
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 792: hubrion’s coliseum

The group embarked on a journey through the twisted, streams that traversed the abyssal landscape.

As they rode along the turbulent currents, the hues of the surroundings morphed from fiery reds to ashen grays, mirroring the desolation of the demonic realm.

The streams, flowing with a viscous, otherworldly substance, carried them seamlessly through the hellish desert.

The air was thick with the scent of sulfur, and the distant echoes of demonic roars resonated through the arid expanse.

In that decisive moment, the tendrils of consciousness slowly returned to Iraelyn. Her eyes fluttered open, gradually adjusting to the chaotic surroundings of the demonic arena.

"Ah! Iraelyn! You're finally awake!" Vivi exclaimed with evident relief.

"Good thing that you're awake. I thought you'd never wake up," chimed in Desira.

"How are you feeling?" Azazel inquired, concern etched on his face.

Avaris, with hopeful eyes, stared at Iraelyn and asked, "Do you know me? It's me Avaris. I've turned into a snail at the moment."

"Don't overstimulate her; she just woke up," Ren reminded the crew, keeping a watchful eye on the situation.

Iraelyn was still grappling with the fog of unconsciousness. She clutched her head and asked in a strained voice, "W-what . . . what happened?"

Desira and the others filled her in on the events that transpired while she was incapacitated.

"I see . . . so that's what happened," Iraelyn muttered before her gaze steadied on Azazel.

Without uttering a word, she lunged into his embrace. The onlookers were left in stunned amazement as Iraelyn enveloped Azazel in a tight hug, her enormous breasts threatening to suffocate him.

"Lord Azazel! I knew it! You're alive! I knew that you're alive. I have been searching for you in the vast realm, only to be consumed by the corruption. I'm sorry that I had failed you and lost myself against the corruption," Iraelyn dramatically declared, his voice deep and loud.

"T-that's fine," Azazel managed to wheeze out.

Desira was quick to react, and shouted, "Hoi! Stop that, or you'll kill him with your boobs!" She forcefully peeled Azazel from Iraelyn's grasp and pushed the giant woman away.

"Well, well, look who's Mr. Popular," teased Elena with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Lorelai only stuck out her tongue in disgust. "If that's Mr. Popular then I don't know what Mr. Unpopular's face looks like."

"I'm jealous," muttered Avaris, but then shouted, "But I want my previous body more than boobs and women!"

Desira and Lorelai slapped him away.

While everyone was getting acquainted and sharing their stories, they gradually approached their destination, the vibrant atmosphere of the demonic arena fading into the background as personal revelations and connections took center stage.

In a matter of minutes, the scenery underwent a dramatic transformation. The streams led them to another part of the infernal desert, a place where the oppressive heat intensified.

The barren landscape stretched as far as the eye could see, with jagged rock formations rising like twisted spires against the ominous sky.

On the horizon, an imposing structure emerged –– an arena, standing defiantly against the desolate backdrop.

Its architecture was a testament to the brutal nature of the demonic realm, with towering spires and menacing spikes adorning its exterior.

"An arena?" Ren asked, addressing no one in particular.

"Hubrion lives for battle every day. He likes to fight and show everyone how powerful he is," Vivi explained. "He must have made this arena to keep himself from being bored."

"That guy likes to challenge everyone," Iraelyn added. "I remembered that he challenge me all the time in the past."

"And who won?" asked Elena, intrigued.

Iraelyn shrugged. "Hard to say because we always end up in a draw."

Desira stuck out her tongue in disgust. "All that good-for-

nothing did is fight and fight ever since he got that corruption. Augh . . . I can already hear the cheers from the audience and smell those sweaty smelly bastards from all the way here."

Avaris sighed on top of the sleeping Lethargia. "I'm feeling unmotivated already just thinking about going in there."

He was certain that another brawl would erupt, and given his present condition, he was absolutely convinced that he would be as good as dead if he participated.

He then took a side glance at Lethargia, who was still blissfully asleep. "I wish I could do that, remain asleep even with all the things and noise going on."

"Are you sure you want to be like Lethargia?" Azazel asked with a wide grin. "You might regret it if you don't wake up anymore."

Avaris's tiny snail body shook uncontrollably. "On second thought, I think I like my previous life . . . if only I could get back to my original body that is."

Ren shifted his attention left and right and commented, "Looks like there's no sign of an army here."

"They might have regrouped and planned their next course of action," Elena answered.

Lorelai shrugged and chuckled a little. "With Salister captive and that Abyssal demon killed, they're surely in a panic right now."

"That would give us enough time to retrieve the corruption from Hubrion," Evie chimed in.

"Be careful though, Malifira might be here at any moment," Ren warned.

"Let's hurry inside and check if Hubrion is okay," Azazel said, taking the lead ahead.

As the group approached, the arena revealed itself in greater detail. Its surface seemed to ripple with an ethereal energy, and the air around it pulsed with an unseen power. Sinister symbols adorned its walls, telling tales of countless battles fought within its confines.

The sands surrounding the arena whispered secrets of past glories and sorrows, as if the very earth beneath them held the memories of the battles waged in this unholy coliseum.

The air vibrated with an eerie energy, creating an unsettling atmosphere that clung to whoever passed by.

Ren and the others were undeterred by the ominous surroundings, and pressed forward to the only entrance.

The stream deposited them near the outskirts of the arena, where they could feel the weight of its imposing presence.

The journey through the abyss had brought them to Hubrion's territory, a realm where the echoes of demonic combat resided, and where the of their quest would begin.