
As Aldred fought off the wolf pack, Mary battled it out against the large wolf. It was as large as an elephant, yet strong, agile, and quick as a lion. Its magnificent fur breezed by the wind.

The alpha wolf roared. Violent wind came out of its mouth. It swept out a rippling force that pushed the grass out beneath its feet.

Mary tightened her grip on the sword. She stared at the wolf as it circled her. Both were looking eye to eye, waiting for the chance to attack. Yet the wolf didn't seem to take this battle seriously. He was calm like a wise king.

[Alpha Dire Wolf]

Level: 48

Power: Lunge, Claw Attack, Three Moon Image

Aldred was shocked to see the level of the wolf. Its level was more than double of his.

But thankfully, Mary almost matched it in strength.


Level: 45

Power: Quick Slash, Heavy Blow, Parry

Aldred fired a few fireballs at the wolf pack. He turned his gaze at Mary and the Alpha Wolf again.

Mary did not feel any fear. In fact, she felt excitement rushing through her body. For years she had become a guard in the Royal Palace, so she didn't have the chance to fight anyone worthy of her strength. None were so stupid to do so. Except maybe the little boy.

She raised her right hand and beckoned with her fingers. The wolf growled. It understood it was being challenged. To give a reply, the wolf bared its teeth, then lunged at Mary.

Aldred understood that the wolf used the skill, but he didn't expect the lunge to be so quick. Usually, a predator had to accelerate for a few seconds before they reach the optimum speed. Only when they reach that speed would they lunge at their target. The acceleration and their weight would help them dig their teeth or claws into the skin.

The wolf did not need that. Without any wind up, it lunged with the maximum speed of a cheetah.

Mary was calm. With a slight turn, she completely dodged the attack.

Aldred was shocked when Mary made it look easy. What a movement! It's one of those moves that the boss in video games did to show the players that they could dodge their attacks with just one move.

It was a show of strength and an insult at the same time.

As expected, the wolf felt its honor sullied. How dare this woman dodged its attack with one move. She should roll on the ground and make herself dirty. As an alpha, it couldn't let this slide without doing anything.

Mary smiled. The wolf turned around and rushed towards her. With a ferocious movement, it leaped into the sky before opening its jaw wide.

She snorted as the wolf was about to fall on her. With a calm manner, she raised her sword, slashed down, and spun around.

"Quick Slash!" Mary shouted.

A line of sharp light went from above to the ground. The line went through the Alpha Wolf. Suddenly, blood spurted out of the wolf's face. Blood dripped on the ground as the wolf landed.

The Alpha Wolf winced in pain, then turned around to claw attack at her. Mary raised her sword and parried the claw. Their clash created sparks in the air.

She kicked the wolf right in the face, staggering it back. Before it could reorient itself, Mary moved forward, sword high above her head, and swung down.

"Heavy Blow!"

Her sword seemed heavier at that one moment. The blade slammed against the wolf's head, crashing it to the ground.

The Alpha Wolf leaped forward, and slashed at her. Blood came out of her right cheek.

"You're a disappointment to your parents," Mary said. She rushed forward and barraged it with a powerful attack. She slammed at the stomach, shaking the organs inside. Then as the wolf tried to counterattack, she drop the sword as a distraction and punched it right in the face.

The fist slammed against the wolf like a sledgehammer.

That was a wrong comparison.

It was like a fucking train.

"Is she human?" Aldred asked. How could anyone punch a giant wolf in the face? Who had the guts to do that?

Mary was weaker than the Alpha Wolf, but her skills and battle experiences were far more than the wolf. That was the tricky part about fighting someone or something intelligent. They couldn't be defeated with brute strength alone.

The Alpha Wolf and Mary go at it against each other. She dodged its attack and returned her own anytime she had the chance. This time, the Alpha Wolf couldn't even touch her clothes.

"Damn. That girl is too OP," Aldred commented.

Mary pushed the ground with her feet and pummeled the Alpha Wolf as if it was cookie dough. Slamming left and right, the Alpha Wolf could only cry in despair.

Soon, she noticed the wolf's limb trembled in weakness. But, even with that, the wolf sped up and circled around her. Suddenly, the wolf blurred and there were two of them now. And then another one appeared.

Three Alpha Wolf? That had to be the skill Three Moon Image. So which one was real?

The three wolves lunged at her. Mary kept her calm. She breathed in and closed her eyes. Like a dance of nature, she twisted to the left. Wind breezed through her, fluttering her short, black hair. She stepped forward. Cold wind narrowly passed her nape and back.

With two movement, she dodged all three Alpha Wolf!

The Alpha Wolves attacked relentlessly. But her dance was unobstructed. Just as the wolves were about to attack once again. Mary slammed the real Alpha Wolf with her shoulder. Then with blurry speed, she slashed to the right, across the wolf's nose.

The wolf howled for one last time before it fell to the ground.

"Wow," Aldred said. "She's so powerful."

"Hey!" Mary shouted. "Don't get distracted!"

"What?" Aldred asked.

A Dire Wolf lunged at him, biting his arms.

"Ah!" Aldred placed his palm on the wolf and blasted its head with a flame jet. He was surrounded by the wolves. They attacked his undead ogres with better coordination. Some of the ogres were even locked to the ground, unable to move. They ripped its limbs apart.

"Damn it!" Aldred raised his hand. "Become my undead!"

The dead wolves around him were engulfed by darkness. It expanded and undead wolves came out of the black mist.

"Haha! This is the power of a necromancer!"

The undead wolves rushed forward and ferociously bit on the wolves' neck. Wolf against wolf, now this was a show to see.

Using his magic, Aldred fired fireball upon fireball at the wolves. But something unexpected happened. All the wolves stopped attacking the undead ogres and undead wolves. They leaped away and rushed at him.

Aldred flinched. He quickly reacted and activated flames jet on his palms. Flame spewed out. He flew into the air, but the wolves already leaped at him. They caught his leg, making his hand aimed at the wrong places. His flight became uncontrollable and he fell to the grasses.

The wolves dug his skin with their teeth, pulling out a chunk of meat.

"Ahh! You bastard!" Aldred blasted them with his flame jet, but more wolves came.

Mary saw this and hastened her movement. She rushed with incredible speed. She must not let the kid die. He was the empress' weapon. When she arrived, her swords spun with blood. The wolves' necks were cut off.

Their heads went to the sky before they rolled to the ground.

Mary set her gaze on the boy and noticed he was fatally wounded. He trembled in pain. His breathing was weak. Blood drenched his clothes.

Something triggered in her heart. She looked at the boy with pity, and it tore her chest just looking at him. His life was in danger! She had to help him!

Quickly running to the carriage, she grabbed a bag of first aid before returning to his side. She wrapped the wounds with bandages before giving him some painkillers. The pain would still be there, but at least it lessened a little bit.

Tears came out of his eyes. "Will I die?"

Her heart thumped in sadness and despair like a mother watching her son on his deathbed. Why did she feel like this? Why was the boy in front of her looked so important right now?

She grabbed his hand and held it tight. "You will be fine. Let me bring you to the carriage."

"No. Stay here. I don't want to stay in the dark."

"Yes." Mary kept watching him. His breathing improved. His wound was fatal, but he shouldn't die anytime soon. That was good. She felt relief.

"Lady," Aldred called.

"Yes?" Mary said with a sweet tone.

"I never once got your name."

"It's Mary."

"Mary," Aldred smiled. He closed his eyes. "What a beautiful name."