

The cocoon of plants, roots, and flowers burst open. Mary slowly opened her eyes. They glowed bright blue for a while then dimmed down.

"What did you do to me?"

The fairy floated in front of her. "I want you to accompany him on his journey. My husband and I have spoiled him rotten, and we cannot have that. At the age of seven, he should have conquered at least a galaxy or two, but his vision is boxed within the castle. It is my fault. If I didn't spoil him, my son wouldn't be so weak and miserable as he is right now. I have failed as a parent."

"What do you want me to do?" Mary asked. For some reason, she felt a great urge to listen to the fairy's request.

"I have expanded your potential and increased your rank to gold. Help my boy grow. Don't let him die. Also, don't spoil him too much as I did. Are you willing?"

Mary nodded. "I am. In return, can you help me overthrow the empire?" She still wanted to remove that stupid emperor and let the empress rule the empire alone. The fairy in front of her must be so powerful if she could increase her strength to gold rank so easily. Normally, it would take a few decades to reach it. In fact, she might not get to gold rank at all in her lifetime.

The fairy smiled. "If you help my son grow, he will conquer the empire for you."

Eve knew the emperor took the steering wheel. Without it, her son couldn't return to the floating castle.

The fairy and the bright glowing plants disappeared.

Eve floated in space. She approached her husband who was staring at the bright green planet.

"How is he?" Hujarar asked.

Eve smiled and showed her fangs.

Hujarar smiled back. "Our son grows so fast. It felt like yesterday I held him in my arms."

Eve wrapped her arms around his neck. "Did you know he already got a virgin girl's blood?"

Hujarar laughed. "That's my boy. I raised him well. In the future, he has to bring a lot of wives."

Eve flicked his nose. "Then why don't you have a lot of wives?"

"Of course not, darling. You're the only one worthy of me."

He hugged her. His phone rang. With an annoyed groan, Hujarar pulled out his phone and stared at the lock-screen of his naked wife for a few seconds before answering the call.

"Yo, wasup?"

"Wasup my ass! We've been waiting for you to destroy that planet of heretics. The news outlet; BBK, KNN, and Dragon News are ready to air your power, live on television."

Hujarar sighed. "Do we really have to kill these atheists? There are a lot of hot girls in there. You sure don't want to have some fun with them first?"

"Shut up! My wife is here so don't say something that would trigger any misunderstanding. No, dear. It's just the demon king. No, I don't plan to go have fun with any girl. What about the angel last night? Ah, I just taught her some basic knowledge about human anatomy. I swear. I don't lie. When Have I ever lied to you? Oh, you want to go to heaven? Alright, see you at home."

The old man on the other side sighed. "That was a close one. Watch your mouth next time. She almost got me having fun with that angel, Alex, last night. Wait! No, Dear! I was joking. I don't know anyone named Alex. No, don't cut my PP in front of my worshiper. You'll still do it? Fuck! Hujarar! You better destroy that planet. I have to go now, bye!"

The call ended.

Hujarar scratched his head. "Well, that was something."

Eve chuckled. "You don't plan to have any fun with other girls right, dear?" She whispered in his ear.

Her eyes became crimson sharp.

Hujarar sweated. It wasn't supposed to be possible in space, but the cold threat was too much.

"Of course not, dear."