
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 773: echoes of avaris

WARNING! Filler Chapter!


In the heart of the Netherworld, where shadows danced and whispers echoed, there existed tales of demons with tragic pasts. Avaris, the Warlord of Greed, was no exception. His tale was one of sorrow, longing, and the relentless pursuit of something beyond his reach.

Avaris, in his childhood, was not the embodiment of greed that the Netherworld knew him as today. He was once an innocent demon boy, born into a modest demon family that dwelled on the outskirts of the corrupted realm. His parents, though not wealthy, showered him with love and care, nurturing the soul within him.

However, fate can be a cruel force, and Avaris's idyllic childhood took a tragic turn when a calamity befell his family. The corrupting forces of the Netherworld claimed his parents, leaving Avaris an orphan with a void in his heart that no amount of wealth could fill.

Alone and vulnerable, Avaris wandered through the desolate landscapes of the Netherworld, aching for the warmth and comfort that his family once provided. Hunger gnawed at his belly, and the harsh reality of survival amidst the realm had pushed him to the brink.

Long before Obsidian X's influence entered his life, Avaris was a demon grappling with the innate seeds of greed within himself.

Avaris, as a child, exhibited a curiosity for the world around him, fueled by an innocent desire to understand and experience the pleasures that life in the Netherworld had to offer.

However, within the confines of Avaris' own heart, an insatiable hunger was beginning to stir. It wasn't a hunger born from external influences or malicious intent; rather, it was an intrinsic longing for something beyond the modest life he led. As the years passed, Avaris found himself yearning for more –– more wealth, more power, and a taste of the forbidden fruits that lay beyond his grasp.

This internal struggle manifested in subtle ways. Avaris, while still portraying an outward façade of innocence, began to explore the art of manipulation and deceit. He discovered that he had a knack for conning and tricking others, convincing them to willingly part with their valuables. Avaris reveled in the satisfaction of acquiring these treasures, and each successful endeavor fueled the ever-growing fire of his ambition.

His actions, however, were not driven by malevolence or ill intentions. Instead, they stemmed from an intrinsic desire to escape the limitations of his modest upbringing. The allure of wealth and the power it promised became an intoxicating elixir that clouded Avaris' judgment and blurred the lines between right and wrong.

It was during one of his deceptive exploits that Avaris first caught the attention of Obsidian X. The mysterious demon, observing from the shadows, recognized the potential for something greater within Avaris. Instead of condemning him for his actions, Obsidian X saw an opportunity to mold this budding greed into a force that could serve a higher purpose –– his purpose.

One fateful day, as Avaris was conning a group of unsuspecting demons, Obsidian X revealed himself. The shadows seemed to dance around him as he offered Avaris a deal –– a chance to transcend his current state and become something more. Avaris, enticed by the prospect of boundless wealth and power, accepted Obsidian X's proposition without fully comprehending the consequences that would follow.

Under Obsidian X's guidance, Avaris underwent a transformation that exceeded his wildest dreams. He was given a second chance, not as a mere trickster, but as a formidable force within the Netherworld. Avaris became one of Obsidian X's warlords, his innate skills of cunning and persuasion amplified by the influence of his new master.

The once-innocent demon, driven by the internal struggle between his past and present, embraced his newfound identity. Avaris, now armed with Obsidian X's dark powers after the Demon King was gone, continued his pursuit of wealth and power on a grander scale. His deceptive tactics evolved into calculated strategies, and his insatiable hunger for more intensified.

Within the towering walls of Ebonvault, Avaris, the Warlord of Greed, now ruled with an iron grip, his insatiable desires spiraling into a reign of terror and unchecked avarice. The once-grand castle, adorned with opulent treasures, became a fortress of greed, every room echoing with the hollow whispers of discontent and the shadows of stolen wealth.

Avaris' rule was characterized by a ruthless pursuit of anything that caught his fancy. He craved not just the material treasures but the very essence of power that came with them. His minions, once loyal servants, were now instruments of his avaricious ambition, executing his every command without question or hesitation.

The castle's grand halls, once filled with the vibrant energy of life, had transformed into darkened chambers where the spoils of Avaris' conquests lay in abundance. Precious gems, golden artifacts, even junks and treasures from countless realms adorned the walls and floors, each piece a testament to the warlord's insatiable hunger for more.

Avaris' reign was marked by fear and coercion. Demons who dared to resist him faced the wrath of his corrupted might. The once-thriving city surrounding the castle had been reduced to a ghost town, its inhabitants forced into servitude or driven away by the overwhelming oppression that now permeated the air.

Avaris' insatiable desires seemed boundless, and he would take anything that caught his eye, regardless of its owner's protests. The warlord's tyranny knew no bounds, and the Netherworld trembled under the weight of his unbridled greed.

However, within the shadows of this dark reign, a lone figure emerged –– a cunning devil with a plan to deceive the deceiver. Armed with a stone of mysterious power, this individual saw an opportunity to challenge Avaris' authority and bring an end to the reign of greed that had enslaved Ebonvault.

The rogue, cloaked in shadows, approached Avaris under the guise of offering a rare and coveted gem. Avaris, always on the lookout for the next precious acquisition, welcomed the rogue into his domain without a hint of suspicion. Empowered by the corruption coursing through his veins, Avaris held an unwavering confidence that few could rival him in strength, with perhaps the exception of his fellow warlords.