
Though they had already guessed them much, the various elders and geniuses of their Five Core Clans couldn't help but feel uncomfortable in their hearts. If this was just a single plot… How many more plots did this young man have?

"From this day forth, you all will be a part of my Mortal Alliance. However, for now, this title will only be in name. The reason I've called this meeting is to inform you all what the others already know. The conquering of your territories was just the beginning, within two to three years, I plan on taking down the Ragnor's, the Pakal's and Uidah's."

A sharp breath seemed to be collectively taken in. Though they found such a prospect ridiculous, were they really in a place where they could refute? Their territory, which had stood for tens of thousands of years, crumbled in just three months. Though they were the weakest of the four… Wasn't this much proof enough of the possibility?

"Speak your concerns now. Until you are properly ingratiated into our Alliance, it's impossible for you to receive the same benefits as those others under my charge. But, I'm willing to listen to your opinions now as we prepare for the next battle."

Dyon fell into silence, waiting patiently as they gathered up their courage. One of the biggest problems with suddenly gaining new subordinates was that they didn't understand his disposition as a leader. So they would always feel as though they were walking on eggshells.

By now, it was too late for them to even think of retaliating. By the time they realized Dyon wasn't actually a Pakal and didn't have access to their massive stores of Faith, he had already conquered their universes, stripping them of their only means to fight back.

It was then that everyone's gaze fell on the bitterly smiling Silver Fang. It seemed they wanted to rely on his relationship with Dyon to negotiate softer terms for themselves.

Silver Fang suddenly understood why Dyon had smiled at him. To think he was being used to sooth tensions. What a funny circumstance.

Taking a deep breath, he began to speak.

"Esteemed leader, though you are indeed powerful, we're also aware that you've used… some profound technique to take control of many of our underlings. Do you plan to continue this? How can we, as your new subjects, trust you like this?"

The elders suddenly regretted letting Silver Fang speak.

The elders of the Five Beast Clans suddenly tensed up, several nervous glances landing upon Dyon.

It had to be said that Patriarch Raven wasn't the only one who suffered at the hands of Dyon. Though the other Patriarchs were more cautious and joined the battle at later and more strategic timings, their endings were fairly similar.

They were very aware of the fact Dyon only didn't kill them because he had use for them as subordinates. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Considering his power, Dyon could eradicate them all single handedly.

Surprisingly, though, Dyon didn't seem to lose his temper. Or, maybe, he didn't particularly see a reason to. Was there a need for a god to become enraged at the ramblings of an ant? But his words truly surprised them… He seemed to be… Justifying himself?

"Your concerns are valid, so I will share my thoughts." Dyon nodded toward Silver Fang. "The control I've exhibited over your fellow beasts can simply be seen as an act of war. I will not apologize for the means I've used to subdue them, nor will I feel guilty about.

"As for moving forward from now, you should be aware that I have no plans on continuing to do such things. The only exceptions to this rule will be those who don't intend to listen. As for those wild characters, I cannot afford to have them act as they please, so they will be sealed under my abilities.

"As of now, the only person who falls under this category is Patriarch Raven. The rest of you will remain under the control of your own freewill, but will have to sign soul contracts that bind you as members of my Mortal Alliance.

"Once the war has concluded, your illegitimate status will be lifted and you will be properly assimilated into what will then be our Mortal Empire. The soul contract we will sign will have this stipulation attached to it as well, so you don't need to worry about my reneging on my word."

Though Dyon's explanation was concise and even understandable, it was no surprise that those of the Raven Clan had ugly expressions on their faces.

The impulsive Patriarch Raven couldn't control his temper. Dyon had long since placed a seal within his mind, so he was unable to attack, but that didn't stop him from lashing out with his words.

"DO YOU EXPECT US TO BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE SOME SORT OF GOD?!" Patriarch Raven raged, his temper flaring.

"'Wild Characters'? Do you get to pick and choose who you want to control as you please?! It's obvious you want to control me as a deterrent to these weaklings! Don't think you're fooling anyone!"

Dyon didn't even need to respond. Even before the remaining four Clans could express their dissatisfaction for Patriarch Raven's words, Lyla had already acted.

"Neale Raven. 303 409 years old. Has had one wife and one son in his life, followed by an illegitimate son. At least… This is the story the Raven Clan peddles.

"The truth is that Neale Raven has had hundreds of illegitimate sons and daughters. In order to escape the scrutiny of his Clan and their strict Laws, he's always had both them and their mothers killed.

"As for who these poor women were? Silver Deema. Silver Ginny. Ann Earth. Kaesa Earth. Taborda Crystal. Arola Crystal. Jexy Viper. Alis Viper.

"These are just eight of the most notable women that have disappeared in the last 100 years. Each and every one of their fates was more disastrous than the last. And all of them died after being forced underneath this sorry excuse of a Patriarch.

"Do you still feel the need to question my big brother?"

Lyla sent a sharp gaze toward Silver Fang, but the latter was already ashen faced.