
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 772: the silent echoes of greed

772 The Silent Echoes of Greed The entrance to Avaris's castle greeted Ren and his companions with an imposing façade. Massive gates adorned with intricate designs stood ajar, inviting them into the grandiose structure. As they stepped inside, a heavy silence enveloped them, amplifying the sense of eeriness that had pervaded Ebonvault.

The interior was vast, with high ceilings and expansive corridors that seemed to stretch endlessly. Despite the grandeur, the echoes of their footsteps reverberated like whispers in the vacant halls. The air was still, and the only sound that accompanied them was the soft rustle of their shoes against the cold stone floor.

Elena commented in a hushed voice, "This place gives me the creeps. It's like a tomb."

Evie nodded in agreement, her eyes scanning the surroundings. "And where is everyone? It's as if the castle itself swallowed them whole."

Azazel, Desira, and Vivi maintained a watchful gaze, their senses heightened by the mysterious atmosphere that clung to the air. The group pressed on, guided by the inexplicable pull that Azazel, Vivi, and Desira felt toward Avaris.

As they ventured deeper into the castle's heart, a surreal sight unfolded before them. Piles of treasures and junks were scattered haphazardly, creating an otherworldly spectacle. Gold coins, precious gems, and artifacts gleamed in the muted light, casting a mesmerizing glow across the deserted chambers.

Vivi's eyes widened at the opulence that lay before them. "Avaris's obsession with wealth knows no bounds. It seems he's taken his greed to a whole new level."

Ren observed cautiously, "But where are the guards? Usually, a castle would be heavily guarded."

Despite his external composure, a tempest of desire raged within him, threatening to breach the walls of self-control. Ren fought an internal battle, determined not to succumb to the alluring temptation of taking the treasures scattered around him.

Azazel and the others, too, found the absence of any resistance perplexing. They couldn't shake off the feeling that they were walking into a trap, yet the necessity to meet Avaris made them move forward. The group navigated through the labyrinthine passages, each step echoing through the emptiness. The tension in the air thickened as they approached the heart of the castle, where Avaris's presence seemed most potent.

Finally, they reached the grand chamber, an opulent space adorned with gilded decorations and elaborate tapestries. At the center of the room, atop a throne fashioned from precious metals, sat Avaris, the Warlord of Greed.

Avaris stood before them, a teenage boy with an unexpected blend of divine and demonic features. Large sheep horns adorned the sides of his head, curving gracefully like crescent moons. He had golden curly hair and golden eyes. His handsomeness surpassed the expectations one might associate with a demon, radiating a vitality that defied conventional perceptions.

Notably, his lower extremities took on a peculiar form. Lamb feet supported his slender frame, lending an otherworldly charm to his appearance. Despite the unconventional attributes, Avaris possessed a unique beauty that captivated those who beheld him. His youthful visage, combined with the unexpected horns and lamb-like feet, created a striking and charismatic presence. Far from being ugly like what Desira said, Avaris exuded an aura of vitality, embodying the captivating youthfulness of a handsome teenage boy with a touch of the supernatural.

However, there was something unsettling about his posture. Avaris appeared frozen, as if time itself had ceased to affect him. His eyes, usually gleaming with avarice, were vacant, and his outstretched hand held a jewel that seemed to emit a faint glow.

Desira cautiously approached, her gaze fixed on Avaris. "Avaris, what has happened here? Why is the castle empty, and why are you sitting there like a statue?"

There was no response from the Warlord. The room, despite its richness, felt cold and desolate. Ren exchanged glances with the others.

"Did the rebellion army already arrived here?" asked Evie. "That can't be . . . Avaris has the corruption inside him. Right now, there's no one who has enough power to do this to him," Vivi said and uttered in shock, "Unless . . ."

As they circled the motionless Warlord, Ren noticed an unusual aura emanating from the jewel in Avaris's hand. It pulsed with a faint energy, and Ren couldn't shake off the feeling that it held the key to the mysteries that surrounded them.

"Maybe this thing holds the answers to our problems," Ren said, pointing at the stone in Avaris's hand.

"Looks like there's only one way to find the answer here," Azazel said, crossing his arms. "Desira . . ."

Desira grinned widely. "Say no more."

Without another word, Desira attempted to wake Lethargia by shaking her shoulder.

"Hoi! Lethargia, wake up. Wake up and tell us what happened here."

"Egh, she could do that?" Elena asked, surprised.

Vivi nodded. "That's right. Lethargia can see past, present, and future events. She could see what happened here in the past with her special abilities."

"That's great then," Elena said, clapping her hands.

Lorelai rubbed her chin in contemplation. "Looks like she's more useful than I thought."

Azazel proudly raised his chin as if he was the one being praised. "Right? Lethargia is so handy to have."

"I'm not talking about you," Lorelai deadpanned. "You're nothing but trouble the moment you entered our group."

The atmosphere in the grand hall tensed as Lethargia showed no signs of waking up. Desira couldn't contain herself any longer. With a sudden burst of rage, she violently smashed Lethargia's head onto the stone surface.

"I said wake up and show us what happened here!" Desira roared, her fury echoing through the cavernous hall.

The sudden and violent events left the others in shock, their eyes widening at the unexpected outburst. However, their attention swiftly shifted when an ethereal screen, shaped like a dream complete with bubbles and tags, emerged from Lethargia's head. The screen hovered in the air, emanating a mystical glow, as it began to unfold the events that had transpired in the grand hall.

The dreamlike projection showcased the once bustling hall now in disarray, with scattered treasures and junks that mirrored the extravagant collection outside. The vivid images captured the essence of the chaos that had unfolded in Avaris's domain.

The warlord, Avaris, appeared on the screen, his teenage visage still exuding vitality and youthfulness. However, a subtle darkness lingered in his eyes, betraying the corruption that had taken root within him.