
What was the reason the Uidah never went all out to conquer Dyon's home universe? Of course, the Pakals were one reason, but if one had power waiting for them on a platter, would you let something like that stop you? It would be worth it to take a hit from the Pakals if it meant becoming an Emperor God Clan.

The most poignant reason is that every milestone of Faith provided a unique opportunity. The stronger the universe used as a milestone, the greater boon there would be.

[Author's Note: This was the original reason given many volumes ago before the structure of Celestial Quadrant was explained. Both are valid reasons, just that one is more important than the other].

The Uidah were reluctant to have Dyon's home universe as their 25th because it was simply far too weak. If they entered the Emperor God Clan ranks with it, it might be better if they had just remained a King God Clan. This was how important it was.

For similar reasons, Dyon wanted Soul Universe to be his Comet Grade Empire milestone. He wanted the day he conquered it to be the founding day of his Mortal Empire as well…

Also, Soul Universe held a symbolic meaning to him. This was the place the Celestial Deer Sect once thrived before it moved to his home universe. Using it as a steppingstone to form a Comet Grade Empire had endless depths to its significance. Such seemingly useless symbolism was quite potent when it came to accumulating Faith.

Still, this truth might have been ignored by Dyon previously if he hadn't experienced it himself. After officially becoming an Emperor God Clan, he realized that these milestones began to really count once one became an Emperor God Clan.

For his 25th Universe, Dyon chose Pakal Universe just as an experiment. Upon completion, he smiled when he realized the significance, thanking himself for his foresight.

Now, those born within the Sacharro Clan would be born with bodies about 1% stronger on average. In addition, there would be a marginal increase body cultivation talent.

Though these matters seemed small, when applied on a scale of countless individuals, the benefits would stack up. 1% was marginal at the Foundation Realm, but what about the Dao Realm? Could it be ignored then?

After conquering 50 universes, this percentage increased to 2%. After 75, it increased to 3%.

Dyon realized then just what milestone universes represented. He couldn't just nonchalantly choose as he pleased. These matters would dictate the future of his Empire.

Finally, there was Dyon's home universe. Not much needed to be said about this at all. How could Dyon conquer a Universe Spirit that no longer existed? His hands were completely tied…

Dyon sighed. It seemed his only path toward becoming a Comet Grade Empire would be to either attack the 99 universes, or take the Mortal Plane Federation more seriously.

"Why don't you use the 30 universes, Big Brother?" Zaire asked, munching away at a beast leg three times the size of his head.

Dyon hadn't eaten in so long he practically lost himself in a sea of dishes. Watching him eat everything from whale to wyvern meat and eyeing his toned physique, many couldn't help but wonder just where all the food went.

The worst part was that his actions were having a direct effect on the little princess who seemed to have a void in her stomach the same size as her father's. Sitting on Dyon's lap, Little Alauna alternated between eating spoonfuls of cherry ice cream and chicken wings. Her little belly hardly even bulged.

"The 30 universes haven't gone through any catastrophic events, but remember that they were fused into one. Currently, Researcher Ton is working on a formula for them, but it might take a few years to complete. Still, a couple years is better than several millennia, so we can only be patient."


Zaire finally understood. He thought his elder brother was making a foolish mistake before. He remembered Dyon complaining about how he couldn't gain Emperor Grade Faith before battling the Pakals and Ragnors. Back then, he had wondered if Dyon had just forgotten about the 30 universes he already had under his control from Water Mist Quadrant, but it seemed he had already thought of it.

"I was a bit too eager in trying to conquer both Celestial Quadrant and the 99 universes in just 100 years honestly. I was trying to overcompensate for with what I thought would be a lack of culture with numbers, but that ended up working itself out. For now, let's focus on the 131 universes under our control.

"The 30 universes always provided us with more resources than we could ever use, but now we finally have a true population to filter those resources to. We should be able to grow rapidly as long as everything goes to plan."

Because of Dyon's performance against Oshire, a large majority of the Mortal Alliance revered him. In addition, thanks to his public execution of the Ragnor and Pakal nobles, not to mention 'Project Goddess' – a plan where he shamelessly used the beauty of his wives to have them confused with goddesses – public support for his rule was at a high among them as well.

The Uidah presented a bit of a unique problem, but with a bit of finesse, Dyon was able to handle it as well.

First, he used Kaeara and Alidor to set the record straight on those matters of 50 years ago, exposing the rotting underbelly of the Uidah elite. Then, he used the Uidah Sons and Daughters under his control to ease the acceptance of his rule.

Following this, it went quite well. The only resister was Nora, the former First Celestial Daughter. It seemed she wasn't taking things very well at all. But, Dyon had his own plans for these matters.

Still, Dyon wasn't content. Looking around at the large dinner table, filled with family and friends, he couldn't help but feel comfortable.