
King Uidah's temper seemed to flair, but he calmed it in an instant, knowing that his anger was useless. If he was going to die, he would keep his dignity as a King. In the afterworld, he would apologize to his Ancestors for his incompetence.

"Almost 50 years ago, you slaughtered a Clan of innocents individuals."

"Innocent?" King Uidah spat to the ground below, a swath of blood following suit. "There is no such thing in the martial world. The Guatama has blood on their hands. You just aren't aware because you were a child."

"Is that so? Then I guess this was your justification for murdering a Clan of people you once called family? How many of your concubines once carried the name Guatama? How many of your Clansmen carry Guatama blood even if they do not carry our name?

"Did my grandfather not call you son? Did my father not call you brother?! DID I NOT CALL YOU UNCLE?!"

Alidor's voice boomed, a swirling tempest of Ethereal Permeation washing over the city below.

King Uidah flinched at Alidor's sudden outburst. He had known Alidor since his youth, he had always been a child of few words and even fewer emotions. The fact he lost control of himself in this instant spoke volumes.

Still, what was even more shocking was the depth of his cultivation. In the Uidah Clan, their staple Will was Ethereal Permeation. They had special blood that allowed them to comprehend this will a bit better than others.

However, even still, their best Clansmen only reached the 6th or 7th will level. Even King Uidah himself was only at the 7th will level. Despite this, because Ethereal Permeation was a Supreme Law, its strength was undeniable. Even at such a low level, it had a multiplicative effect on all of your techniques and gave your strikes a persistent damage effect.

Yet… Somehow… This youth who was only a fraction of his age… Was at the 9th Intent level!

"You can try to justify it how you like, but you yourself know how much of a coward you are.

"You speak of strength, but it was it your strength that destroyed my Guatama Clan? Or was it your underhanded schemes and outside help that did?"

Alidor sneered, knowing by King Uidah's reaction that he was perfectly correct.

"That's the kind of strength the mighty King Uidah hangs his hat on, huh?"

Alidor's piercing gaze met the King's. "Do you want to know why your children betrayed you?

"You spent all of that effort scheming like a little rat to kill my loved ones that you began to fear being backstabbed yourself, hm? So what did your minor intellect conclude? Something like 'If I place my flesh and blood at the best and highest positions, I'll never be betrayed', is that right?"

King Uidah trembled fiercely, his eyes reddening. Whatever so-called calm exterior he had vanished.

"But how could someone of such pitiful intelligence realize that the harder you pushed your so-called flesh and blood, the more you expected from them, the more competition you created amongst them, the less and less they would see you as a father."

Alidor's sneer deepened as King Uidah's world seemed to collapse.

"You can go off to the next world now. I wonder how your Uidah Ancestors will react knowing you spit in the face of the brotherhood of two Clans they built with their blood and tears, only to lose it all in a single lifetime. You're truly quite "strong"."

Those were the final words King Uidah heard before his head was severed from his neck.

His bodiless head spun in the air, a clear look of despair etched into his face.

Like this, the Celestial Quadrant became the domain of the Mortal Alliance. To many cultivators, just creating a King God Clan in their lifetime would be a momentous feat. In fact, for many throughout history, this was the absolute peak that could be accomplished in a single lifetime. Only the Demon Sage and a few others managed to become infinitesimally close, only to fail at the final step.

However, Dyon had succeeded. In fact, he hadn't conquered just 25 universes, but a total of 101.

Soon, he began to sweep through the universe spirits one after another. In just three months, he had conquered 98 universes and the Faith of the Sacharro Clan surged.

At this point, Dyon ran into a bit of a dilemma. The only remaining universes in this quadrant were Chaos Universe, Soul Universe, and his home universe.

Unfortunately, each of these universes came with problems of their own problems.

Chaos Universe's changes couldn't be mapped by Researcher Ton's Big Bang Formula. After going through a catastrophic change, the universe had deviated too much from its initial path of growth. In order to map its lands, a new equation would have to be computed. The issue was that it was simply too difficult a task to accomplish.

Chaos Universe was filled with pockets of time qi of varying wave lengths and densities. Essentially, even by taking a single step, you could enter a completely new environment with a completely different timeline. Trying to account for all of these changes, especially when they weren't static, was near impossible.

Without an appropriate formula, it would be impossible to generate a map. Without the ability to generate a map, it would be impossible to find its Universe Spirit in a short time.

Clans sometimes spent hundred to thousands of years, even more, carefully mapping out universes before using complex astrological computations to find the location of Universe Spirits. Researcher Ton had cut all of this work out for Dyon, allowing him to instantly find their locations. However, now they were facing a roadblock.

Soul Universe was another issue. At this point, Dyon still wasn't absolutely confident in taking control of it, he knew it would be a tough battle.

In reality, this wasn't the biggest issue. Though he wasn't 100% confident, he was still 90%. If Soul Universe was the 100th universe on his docket, he wouldn't even hesitate for a single moment. Unfortunately, it wasn't his 100th… If he conquered it now, it would be his 99th…