
Silver Deema. Silver Ginny. Both of them were his beloved older sisters of the previous generation. He had thought the both of them died tragic deaths within Chaos Universe, but to think they hadn't died warriors' deaths but instead had been forced into this scumbag's bed.

Silver Fang's rage caused his blood to boil, a bestial growl escaped his lips that sounded as though it came from his true enlarged form, rather than his far smaller human form.

It wasn't just him. Members of the Earth, Crystal and Viper Clans all looked toward Patriarch Raven with an unbridled, seething rage in their eyes.

"Y-y-you! How dare you slander me!"

A pressure descended from the skies. The Presence was so fierce that Patriarch Raven fell from his seated position, his face crashing into the marbled ground below.

Oddly enough, the blow wasn't fierce enough to crack the ground despite being strong enough to treat a dao expert like a ragdoll. Dyon's control over his energy had reached untold heights.

"Neale Raven will be nothing more than a dog. Once the war is over, he and everyone else responsible for unforgivable crimes will be sentenced to death."

Hearing Dyon's words, and seeing Neale's cheek pressed flush against the ground, though the various upper echelon members couldn't say they felt good, they at least felt much better.

A mournful howl left Silver Fang's lips. Maybe under the moonlight, such a sound would be beautiful, but Dyon could only see the sorrow in his face.

Little Alauna silently gripped her father's large hand, only then did she feel secure. Her thoughts were simplistic as she was still a child, but she knew she never wanted to see her father act in this way.


"Did you have fun?" Luna smiled, scooping the small bundle of joy that was Alauna into her frail arms. The little girl really was spoiled too much, wherever she went, she was showered with love.

Alauna wanted to reply with her usual enthusiastic yes, but for the first time, she looked back at her father with sad eyes. She wanted to say no, but she thought she would hurt Dyon's feelings if she did. She didn't want her father to think that she didn't like spending time with him.

Dyon smiled, rubbing her little head. "It's okay, you can say no. Remember, honesty is important for a princess."

Little Alauna relaxed under her father's assurance.

"Today was sad, momma. A lot of big boys cried today, but it wasn't a happy crying like daddy either." Alauna large hazel-green eyes slightly watered, causing Dyon's heart to tighten.

But he shook his head, he knew he couldn't continue to be too soft. He saw Alauna as his heir. With how the martial world functioned, it was very possible he would never have another child in his lifetime. He didn't want to treat her with kid gloves just because she was his daughter or just because she was a girl.

He had meant what he said. If he told his little girl in one breath that women could be strong too, then treated her differently because she was one, wouldn't he be slapping himself in the face?

Dyon also didn't want to raise a child who only knew how to rely on him. He would spoil Alauna with everything he had, but he also understood the value of being a bit hard hearted at times. Alauna was only just about to reach her second birthday, so Dyon wouldn't go too far in this regard, but he trusted his little girl to grow up strong.

Luna understood Dyon's intentions so only silently listened to Alauna's feelings. The little girl had a gift for storytelling, even making a question for painting colors seem lively. So, when she was talking about something that affected her deeply, though her vocabulary was simple, it had a way of making people feel how she felt.

"What do you think, Little Precious? How should big bad guys be dealt with?" Luna asked.

Alauna fell into silence, she didn't know how to answer. She could only pout.

"Why can't everybody just be good?" She said in a weak voice.

Dyon sighed inwardly.

"Come, that's enough for today. You wanted ice cream, right? Dad will take you little ones to go get ice cream."

The seemingly depressed Alauna suddenly livened up, excitedly squirming in her mother's arms.

"I want cherry ice cream!"

Dyon smiled though he felt uncomfortable inwardly. It seemed being a parent was even more difficult than he thought.


Though Dyon always set aside time everyday for Alauna, his clones were constantly working. In addition, after leaving Alauna to Luna, Delia, or any one of his wives depending on the day, his main body would set off to work as well.

When facing the Ragnors and the Pakals, and eventually the Uidah, Dyon didn't want to use the same tricks. At least for now, he kept it in his back pocket that he was able to attack the Ragnors and Pakals even when the Gates were closed.

As of now, Dyon controlled 22 universes. Chaos Universe, Celestial Universe, Soul Universe, Universe One through Eighteen, and finally, King Universe.

Among these universes, he had conquered the spirit of 19 of them, leaving only Chaos Universe, Celestial Universe and Soul Universe untamed.

Chaos and Soul Universe had Universe Spirits Dyon felt might still be too powerful for him to handle, while Celestial Universe had its Universe Spirit taken over by the slumbering Entity.

If Dyon had tamed all 22 universes, he likely would have made a quick push to conquer 3 more to officially step into the ranks of Emperor God Clan. If he could do this, his chance of success against the Pakals, and especially the Ragnors, would skyrocket. Unfortunately, he was 6 universes away, not just 3.

One had to understand that though major divisions in Faith depending on how close to the Main Line you were existed, there were also the divides between tiers of Clans and Sects. The Faith wielded by a Peak King God Clan like the Uidah was vastly inferior to Faith wielded by even the lowest Emperor God Clan.