
Junior began to cough, the air that was stuck in his chest finally finding a path out. He really felt as though he would suffocate to death in those moments. No, he might have been directly crushed.

Dyon gripped his fists, but allowed Delia to pull him back in the end. He thought he was learning to control his emotions better in recent years, but there were some things that simply went too far. Defaming the graves of two girls he held a heavy guilt in his heart over was most definitely one of those things.

"What are you doing." Dyon squeezed out these words once more. If things continued like this, his jaw would shatter even with how sturdy his body was.

Junior continued to cough, attempting to clear his throat. "So hot tempered… I'm definitely more cool-headed than you."

Junior might not have been wrong, but him saying so definitely wasn't helping the situation. That was the ironic part. It seemed he still had the same way of pissing everyone off with his words that Dyon did.

When Dyon started his martial world journey, it was the Demon Sage's blood that made him run hot. But, his original bloodline, his Titan Emperor bloodline, is even a level above demon blood. He's an innately hot headed and antagonistic person.

Junior escaped that fate by having a different constitution entirely, but he was still as grating on the nerves as Dyon was.

"Obviously I wouldn't be digging up a grave for no reason, can you not see the death qi?"

"If that's your reasoning, I swear I'll dangle you from the skies by your feet and beat you with everyone on Soul Planet as an audience." Dyon's bulging vein only grew fiercer.

Over the past few days, every time the ground of soul planet was broken, a benign death qi would waft upward. It didn't matter where the ground was broken. Junior using the death qi as an excuse was like a person taking credit for curing an already healthy individual. You didn't discover anything, no matter where you broke the ground, death qi would have come up. So why did you do it above their graves?

Junior seemed to shiver at the thought of being spanked so publicly. He might have looked only 3 years old, but he had Dyon's pride and arrogance. He couldn't tolerate such a thing.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Try me you arrogant piece of shit!"

Delia felt her lip twitching watching these two argue with one another. Luckily, she had already covered Little Aiden's ears, so he didn't have to listen to such a vulgar shouting match.

Also, the irony wasn't lost on her. Dyon calling his clone an arrogant piece of shit was definitely a highlight.

"Listen! I wouldn't be doing something like this without a reason! The Life Stone didn't choose me as its owner, it chose them!"

Dyon wanted to shout back but he bit his tongue instead.

"What are you talking about…?"

"Don't you remember when Mia and Bella said they recognized you even with your mask on because you smelled familiar to them? Smelled inviting and nice, even?"

Seeing Dyon's confused face, Junior waved his hand as though he couldn't be bothered to explain any further.

"My clone?" Junior snorted. "This guy is an idiot, as if he could ever be my clone."

Junior went back to digging as though Dyon wasn't there, his little pale hands working away as fast as he could.


Dyon yanked Junior back by the back of his collar, dangling him in the air.

"Just shut up and let me do it."

Dyon grit his teeth and decided to trust Junior. He fixed the grave to make it seem as though nothing had happened before sending his sword qi outward and perfectly cutting out and lifting up their coffins from the ground.

Dyon never sent his divine sense into the graves of the twins. It was a matter of simple respect. But, when he saw the scene of their open coffins before him, he suddenly felt that he had made a massive mistake.

The Mia and Bella he had once known were no longer there. In their place there were two slumbering babies.

No, 'babies' wasn't the appropriate way to describe them, or maybe it was. Dyon wasn't entirely certain of the technical term, but they were both at least several months old, they looked to be approaching 1 years old. Too big to be babies, but too small to be toddlers…

Their appearances had changed as well. Of course, they looked identical, as they always had, but they had deep indigo colored hair that almost looked black unless the sun reflected upon them the right way. In addition, their hair was much longer than what one would expect for a child. Their coffins were lined with comfortable velvet cushions, but their hair was actually long enough to act as their blankets.

Their hair suddenly flickered, shifting from the deep indigo Dyon thought he saw before to a deep maroon. Moments later, it became a deep magenta. If Dyon had to describe it, it was as though Damaris' and Giralda's crystalline-like hair shimmering in pinks, light violets and blues had suddenly gone to the dark side.

Dyon couldn't see their eye color since they were in a deep sleep, but he had a feeling that their irises were similar.

This wasn't all that changed about the two of them. Their skin had a delicate grey glow to it. Despite the odd, clearly inhuman, tint, it didn't seem unnatural. In fact, it seemed perfect for them.

Their small bodies were covered in the very same ceremonial garments Mia and Bella had been buried in, making Dyon realize that this definitely wasn't a trick… This really was happening before his eyes.

'Did I really leave two babies here for almost a year?...'

This was the only explanation Dyon could come up with. Something happened after Mia and Bella died, causing them to revert to these youthful forms, and then they had slowly begun to grow once more to this point here.

An almost irrational fear overtook Dyon. What if it hadn't been for Junior? Just how long would they have stayed here? How much longer could they have survived? No, how did they even survive for this long?