
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 793: entrance to the demonic coliseum

Approaching the foreboding entrance of the arena, the group was abruptly halted by the presence of a diminutive red devil standing guard. Its eyes gleamed with a malevolent hunger as it demanded souls as the entrance fee, a toll to be paid in the currency of the infernal realm.

Ren and the others exchanged glances, contemplating their options in the face of this unexpected demand.

"You have souls?" Elena asked.

Ren and Evie shook their heads in response.

Lorelai frowned, and growled, "Why don't I get your soul and offer it as payment, huh?!"

Desira rolled her eyes and said, "Stop that. Do you solve everything with force?"

Lorelai nodded confidently. "Yes. It solves most of the problems quickly."

Desira shook her head in disapproval, choosing a more diplomatic approach. She paid the tiny devil the required souls, ensuring a peaceful entry. "I have enough here so we can enter in peace. There's no point in wasting our time here. If we can enter without having to fight, then that's the most ideal."

"Whoa, I must say I'm genuinely surprised to witness your rare moment of reasonability," Elena teased, raising an eyebrow.

Desira immediately fired back, "I'm always reasonable! You just don't appreciate it enough."

"That's our Desira for you," Iraelyn chimed in with a grin, playfully ruffling Desira's hair like a big sister. "You're always so dependable."

Desira scowled and swatted Iraelyn's hand away. "Quit it. I have to be dependable, or else this group might have met its demise a long time ago."

Azazel and the others couldn't help but looked to the side and force a laugh.

However, the mood quickly shifted when Desira suddenly changed her tone, addressing Azazel with an infatuated voice and a coy expression. "And I have to be dependable as Lord Azazel's bride, Teeheehee. Who else could he depend on but me?"

Iraelyn laughed heartily, resembling a boastful dwarf. "Gyahgyagyagya! I see that you're still the same delusional Desira I knew!"

"What do you mean delusional?! I'll have you know, Lord Azazel and I are already married. But I guess I can't blame you for not knowing, considering it happened when you were rampaging in your dragon form and completely corrupted."

"Egh? Really?" Iraelyn shifted her gaze between Desira and Azazel in disbelief.

Vivi shook her head in amusement, while Azazel simply ignored the conversation and ran towards the entrance of the coliseum as if he hadn't heard anything.

"Ah! Lord Azazel! Wait for me!" Desira exclaimed and hurriedly followed him.

Ren and the others exchanged glances, bewildered by Azazel and the others' relationship.

"Is she really the Warlord of Wrath?" Elena pondered out loud.

"At this rate, it looks like Desira is more likely to be the Warlord of Wrath than Iraelyn. She seems much more easy-going," Evie added, her lips curling into a smirk.

Vivi sighed, nodding in agreement. "It's because Iraelyn is generally easy-going until you manage to anger her, of course. Her wrath has the potential to get you killed."

After satisfying the devil's insatiable appetite for souls, the group passed through the imposing gates of the arena.

As they stepped inside, the vastness of the coliseum stretched before them, revealing a spectacle beyond their expectations.

The arena was immense, with all manner of demons and devils occupying raised seats that surrounded the central stage.

The air vibrated with the cacophony of cheers, roars, and jeers, creating an electrifying atmosphere charged with the fervor of demonic revelry.

The colossal stage at the center dominated the arena, and on it unfolded a ghastly performance –– Hubrion engaged in a fierce battle with a demon.

"Is that Hubrion?" Lorelai asked, pointing towards the centaur-

like demon.

Vivi nodded affirmatively. "Yep, that's him. Pretty intimidating, huh?"

Ren and the rest of the group exchanged glances, subtly pursing their lips as they observed Hubrion's imposing figure.

He was undeniably intimidating, but in a unique and distinct manner.

Hubrion, the colossal centaur-like demon, stood as an embodiment of formidable strength and eerie allure.

His towering figure dominated the arena, casting an imposing shadow that stretched across the barren landscape. The twisted horns on the sides of his head, robust and menacing, spiraled upwards, adding an air of otherworldly power to his presence.

His skin, a deep and dark brown, seemed to absorb the ambient light, giving him an aura of malevolence.

Each muscle in his massive form rippled with power, emphasizing the sheer might contained within his imposing frame.

The hooves supporting his colossal weight were strong and solid, capable of delivering devastating blows to any adversary foolish enough to cross his path.

Yet, amidst this fearsome exterior, there was an unexpected contrast.

Hubrion's jawline, chiseled and muscular, exuded a sense of raw power, while his head seemed to sport a semi-bald crown.

Twin glinting black eyes peered out from beneath his formidable brow, revealing a subtle twinkle within his big sparkly eyes.

Adding a touch of surreal charm, Hubrion's lips, painted a potent shade of red, possessed a pouty quality that seemed to defy the fierce nature of his fierce countenance. It was a subtle detail, an unexpected nuance that contributed to his strange appearance.

"His like gay," Evie commented.

Ren and the others couldn't help but held their thoughts. Evie, you're too honest.

"Gay?" Vivi asked confused.

Desira nodded and crossed her hands. "He is, but I assure you that he is a man."

If you say so. Ren and Evie thought at the same time and focused on the battle on the stage.

The demon, a grotesque entity with horns protruding from its monstrous visage, clashed with Hubrion in a dance of chaotic energy.

The cheers from the onlookers echoed through the arena as the combatants exchanged blows and unleashed demonic powers in a display of brutal prowess.

Ren and the others took their seat, and watched the scene first.

The grandeur of the arena, the fervent audience, and the intense battle on the stage painted a vivid picture of Hubrion's world.

The demon futilely struggled against Hubrion's formidable defenses, but with a single mighty swing of the centaur's colossal axe, the demon was effortlessly cleaved into two.

"Hoohoohoo! Pathetically weak! Who's next?" Hubrion bellowed triumphantly, his voice echoing through the arena and resonating with the bloodthirsty cheers of the audience.