
Dyon didn't have time to think. It was clear that his selfless state wouldn't do him any good here.

Of course, he had confidence in meeting Elder Bowa head on if he used his Demon Emperor's Will. However, he had promised his master he wouldn't. After all, Demon Emperor's will wasn't just a Divine level technique, it was among the best divine level techniques that existed, period. There was a reason that it was the staple technique of the Demon Sage. If Dyon didn't have the Demon Sage's blood essence, he wouldn't have any business using the technique at all.

Before Elder Bowa could gloat, Dyon burst out of the rubble. For better or worse, he still had a celestial level body even though he didn't practice any defensive techniques.

'I've solved the predictability [Whipping Wind, Galloping Steps] to a certain extent, but it still lacks flexibility.'

Dyon threw himself into the air, dodging an assault from converging saints and circulating the technique once more. However, he felt a significant drop in his focus and mental energy. It seemed that entering the selfless state wasn't without a price.

He couldn't help but sigh when he realized this. 'If only I was a Crystal Dragon…'

'Dyon,' Dyon's master felt oddly thankful that Dyon's selfless state had ended. She would feel too useless as a master if Dyon could just figure everything out on his own. 'Don't mind the selfless state too much. The best way to increase mental energy is by constantly exhausting it. This time, you lasted about 12 minutes. You likely would have lasted 15 had you not been forcibly knocked out of it.'

Dyon nodded, listening intently to his master. There were simply too few resources capable of increasing mental energy. But, if what his grand teacher said was correct, the Crystal Dragon Clan had a method to do so…

'In terms of notes on your battle, you've underestimated celestials a bit too much. It was too reckless to try and forcibly push the level of your fist technique by meeting him head on.

'You have to remember that before going on to the next realm, one tempers their body with energy they'll be proceeding into. It's almost akin to repeating the foundation and meridian formation stage for every step forward. Although geniuses do this to a much more thorough extent, regular cultivators will do this as well, do you understand?'

'You're trying to say that although he's not a body cultivator, his body isn't weak either.'

'Exactly. If you want an analogy, consider the grades of cultivation. Depending on number of meridians filled, you're given a higher grade.

'Essentially, the body tempering provided by energy cultivation is akin to 'filling less meridians', making the grade of your body lower.

'A true celestial body cultivator would be likened to a third, second or first grade warrior, the very highest orders.

'However, a celestial of energy cultivation would be more like a seventh or sixth grade body cultivation warrior.

'No one has parsed these differences perfectly because body cultivating is so rare, however, it's quite easy to get a general guess when you begin fighting your opponent.

'Right now, you're only able to emit the power of a body cultivator at around the 4th grade because you don't have enough supplementary techniques such as defensive and blood manipulation techniques. Elder Bowa, is far weaker. Likely akin to the lowest 9th grade with just his body.

'However, the reason he can blast you away is because he has two more aspects to his strength.'

Dyon took a deep breath. 'His celestial energy and his wills.' He completely lost his leisurely appearance, focusing intently on the battle at hand.

Elder Bowa was only a fifth-grade celestial. But, coupling that with what seemed to be a ninth-grade body and intent level wills… Simply put, he was trouble for Dyon.

Seeing Dyon's serious expression, The 25th White Mother smiled.

At that moment, an array appeared before Dyon. It swirled with an unmatched excellence, delicately forming common level plants Dyon immediately recognized.

'Master will teach you a special use for celestial blood. After the pill is formed, cut open a wound and force out a drop of your blood onto it.'

Dyon's eyes flashed with curiosity. He had never seen a pill that used blood, this was because beast parts, such as blood and organs, would only be used in runic vein theory. So, although he understood what these plants were, he had no idea what they could be combined into. His master was even using a grafting and splicing technique that was far too complex for his mind to wrap around.

However, he prepared to do as he was told, no longer holding back his celestial body and avoiding Elder Bowa to the best of his abilities while periodically killing essence gatherers.

The arrays continued to swirl. In less than 5 minutes, a pure white pill had formed, but it was clearly about to collapse at any moment.


The moment Dyon heard his master's voice, he bit open a cut on his finger and dripped it onto the pill.

Dyon only had 5% of his master's blood essence within him, however, since his master said it would work, he believed her.

In the end, Dyon wasn't disappointed.

The pill began to give off waves of light, bathing Dyon in a calming light. At that moment, Dyon wanted to do nothing more than to eat this pill…

Ignoring the odd looks of those pursuing him, he did exactly that. But, the moment he did, his eyes widened with shock.

Dyon's fatigue seemed to be wiped away in an instant, filling him with brimming amounts of mental energy.

'This…' It should have been impossible. A mental energy recovery pill was within the dao of array alchemy, but it was classified as a Moon Level pill. For it to be ranked so highly even within the pages of the that book, it could only be imagined how difficult the materials were to procure, not to mention the difficulty of concocting it.

But, his master had just weaved together some simple common level plants that were completely and chemically unstable. Yet, a single drop of blood had stabilized it, causing heaven defying effects.

The 25th White Mother giggled. 'Your master is amazing, no?'

Dyon's eyes glowed. 'Absolutely!' He said sincerely.

Hearing this, Dyon's master smiled so sweetly that honey seemed to drip from her lips. She was truly happy.

'Go fight to your heart's content, my precious disciple. Don't worry about how I did this, I'll explain it to you in time. When you feel you mental energy running out, I will concoct another pill for you. Treat this as training.'

Dyon nodded, eager to slip back into his selfless state. The last thing he heard were a few more words from his master.

'You cannot defeat him easily without the help of a weapon. However, I do not want you to use the Dragon King either. You once forewent the Dragon King for a common level weapon, but you switched too quickly. Until your weapon's master will breaks into the 2nd intent level, you're only allowed to use common level weapons.

'I'll only allow you to break these rules I've set for you if you're facing someone too far beyond your cultivation level. Other than that, don't come pouting to me.'

Dyon groaned slightly, but still acquiesced to his master's commands. The 2nd intent level didn't seem to bad, but one had to remember that his weapon's master will was at the 1st will level right now. Yet, he could learn any weapon he picked up to the 9th will level, and with a little practice, the 1st intent level.

What did that mean? It meant that the weapon's master will allowed him an entire large cultivation realm advantage. Meaning if he reached the 2nd intent stage, any weapon he picked up would enter the 1st dao stage immediately, and the 2nd with practice. Knowing this, it was obvious how difficult it was to reach that level.

The 25th White Mother giggled. 'Good. The techniques I've chosen for you are [3 Forms Blade], [Piercing Through the Earth], and [Chaotic Halberd].'

As Dyon's master spoke, three arrays whirled behind Dyon's back, forming three weapons. A sword, a spear and a halberd. Knowing that Dyon didn't have his life ring, and thus didn't have access to the Celestial Deer Sect's weapon's room, this was the best choice.