
Secondly, they had no idea that this Heaven's Child controlled the Timeless Library. And thirdly, to hear that three individuals they thought of as family had betrayed them in this way… it was hard to swallow.

Heaven's Children were, in a lot of ways, lonely individuals. Though they weren't immortal, they lived for such a long time that they dwarfed even Transcendents. The only people they could form bonds with, grow with, were their fellow Heaven's Children. The betrayal of even one of them was devastating, let alone three.

"M… Mistress." Ariel looked up at Luna who stood elegantly to Dyon's side. Despite the betrayal, she had a smile on her face she still couldn't wipe away. Every time she looked over to see Little Alauna giggling with her father, she felt a scolding heat in her chest. "W-who is this man?"

Hearing the question, Luna snapped awake.

"He…" Luna didn't know what to say. What should she call Dyon?

"I'm her man of course." Dyon smiled.

His word choice was perfect. He didn't distance himself away from Luna, but at the same time, he didn't make the decision to accept her without the input of his wives first.

These words alone left Luna with a feeling of content that couldn't be described.

Still, to hear such things, the six Heaven's Children were in shock.

Luna smiled brightly. For them, who were used to seeing her stoic and brooding image, this shocked them even more.

"This is the father of my child. And this, this is Alauna, my little baby girl."

"Hi, hi!" Alauna waved happily, sitting on Dyon's shoulders and playing with his brownish silver hair.

"So she wasn't an illusion…" The Heaven's Children muttered.

"Are you all wondering why they chose these three but didn't approach you all?" Dyon looked at them and asked.

The six looked surprised at Dyon's words. Was he a Heaven's Child who read minds or something?

"The answer is pretty simple. They didn't think bring you all to their side would be useful."

They frowned at Dyon's words, but couldn't find room to refute. There was no doubt that Aslan and Caspian were a cut above them. Then there was Maura who had great use in certain situations as well. It could be said that the six of them were less 'useful', while Luna was simply too powerful to approach without certain countermeasures – those measures being Little Alauna.

"There are individuals in existence right now who want nothing more than to throw the Mortal Plane into an endless chaos. And, for them to do this, they want you all out of the way. Instead of trying to control you all, they chose to limit their allies to the most useful of you while also choosing to do away with the rest. Makes you angry, doesn't it?"

Of course, what Dyon didn't tell them was that Aslan, Caspian and Maura also didn't survive into the future. But, he felt it was more useful to manipulate their emotions using this tactic.

"You don't have to manipulate us." Rudy said straightforwardly. "As long as Mistress Unblemished orders us, we'll follow her to the ends of the earth. It's only thanks to her that we have a place to call home. If she tells us to follow and trust you, we'll follow and trust you."


The meeting with the Heaven's Children ended far easier than Dyon expected. He had no one else to thank but Luna. Though she had been betrayed, she had cultivated many loyalists as well.

At the moment, Dyon was watching over the sleeping Alauna with a smile on his face. This was the one thing he had never been able to witness before since Luna always took Alauna away when it was time for her to sleep. Such little things filled him with joy.

After a few hours, Dyon finally decided that he couldn't waste time away fawning over his daughter. If he wanted Alauna to live carefreely, he had to put in the appropriate amount of work.

"Tell me about your Unblemished Lands." Dyon sent a gaze toward Luna, sighing inwardly. He wanted to take her into his arms, but there were some things that were more complicated when you boneheadedly decided on more than one wife like he had. He could only maintain a healthy distance for now.

Luna didn't seem to mind. If anything, she was quite content. This was already more than she expected.

"The Sprite Alliance is on the verge of controlling 100 quadrants. You might know by now, but that was the purpose of the Star Clan branch family they sent to your tower quadrants. They were making plans to become a Planet Grade Alliance in preparation for the Ancient Battlefield's descent.

"I control 18 quadrants."

Dyon's brows shot upward. He had never expected Luna to control so much strength. If he was a normal man, he might feel embarrassed by the fact he couldn't match even a fraction of that.

"I've been masquerading as a Sprite for a very long time now, so I am considered to be one of the ruling Higher Existences of our Sprite Alliance. Still, I'm seen as an outsider because I rarely take part in their plans. It's bred some resentment over the years because they believe if they had my help, they would be stronger amongst of the five outer powers."

Dyon nodded. If he remembered correctly, only the Transcendent Beast Alliance and the Devil Quadrants were weaker. The Sapientia and the Nephilim should be the strongest. The Sprites likely felt that with their talent, they should be number one.

"This dissatisfaction reached a fever pitch recently. One of the four other Sprite Ruling Clans birthed a second Higher Existence. Because of this, it tipped the balance in their favor, allowing them to dominate the other three.

"Even though I, as the fifth, remained neutral, they insisted on bringing me into the fold. Matters became even worse once an oracle predicted the appearance of the Timeless Library was quickly approaching.

"They believed that the Timeless Library was the chance they needed to start leveling the playing field with the Sapientia and the Nephilim. But, I refused once more. That is what led to these events."