
Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal Godchapter 1695: three seconds

Who was Clara truly? What was her connection to the Sacharro Clan? Who was the red-headed beauty that saved her? Did the Sapientia really cheat Clara? Or were the Sapientia tricked by the Sacharro Clan into building the Mortal Network for them?

The wild speculations ran rampant with no explanation. Even Dyon himself seemed to ignore these matters entirely, something that seemed odd for his personality.

Dyon's wife was attacked and even launched a counterattack on the Sapientia, yet Dyon suddenly appeared in the Enigmatic Sect with the same red-headed beauty that saved Clara? And come to find out that this red-headed beauty was also his wife?

The martial world was lit afire again and the speculation became even more wild.

People began to wonder what Dyon was thinking. He had just finished antagonizing the Sapientia, and now he was antagonizing the Enigmatic Sect as well? Some even believed that Dyon was expressing some sort of dissatisfaction with Madeleine.

Not only had Madeleine not appeared for two years, she had seemingly left the Flaming Lily Sect hanging.

The Flaming Lily Sect disciples were completely without protection, and now that the two-year mark was almost up, the safeguard around Middle Lily City was about to collapse. Any way you looked at it, it seemed that not only had Dyon abandoned them, but so had Madeleine.

All of this was only further fueled by Dyon's silence.

The usually loud and boisterous young man, willing to lay waste to anyone and anything that dared touch his reverse scales, had suddenly disappeared. Like a flash in a pan, he vanished.

That was until just two weeks remained to that two-year mark.

The whole world watched as Dyon appeared once more on the lower celestial floor with two beauties by his side.

Some immediately realized that his appearance and demeanor had changed vastly… There was a heavy pressure around him that hadn't been there before, it felt as though the whole world was bending around him violently, as though even if things weren't meant to go his way, that they would anyway.

But that was when a shocking realization overcame them. The two beauties by his side… Alexandria Snow… Clara Gallagher…

The martial world felt as though a nuclear bomb had been set off. Waves of devastation tore through the Mortal Network as thousands of articles and videos were posted in an instant.

The world suddenly understood. They understood why the masked wife stealer had completely humiliated True God Anak all those years ago, they suddenly understood that Diasho Ken's action in Sapientia City, questioning whether or not he treated Ri well after going so far to defense Madeleine, had been completely out of line, they finally understood that Jaws and Dyon had always been one in the same.

However, maybe it was because of all of these sudden jaw dropping realizations that the last thing everyone noticed was where Dyon had appeared. In all their shock and awe, it took them too long to understand the gravity behind where Dyon had chosen to make his reappearance.

After two years, completely gone from the public eye, Dyon had suddenly reappeared above Low Sapientia City as his arm slowly raised forward.

"The Sapientia have no place among the tower quadrants any longer. If you don't want to die, I'll give you 3 seconds to piss off."

Dyon stood above Low Sapientia City, his calm eyes looking on with an indifferent expression.

Even after all the mud slung onto their reputation, the Sapientia's roots were too deep. If they were shaken by only one rumor and a few eyewitnesses, their power would be nothing more than a joke.

In addition, as ironic as it may seem, the Mortal Network gave the Sapientia a beautiful platform to defend themselves. Because Dyon took his mortal world's internet as a template, the Mortal Network was a free space that didn't shadow ban anyone, including the Sapientia.

However, Dyon didn't care about winning public perception and support. That much would already naturally happen by the end of these matters. All he cared about was venting some frustration. If the Sapientia believed that they could just continue their life of leisure here, they were sorely mistaken.

In truth, the Sapientia city was already far more barren than it would be usually. With Dyon cornering all of the markets they previously controlled, there were less and less reasons to visit their cities. In fact, with the creation of the Mortal Library, the Sapientia were no longer the center of knowledge either.

Knowing all of this, it could be said that Dyon was beating an already dead horse. But, he had his own purpose. Namely…

Just as Dyon was thinking to this point, powerful auras surged from all sides.

Dyon smirked. 'Couldn't even wait a full second, could you?'

Three Lower Dao experts came surging in from three different directions. There was no surprise. Each of them wore crystal framed glasses of various colors and had piercing golden eyes and dark brunette hair. They were, without a doubt, members of the Sapientia Clan.

They were led by a woman dressed in a tight traditional Chinese cheongsam. If was patterned with golden flowers accented by a fiery red.

Behind her, a man and a woman followed.

Dyon could clearly see the flickers of condescension and faint rage hidden behind their golden pupils, but he continued to stand in the air.

"I must be really important to you all. To think that you'd respond so quickly after my being gone for two years."

The leading woman frowned. Dyon shouldn't be calm. It didn't make sense for any celestial to remain calm in the face of a dao expert. Something wasn't adding up.

"Do you believe your Sacharro Clan is invincible just because it has one Higher Existence?" The only other female Sapientia sneered at Dyon's words. "Retract your slander against our Sapientia Clan and maybe we can allow you to leave here today."

Dyon smiled. "And if I don't? What will you do? Will you kill me?"