
Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal Godchapter 1591: wings of blessings

"… Lord Husband's world is… peculiar." Amphorae said with a light smile. But, inwardly, she was quite happy to learn more about Dyon.

"There is something I'm confused about, though." Dyon said. "Why was it that no one of the Angel Clan I saw had more than one pair of wings? Also, I believe I asked you during your first life about my wings, but you said you didn't have an answer back then. What changed?"

"For Lord Husband's second question, that is fairly simply. When Luna Moon helped me along my resurrection path, she also gave me great amounts of good karma. This helped me both directly and indirectly.

"Much like beasts, high race humans can pass along secrets within their bloodlines as well. Luna Moon helped me to learn secrets that were buried deeply within myself. It's thanks to her that I have an answer.

"As for your first question, it's tied to the answer for the second. The Angel Clan you saw was a shell of its former self. We were a mighty race, but fell from grace. If this wasn't the case, how could we be a small clan on the even smaller Planet Moon?"

Dyon nodded. This was true. The Angel Clan was still powerful back then, but it wasn't even the Royal God Clan of that planet. How could that be them at their full strength?

"No one of the Angel Clan we know had more than one pair of wings because there was no one remaining that could bestow any more.

"According to Angel Lore, wings could only be 'Blessed' upon an individual by a higher-ranking individual. And, only the wielder of the Angel Clan's Faith could Bless cherubs with the strength of a seraph."

Dyon understood. A Throne could Bless a Virtuous with the rank of Archangel. But, a Throne couldn't give another its own Throne rank unless they were willing to give up their own power to make it happen.

"However, when the power structure of the Angels crumbled, there was no longer anyone who could Bless or bestow higher rankings. But… I'm sure you see the obvious. For such a system to be birthed, someone had to become the first seraph, but how could that be possible? It becomes a chicken and the egg loop that's unfeasible to solve unless you were witness to the creation of the angel clan.

"It appeared though that… Lord Husband's existence deems to solve this mystery.

"I've had only one pair of wings all my life. But, after dual cultivating with Lord Husband just once, I blossomed a second.

"Lord Husband, your golden wings aren't just marginally more powerful than white, black or even red wings. They're the very foundation of the angel clan itself.

"They're known as the Wings of Blessings. They're pairs of wings that shook the enemies of the angels for countless eras not because of their individual strength, but because of the strength they could bestow upon those with angel blood."


Amphorae and Dyon were startled by the sudden appearance of a third party. When Dyon saw who it was, he couldn't help but get annoyed. This girl was practically his arch nemesis: Holy Princess Lillianna.

She hadn't bothered him in so long that Dyon practically forgot all about her. Now that he thought about it, maybe she was trying to get herself a new body alongside the other title spirits.

In the end, Dyon just played along. He knew that this Holy Princess hated him as much as he hated her, so for her to come out anyway, she must have a good reason.

"Is there a problem? Also, don't you know it's rude to listen in on the conversations of others?"

Lillianna snorted. "You must be wrong, little girl. There's no way this deviant shares the same power as the Holy Goddess."

The Holy Arc… It was a vessel so heaven defying that even the furniture that once graced it were auctioned off for obscene prices. In fact, a large part of the reason Ri was not blind today was in thanks to a visor created using a piece of furniture from the Holy Arc.

From what Dyon understood, the vessel was led by women. 108 Princesses, 12 Queens, 3 Empresses and finally, the Holy Goddess.

But, there was something Dyon's mind picked up on immediately. The first time Dyon met Lillianna was the very same day he first met Aritzia. Their meeting seemed coincidental. Dyon just happened to stumble upon Lillianna's statue while Aritzia was trying out her luck. Thanks to that coincidental event, Dyon learned many valuable things from Aritzia that day.

The first was the composition of the Holy Arc. Those 124 women held titles that were world renowned and wielded so much faith that their vessel was undefeatable.

The second was the power of the Holy Goddess. Dyon didn't have any direct information about this, but there was one fact he learned that day that shocked him beyond compare: the First White Mother was only one of three Empresses on the Holy Arc!

However, the third was what made Dyon freeze. According to Aritzia, the Holy Goddess spent her life alone, but she did fall in love with one man: The First Disciple of Abraxus.

[Author's Note: This was first referenced in 'Scoundrel (2)']

It was no wonder Dyon was shaken by this fact. According to Jade, Abraxus' first disciple only fell in love once on the mortal plane, and that first love of his died to old age. How could it be possible for a woman the caliber of the Holy Goddess, a woman with a transcendent worthy enough to call Abraxus Master, to die to old age? It made no sense.

Of course, it was also possible that this was an unrequited love. Aritzia said that the Holy Goddess fell for a man, but never said anything about whether that man fell for her or not.

However there was something else that was more curious… It made Dyon's head spin trying to wrap his head around it.