
Rudy – One with the Earth. He had the ability to manipulate the earth to his whim. It was a lack luster ability compared to the three traitors, but it was quite useful if applied correctly. For example, mining with his help would become far easier. There were many ores and metals that were difficult to extract simply by virtue of their sturdiness or maybe their volatility in some instances, but Rudy could bring them out with ease. Dyon thought of many more applications than this as well – aiding soil fertility, building underground fortresses… The list was endless if one had the ability to freely manipulate the earth.

Monet – Beast Whisperer. She had the ability to calm beasts. As long as they didn't follow the human path, there was no beast she couldn't bring under her control. That included transcendent and supreme grade beasts . She made Dyon's Beast Compendium look like a joke. Monet's ability would be devastating against the Five Clan Beast Alliance of Dyon's home quadrant.

Though… Dyon couldn't help but wonder why a beast tamer didn't have any beasts with her.

Fox – Duplication. He had the ability to duplicate anything inanimate. As long as he was given time to gather energy, even duplicating a supreme grade treasure wasn't impossible. There were very few limitations to this. As long as the target didn't have a spirit – for example a weapon like the Dragon King's – and as long as it wasn't a Legendary object or an object with Legendary level capabilities, it could be duplicated given enough time and energy. Dyon could only imagine what this ability could do if paired with the seventh floor of the Sage Tower which could accumulate power from stars.

Unfortunately, pills weren't within Fox's capabilities because they were created from living herbs. This meant that anything that had an organic component could not be duplicated. That said, this wasn't a major loss considering the fourth floor of the Sage Tower could duplicate pills.

Ariel – One with Water. This ability looked simple on the surface, but its applications made Dyon feel a chill. Water wasn't limited to bodies of ocean or lake, water could be found within the human body. Ariel's control over such a thing made her abilities far less auxiliary than Rudy's and far more deadly. Though, Rudy could definitely use his abilities to cause destruction as well.

Her only limit was in dealing with targets with strong wills.

Bryzo – Absolute Deconstruction. Bryzo's abilities intrigued Dyon. She was able to deconstruct matter to its barest building blocks. This alone was a devastating ability, but it was the auxiliary ability that caught Dyon's attention. After deconstructing her target, she was able to understand it to its most minor of details. There was only limitation to this ability: her target couldn't have a will of its own.

Essentially, Bryzo's abilities were useless against living humans, but was great when applied defensively, reason being that her limitation didn't extend to things that gained will from outside influence. For example, a cultivator could technically apply their will to an attack, but Bryzo could still deconstruct said attack.

The only way for Bryzo's abilities to be thwarted is if her opponent's will is on the level of a martial intent, thus resulting in their will being perfectly fused into their actions, or, if her opponent was like Dyon who had their Presence fused into ever fiber of his being.

Still, what Dyon found Bryzo useful for wasn't battle, but rather the potential help she could provide the researchers. If she was given corpses to deconstruct, she could perfectly explain what it was that made certain races special and aid Researcher Curie and Kline in their DNA research. If she was given an Ore or metal, she could help Research Obrien in his atom research.

Almost as if fated, the final Heaven's Child would be a great help to Chancellor Lind in her pursuit of helping the untalented.

Nixie – Pathfinder. She had the ability to find the path of least resistance, no matter what the task might be. If it was battle, she was easily able to find a weak point. If it was travel, she was able to find the shortest or safest path depending on the requirements. And, if it was about a child's development, she could easily see what a child was most talented in. In addition, even if that child was unwilling to follow the path they were born for, she was able to find the best path for them along the route they chose.

If her ability to find the path was matched with Researcher Lind's abilities to nurture along that path, the youth of Dyon's Mortal Alliance would have very bright futures ahead of them.

This wasn't all either… With Nixie's abilities, couldn't she also greatly help Dyon in war? What were the weak points of his enemies, where should he apply pressure, when should he move forward and when should he retreat?

There was only one glaring limitation to Nixie's abilities, she had to either lay eyes on her target, or she had to understand them perfectly. This meant that she couldn't arbitrarily give Dyon an answer to 'how should I conquer the Mortal Plane' because there was no way for her to perfectly understand every aspect of the Mortal Plane or lay eyes on the whole of the Mortal Plane at once.

However, Dyon was unbothered by this limitation. Even if it was just these six, he saw that his path toward success had widened once more.

With Luna's help, Dyon easily rounded up Aslan, Caspian and Maura, jailing them within his inner world where their abilities were the weakest. In this land, Dyon was the god. They couldn't twitch without him being aware.

Dyon didn't bother hearing them out. He knew their purpose.

"They were in league with the Heaven's Child who controls the Timeless Library."

Dyon's words were heavy rock thrown in a calm lake.

First, these six, not to mention Luna herself, had no idea there was an eleventh Heaven's Child.