
"To defend the honor of our Sapientia Clan, we will do what's necessary. Nothing is more important to a Clan than their faith." The man spoke, his cold, almost lazy eyes boring holes into Dyon's body. He seemed intent on stopping the second female from saying anything she didn't have to. Maybe the Sapientia were still eager to protect their image for whatever reason. There didn't seem to be a reason why such a powerful Clan would need the tower quadrants… Maybe there was a hidden something Dyon was unaware of. He would have to look through Jade's information once more.

"Hmm." Dyon looked off into the distance. "By now, not only Sapientia Corner, but every Sapientia stronghold on the saint floors has been destroyed."

The three dao experts froze.

"You see, I've been busy for the past two years and couldn't bother to deal with the infestation that was your Clan, but… I have quite a few bones to pick."

Dyon stepped forward. His proximity to the leading female dao expert was closed to less than a meter, causing those watching below to hold their breaths.

Even for a celestial, a meter distance couldn't even be discussed in terms of seconds, it could only be communicated in terms of fractions of a second. For a dao expert, this reality was far more exaggerated. Even at a 100-meter distance, a dao expert could slaughter a celestial in the blink of an eye, let alone at a distance of less than a meter.

But, when they looked at the faces of the three dao experts, they couldn't help but be shocked.

The three of them seemed to struggling against something. Their faces were red, and green veins bulged from their foreheads. Sweat even began to mat the body the body of the leading female dao expert who took the brunt of Dyon's rage.

"Two years ago, the Sapientia didn't just attack one of my wives, they actually had the audacity to attack three of them. My Madeleine, my Ri, my Clara… Imagine my rage when I exited my training to learn of such a thing. Tsk…"

Dyon's eyes swept over the dao experts. "Oh? Do you feel that?"

Dyon's Presence raised another notch before disappearing. "Sorry, my anger got the best of me. I really didn't expect that the mighty Sapientia would send out their dao experts without protection."

The release was so sudden that the three dao experts stumbled in the air, their faces reddening with embarrassment. However, the three of them realized that this young man couldn't be allowed to live any longer. Dyon's speed of progress was too fast.

As though having planned beforehand, the moment they believed Dyon's arrogance had got the best of him, three attacks suddenly surged forward. How could they know that even as dao experts… Their movements were incredibly slow to Dyon…?

A massive golden dragon scale appeared in the air. Dyon's body expanded by one size in an instant before concentrating back down, his bulging muscles coursing with refined mercury as his body heated the air.

A fiery steam left his lips. '[Titan Emperor's Will. First Act. Second Stage].'

Dyon's strength skyrocketed by 40 times. The moment their three attacks landed on the dragon scale, they realized that their supposedly easy mission had become a nightmare.

Dyon's calm expression turned savage. Pent of rage that had been brewing within his chest for years rose up.

Dyon didn't bring Ri and Clara here to show off like he said. They were his wives, not his trophies.

They knew how he felt, they could see into his soul just like he could see into theirs. He brought them here to bear witness to his revenge for them.

In an instant, Dyon layered the dragon scale with saint grade bold type energy and [Cleanse], his golden wings blooming into existence.

The moment he stepped into the silver silk stage, he had a breakthrough in his [Titan Emperor's Will], allowing him to access the second of nine stages.

What kind of power did a 40 times multiplier provide?... In simple terms… It was devastating.

All three dao experts were blasted backward, their expressions changing to horror as they felt their arms nearly break in on themselves.

[Cleanse] was too powerful. Even without using it with holy type energy, the three of them felt as though their energy had been suddenly ripped away from them. And, to make matters worse, the moment their fists landed on the golden dragon scale, they were assaulted by a fierce Dragon Soul layered atop Dyon's Presence that not only reflected their attacks, but multiplied them several fold.

Dyon's arm retracted, causing the dragon scale to shrink and spin around him. It moved so quickly that it became like a halo of gold, matching the ring to Dyon's back that held his wings.


Dyon stood in the skies like a God. His skin glistened as though carved of diamond. His golden wings shone downward like a divine decree. And his hands spread outward, welcoming hundreds of royal blue arrays in an instant.

It felt as though a bloody hell descended upon Low Sapientia City. The cognitive dissonance was simply too striking.

The blue arrays were beautiful, and the spears that slowly appeared from their depths were even more so. They shone like sapphires purified by a dragon's breath…

However, the feeling they gave off was anything but purified. Those who watched felt their hearts quake, a deep sense of inevitability of death overwhelming their senses.

[Torment]. The second stage of Dyon's [Judgement] arrays.

"[Accelerate]." Gears of gold spun within Dyon's eyes as an Armageddon of falling blue meteors descended from the skies.


The martial world watched on in shock as Dyon unleashed his fury upon three dao experts. Whenever they tried to stand or recover, even flee, another word would leave Dyon's lips that destroyed their attempts. It was as though Dyon was a predator, playing with his prey…


Another attempt to gather atmospheric qi was destroyed by a single word.