
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 797: hubrion, the warlord of pride

[WARNING! Filler Chapter!]


Hubrion, the Warlord of Pride, was born into a world that mock him at every turn. His appearance, a paradox of masculine strength and delicate features, marked him as an outcast among his demonic peers.

His muscular physique and chiseled jawline were the envy of many demons, but the contrast with his big, twinkling eyes, red pouty lips, and a perpetual blush on his cheeks created a bizarre spectacle that invited ridicule.

What haunted Hubrion the most, however, was his high-pitched voice, a stark departure from the deep, menacing tones expected of a demon of his stature.

The dissonance between his imposing physique and his voice became a source of constant torment, a cruel joke played by the infernal powers that be.

In the early years of his existence, Hubrion sought solace in the only thing that seemed to understand him and wouldn't betray him –– training and the pursuit of strength.

Day and night, he honed his skills, lifting colossal weights, and swinging his mighty axe in a relentless quest to become the embodiment of power.

The echo of his relentless training reverberated through the halls of the Nether Realm, a testament to his determination to overcome the mockery he faced.

The demons around him, initially amused by the incongruity of Hubrion's appearance and voice, soon learned to fear him.

As he grew stronger, the laughter turned to hushed whispers and cautious glances. Hubrion's intimidating presence struck fear into the hearts of those who had once belittled him.

However, amidst the fear and respect he garnered, Hubrion remained haunted by a sense of isolation. He yearned for a connection, a companion who could see beyond the exterior and understand the pain that lurked beneath the facade of strength.

Then came Obsidian X, a demon whose very essence seemed to defy convention.

Unlike others who judged him by appearances, Obsidian X saw Hubrion for who he truly was. Their encounter marked a turning point in Hubrion's existence.

Obsidian X didn't mock Hubrion's voice or appearance. Instead, he recognized the pain that lingered beneath the surface.

For the first time, Hubrion felt a genuine connection, a bond forged in the fires of shared struggles.

Obsidian X became more than a companion; he became the catalyst for a profound transformation. He became a brother and family.

In Obsidian X, Hubrion found a purpose greater than his relentless pursuit of strength.

Obsidian X saw potential beyond the physical, recognizing Hubrion's skill with the axe and his unwavering determination.

Together, they became a formidable duo, Obsidian X's cunning complementing Hubrion's sheer power.

Obsidian X's acceptance and understanding filled the void that years of isolation had carved into Hubrion's soul. The duo became inseparable, their bond transcending the superficial judgments of their demonic peers.

United by a shared purpose, Obsidian X, Hubrion and the others embarked on a journey to conquer the realms, leaving a trail of defeated adversaries in their wake.

Hubrion's axe cleaved through the fiercest opponents, while Obsidian X's powers guided their conquests.

The demons who once ridiculed Hubrion now trembled at the mere mention of his name. His journey with Obsidian X and the other warlords became a saga, a tale of triumph over adversity and the discovery of true strength that transcended physical appearances.

As Hubrion swung his mighty axe, he no longer sought validation or acceptance from those who judged him. His purpose was clear –– to be the strongest axe-wielder in the entire demonic world.

The accolades, the cheers, and the victories became the new melody that drowned out the echoes of his haunting past.

Hubrion's past once laden with sadness and isolation, had transformed into an epic tale of friendship and triumph.

The demons who had once laughed at him now bowed before him, and Hubrion stood tall, his appearance no longer a source of mockery but a symbol of indomitable strength.

The echoes of his laughter now resonated through the Nether Realm, a testament to the demon who had risen above the torment and carved his own legacy in the annals of demonic history.

However, the death of Obsidian X, a pivotal moment in the Netherworld, sent shockwaves through the very fabric of his existence.

Hubrion, the Warlord of Pride, was deeply affected by the loss of his friend, brother, and the one who had given his life to save the realms from the corruption.

Obsidian X's sacrifice had not only saved countless lives but had also taken his purpose of living.

In the aftermath of Obsidian X's demise, Hubrion found himself adrift, his dreams of becoming the most powerful demon axe wielder losing their luster.

The once burning passion that fueled his relentless pursuit of strength now seemed inconsequential in the face of the void left by his fallen comrade.

The echo of Obsidian X's absence reverberated within Hubrion's very being, casting a shadow over his once unshakeable resolve.

The purpose that had driven Hubrion to greatness suddenly seemed hollow and insignificant. He grappled with the weight of the void, struggling to find meaning in a world that had been forever altered by Obsidian X's sacrifice.

The dream they had shared, the battles fought side by side, all became distant memories, fading like the remnants of a vanquished nightmare.

To cope with the overwhelming grief and emptiness, Hubrion sought refuge in the one constant that remained –– fighting.

Each day, he descended into the demonic coliseum, where the cheers and jeers of the audience became a cacophony that drowned out the haunting silence of his own thoughts.

The arena, once a place of triumph and glory, became Hubrion's sanctuary, a battleground where he could attempt to fill the void left by Obsidian X.

In the merciless clashes within the arena, Hubrion sought to rekindle the spirit of the fights he and Obsidian X had shared.

Each swing of his mighty axe, every clash with a formidable opponent, was an attempt to evoke the memory of his fallen comrade.

The audience, initially oblivious to the underlying turmoil within Hubrion, reveled in the spectacle of the Warlord of Pride's relentless battles.

Hubrion's every strike echoed with the resonance of his internal struggle, a silent scream that reverberated through the coliseum.

The pride that had defined him now took on a different form –– a desperate attempt to mask the pain that gnawed at the core of his being.

As Hubrion faced adversary after adversary, the void within him seemed insurmountable.

The cheers of the audience, the victories within the arena, were mere echoes that failed to fill the emptiness left by Obsidian X's absence.

Each triumph felt hollow, a fleeting distraction from the reality that gnawed at Hubrion's soul.

The arena became a battleground not only for physical prowess but for the very essence of Hubrion's identity. In the clash of weapons and the roar of the crowd, he sought solace, a fleeting moment of respite from the weight of his grief.

The Warlord of Pride, once fueled by an unyielding dream, now fought not for glory or conquest but to find a semblance of purpose in the wake of loss.

Obsidian X's sacrifice had created a void that no victory within the arena could truly fill.