
"Though… I don't want you to reconstruct bodies, I only want to use your research in the field of healing. Though the idea of extending one's life indefinitely is appealing, there's a limit to what a soul can handle. There's a reason why even transcendents cannot live forever. If one's mind collapses, it doesn't matter how good the condition of your body is."

Fara lowered his head and nodded in understanding. At the end of the day, his research was only useful for those whose souls had broken into the celestial realm. If yours hadn't, you'd never be able to move from one body to the next. And, even if it had, if your mind was collapsing, it was useless.

In addition, another thing Fara hadn't mentioned that Lyla silently told Dyon was that this second body would have far less potential than the first. Namely, the lifespan would be incredibly shortened to a tenth of what it once was. And this shrinking would stack as well… Simply put, Fara's methods weren't as good as the cloning technique Dyon received from the valley of geniuses.

One relied on the power of the Heavens, while the other tried to circumvent and fool the Heavens. This was to be expected. The Heavens were quite petty in that way.

Still, Dyon wasn't disappointed. If Fara's research was combined with Kline and Curie's DNA research, his path to revitalizing the celestial hamster and dream panther races was right before him.

There might be a limit to building a new body for yourself to cheat death, but what if you instead used stem cells to reconstruct your original body itself? The possibilities were endless.

Dyon kept these thoughts to himself. For now, it was necessary to rein in the researchers properly.

"The last is Researcher Lind, her research is focused on the potential. She wants to understand what potential is, what it's decided by, and how to potentially increase it. Whether that's by nutrition, training, or anything of the like.

"She theorizes that environment is far more important than one's genes. Her dream is to create an easy, simple program, that can be implemented by anyone, anywhere, to bring out the full potential of individuals."

Dyon's brows raised. Lind's goal seemed similar to Kline's who wanted to pass down human knowledge through one's DNA. But, her approach was far different and quite commendable.

Still, Dyon couldn't understand why the Sapientia were interested in her. If he had to be honest with himself, he might have agreed with Lind when he was a mortal, but in the martial world, too many things were decided by birthed talent. As much as he wanted to say hard work trumped everything, that was a lie. Hard work was only part of a puzzle mostly made up of talent.

Though Dyon's energy and body talent were poor at the start of his life, it was because of his overwhelming soul talent that he was still able to stand here today. He then used his soul talent to bring his energy and body talent up to speed…

However, he couldn't coax Lind into telling him more about her research because even she seemed to be aware that it was impossible for him to help her. Not only did he not know much about her field, but he was exceptionally talented already, making her completely uninterested in him.

Though she looked silent and shy, Dyon could see a deep pride and arrogance hidden within her eye that made him smile.

"Interesting…" Dyon looked into Lind's eyes. "… How would you like to be the acting Chancellor of my Mortal Alliance's academies?"

Lind blinked in shock. But, she soon composed herself.

"I have no interest in feeding into a system that only rewards those with talent…" She said blandly.

"I think we have a bit of a misunderstanding here." Dyon said lightly.

Lind trembled slightly, but glared back toward Dyon. "You want to force me? You'll never be able to make me do my best."

Dyon chuckled. "Oh? Can't I? Even if I can't… Don't you believe my little sister can?"

Lind's shoulders shook as she bit her lip. Dyon was right… But that was when Dyon said something that made her eyes widen.

"But that's not the misunderstanding." Dyon retracted his aura, smiling a smile that could make any woman swoon. "My academies don't only admit the talented. They're free of charge and anyone at and above the age of 7 to the age of 18 can attend at their leisure."

These were words that made Lind feel as though she was in another world. Could it be possible? A Kingdom investing in the untalented? …

As Dyon was about to wrap up their first meeting with a satisfied expression on his face, he suddenly froze. He turned his head toward the distance, a sudden tight grip taking over his heart.

His divine sense immediately focused in on it... The death qi emitting from Mia and Bella's grave.



Dyon couldn't even properly register who was speaking to him. He was seeing a scene right now that he couldn't comprehend.

"Watch them."

In the next instant, Dyon tapped in Little Yin's abilities freely and disappeared from where he was standing.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

Dyon felt as though the veins in his head could pop at any moment. His body trembled with rage. If it was practically anyone else, he would have killed them on the spot and asked questions later.

The scene Dyon had seen wasn't as simple as death qi rising up from Mia and Bella's graves, it was death qi rising up from the ground as a result of Junior digging up their grave site!

Junior shivered when Dyon's oppressive aura landed on him. He froze in place, unable to move or breathe. The sight of a little boy in such a condition would make anyone feel pity in their hearts, but Dyon knew that Junior was too intelligent to be treated like a normal child. What he was doing right now was unacceptable.

"Dyon!" Delia's voice snapped Dyon from his rage-like state. She grabbed his arm, pulling him back from doing something he would regret. Even Dyon had no idea when she appeared.