
The First White Mother was currently Abraxus' third disciple. But, according to Evangeline, The Entity, Abraxus' second disciple, hadn't been there to witness its senior brother's first few wives on the immortal plane.

What did this mean? It meant that between the entity transcending and the first disciple becoming Abraxus' disciple, there were several tens of billions of years. This meant that in all likelihood, even more time should have passed between then and the First White Mother transcending and becoming a disciple.

The timelines simply didn't sync together. For the Holy Goddess to fall in love with Abraxus' First Disciple, she had to meet him, no? But, by this logic, the first disciple should have long since transcended by the time the First White Mother became a Holy Empress.

Of course, there was one possible simple explanation for this. Maybe the First Disciple and the First White Mother actually transcended during the same general time and it simply took Abraxus longer to accept her than him.

'That is possible…' Dyon thought to himself. '… But is that what happened? Why do I feel like there's something more to this?... That's why! That's why it's so unlikely…'

Dyon understood now why his instincts told him that explanation wasn't likely to be the truth. The First Disciple's biggest Heart Demon was watching those he loved die one after another to old age – no matter how powerful he was, he couldn't stop it. Even Abraxus was growing old before his eyes. How could the First White Mother survive from the time the first disciple transcended to now?

It could be possible that the First White Mother simply had a firmer dao heart than the women the First Disciple fell in love with. However, if even Abraxus grew old during that time frame, that made this explanation incredibly unlikely.

Dyon shook his head, deciding not to think about this anymore. What was the point in harping over the semantics of a story he didn't have the full facts of?

"It seems that you can finally make yourself useful. I assume that you were hidden within a statue of the Valley of Geniuses for a long time, correct? You can finally fulfill your duty."

Lillianna stared daggers toward Dyon. "I was waiting for an individual who would accept the Holy Goddess' legacy. But that person can't be you. You don't have any angel blood."

Lillianna wasn't a fool. She had been waiting so long for someone with the Wings of Blessings, yet she had tried to kill that someone? She would never live it down. No, she would deny this to the very ends of the earth.

Dyon smirked, seeing through Lillianna's thoughts. Maybe this would be his perfect revenge. Instead of torturing her for almost killing him, making her realize that he was the person she waited for all this time would be the sweetest form of revenge he could imagine.

If Dyon had to choose a person to believe, it would obviously be Amphorae. The moment she spoke those words, he had already accepted them.

Seeing that Lillianna's spirit form seemed only a step away from erupting into a mist of hot air, Dyon laughed.

"Alright, alright. How about you tell me more about this Holy Goddess?"

"Hmph." Lillianna harrumphed. "Scoundrel… Bad man… Deviant…"

Dyon shook his head. Her bank of insults was still expanding far too slowly. This woman was a lost cause.

"… I'll speak about her not because you asked, but because the Holy Goddess' story is one that deserves to be spread.

"The Holy Goddess carried the Faith of the Angel Clan and during her rule, we were truly unmatched. However, our Vessel wasn't one solely for the angel clan though many of our fellow sisters did have angel blood running through their veins. The First White Mother is just one of the many outsiders we accepted into our fold. Though Goddess wasn't able to bestow her the strength of a true Seraph, she still elevated the First White Mother to the level of seraph ceremonially by bestowing upon her the title of Empress.

"The Queens were our Cherubs. And us Princesses were Thrones.

"The story itself isn't one of ups and downs. The Holy Arc was unmatched. We didn't have such a thing as arch enemies and we rarely, if ever, faced dangers. We simply spread the blessings of our Goddess far and wide.

"Even I don't know why our story came to an end so abruptly. What I can tell you though… Is that the Epistemic Towers wouldn't exist today had it not been for us."

Lillianna gripped her small fists. "That scoundrel … that bad man…!"

Dyon suddenly realized that Lillianna wasn't talking about him anymore. But, that just made it even more sad. She had billions of years to think of insults for this person she clearly hated, yet this was the best she could do. Maybe these Holy Maidens really were too pure. He suddenly felt bad for punishing her at all.

"… Holy Goddess did all that work for him but then he just up and left. Holy Goddess was very different after that. One day she just disappeared… I like to think that she transcended … But I have no way of knowing. I myself never had the talent to transcend so I had no hope in finding out…"

'I see… So it seems my instincts were correct. The creation of the Epistemic Towers really is linked to the old man's first disciple.'

Lillianna grit her teeth. "If it wasn't for Holy Goddess' blessings of creation, could he have ever succeeded, that … argh!"

It seemed she had given up on insults and just settled for animalistic grunts instead. Poor girl.

"…. Either way, you can't possibly be who the Holy Goddess was waiting for. How could you have the Wings of Blessings and not have angel blood? Speaking of which, you have to send me back to the valley of geniuses when it opens next. I have to go back to doing my –."

Lillianna's words became caught in her throat