
Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal Godchapter 1046: completion

The weapons were incredibly simple, however they were very sturdy. There was nothing flashy about them, even their color was a dull grey.

However, when Dyon grabbed for the halberd, flashing the other two weapons into his spatial ring, he realized just how heavy it was. His broad sword was 700 000 jin, but this halberd was more than double that!

Dyon could no longer remain in the skies by circulating his movement technique. He immediately crashed into the ground, conveniently dodging yet another sweep of techniques.

'Is this what it's like to have a master?' Dyon felt another headache incoming. How could a common level weapon be so heavy?

At this point, it wasn't just his master laughing, but also the other spirits. They seemed to be enjoying watching a future genius struggle so much.

'This material is known as 'Training Iron'. Despite being at the common level, it has incredible density and very high durability comparable to that of a material of the Spiritual level, and even supreme level.'

Dyon frowned, lifting the halberd up with all of his strength and diving to one side to dodge Elder Bowa once again.

The ground he stepped on creaked and cracked. Even his bones seemed to want to collapse, but he straightened himself to block a palm from Elder Bowa with the shaft of the Halberd.

He slid backward roughly, not because he had the power to block Elder Bowa, but because the weapon was so heavy that Elder Bowa had trouble pushing it back.

A million jin was the threshold for celestials, very few saints could match it. It was no wonder a mere fifth grade celestial had trouble with it.

Seeing Dyon struggle, the spirits continued to laugh, mostly because they knew his life wasn't in danger.

'The reason this material is so great yet still of the common level is because it isn't suitable for making weapons.

'The material is too tough to inscribe intricate arrays into. And, even if you did, the material is not good for conducting energy of any kind. Usually, if a material is bad at conducting conventional energy, for instance, it might be good at conducting runic flames or soul strength and could thus be used as a weapon of that category. However, this material is unable to conduct anything.

'Therefore, it's colloquially known as 'Training Iron', but officially known as 'Dwarf's Diamond'. As for the story behind why that it's official name, you should probably focus on not dying first. Go on, master believes in you!'

Dyon understood his master's intentions, but that didn't mean he wasn't slightly annoyed. The good news was that he didn't need to worry about breaking this weapon.

Still, Dyon was in awe of his master. Creating this material shouldn't have been easy. Even if it was ranked at the common level, its abilities were more akin to a Spiritual level weapon. To use a creation array to create this weapon… His master was too impressive.

By now, Elder Bowa was erupting in anger. He could tell that Dyon had been absentminded for the past few moments. He had to watch a mere essence gatherer concoct a pill, then three weapons, right in front of his face!

"I'll kill you!" Elder Bowa raged.

'Big Brother!' Little Yin's voice sounded in Dyon's mind. 'The sixth group just teleported in. But, just like the first group, they're heavily sedated. None of them are awake.'

Dyon's expression grew serious. Almost 20 minutes had passed but only six of twenty-one groups had come in. He was definitely feeling the pressure.

However, in the next moment the feeling of warmth Dyon had been feeling under his master's guidance disappeared. After being reminded of the soul slaves, his rage began to boil once more.

These people were reaping the lives of children for the sake of profit, yet he was in a rage simply because Dyon was trying to save them? How much of a pathetic low-life did you have to be to believe that you were the one in the right here?

Dyon's dimmed eyes began to glow once more. In an instant, it was as though he couldn't feel the weight of the halberd anymore… as though there was only him and the technique… as though it was just another part of him.

Another wave of terrifying energy rippled through Dyon's Mind's Eye, causing another adorable gurgle to escape the golden baby's lips.

Two pairs of black wings erupted from Dyon's back, blocking Elder Bowa's palm as Dyon sunk into contemplation.

[Chaotic Halberd], a technique of domineering presence. There were only two stances, one was akin to a spear technique, while the second was more like a glaive.

Dyon brandished the grey halberd, stepping back fiercely as an otherworldly aura erupted from him.

Saints and essence gatherers that had been approaching were blasted backward by Dyon's momentum.

"First stance, piercing shadow."

The halberd in Dyon's hand blurred, an eerie black shadow surrounding it.

Dyon pierced forward twice, in quick succession, aiming for Elder Bowa's head both times.

But, before he could even properly execute the technique, Dyon's felt his tendons tearing as his skin burst under his bulging muscles.

Moving a weapon that was so heavy forward and backward in such quick succession was an enormous strain on Dyon. However, he immediately realized that this was only because his comprehension was too shallow. He didn't control his strength properly, causing himself to be hurt.

'Weapon wills have always been categorized oddly,' Dyon's master's voice sounded in his head, 'Although they aren't supreme laws, they're often equally if not more difficult to learn. This is because no two people will ever use a weapon identically. In addition, weapon abyssal cores are very rare to the point of being nonexistent.

'Do you understand why the weapon's master will is so amazing, now? It's the only weapon will categorized as a supreme law for a reason.

'Techniques will be just as difficult. To cause something to become an extension of your body is among the most difficult things to do in the martial world.'

There was no suspense, with Dyon's poor technique, Elder Bowa easily parried with his palm. Because training iron couldn't be inscribed with arrays due to its toughness, it was also very difficult to sharpen, making the weapon quite blunt.

However, Dyon didn't give up.

His eyes glowed a fiercer gold. 'Chaotic… How do I be erratic in line with the essence of the technique without harming myself?...'

"Second stance, slashing shadow." Dyon mumbled under his breath absentmindedly.

Every swing of his halberd was so fierce that even the saints could no longer approach. Many were sent flying backward, unable to approach the hundred-meter radius of Elder Bowa and Dyon.

'Why is slashing shadow easier to use?...' Dyon's mind thought as blazing speeds and he read and reacted Elder Bowa as though battling was a simple instinct to him.

Much of the time, he didn't utilize the technique. He realized that he simply didn't understand the halberd at all.

Dyon's halberd swished outward in a violent exchange.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Elder Bowa roared. He had already taken a hit to his pride when he was forced to utilize a movement technique against Dyon, but now his hands were growing numb and cracking at the seams. How could he stand this?!

In an instant, the shadow of Elder Bowa's palms rained down upon Dyon. "[Clawing Monkey Palms]!"

The pressure Dyon was facing more than tripled, causing him to stumble backward again and again. If it wasn't for the weight of his weapon, he would have been sent flying back more times than he could count.

Imagine a celestial using their energy to power a technique. Even if it was at the common level, it was far too much!

At a moment of danger, Dyon's eyes blazed with battle intent.

"Slashing shadow!"

Dyon's halberd swept out in a perfect arc. At that moment, the process seemed effortless and the stress on Dyon's arms seemed to disappear.

The halberd curved, sweeping across, down and up in a beautiful figure eight that left a trail of eerie black fog in its wake.

Elder Bowa's momentum was broken in an instant as Dyon's eyes widened with realization.

'Momentum… Using momentum properly… Hurting myself is due to my wasting momentum… If I attack high, beginning the attack, sweep downward, then rounding out to attack again while using the momentum of the first attack to form the second, the one who takes the damage won't be me, but him!'

Before Dyon realized it, yet another 20 minutes had passed, but he didn't feel the end of his selfless state coming. He felt like he was brimming with power, as though nothing could stop him!

"Piercing Shadow!"

Numerous clones of the tip of Dyon's halberd rained down, smashing apart Elder Bowa's palms one after another.

Two strikes… Four…. Eight…. Thirty-two!

The skies shattered under Dyon's overbearing press forward.

Almost two million jin of weight backed by Dyon's power violently smashed into Elder Bowa's chest, sending him flying hundreds of meters.

The old man violently coughed up blood, his chest caving inward as the sickening sound of his cracking ribs sounded out.

There was no doubt that Dyon had reached the completion stage of yet another technique.

Seeing Elder Bowa blasted away, Dyon didn't feel any hint of satisfaction. He learned three techniques previously, two to the completion stage and one to the One with Self realm, within 12 minutes previously. But, it took him 20 minutes to learn a single halberd technique to the completion stage?