
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 770: a little sloth’s story

770 A Little Sloth’s Story WARNING! Filler Chapter


Long before Obsidian X became the powerful Lord he was known as, he was an ambitious demon navigating the complexities of the Netherworld. Lethargia, on the other hand, was a mysterious seer with a unique ability to glimpse into the threads of destiny, weaving past, present, and future into a tapestry known only to her.

A seer burdened with the weight of tragic destinies. Long before she crossed paths with Obsidian X, her existence was woven with despair and heartache.

Lethargia was born amidst the ashen shadows of the demonic realm, her eyes bearing an otherworldly gleam even from infancy. The whispers of the abyss seemed to caress her soul, hinting at a destiny that transcended the mundane. Her parents, recognizing the peculiar nature of their daughter, feared her unusual gift, and from a young age, she became an outcast within her own family.

As she grew, so did her ability to glimpse into fate. The visions that unfolded before her were not of joy and triumph but rather of anguish and suffering. The weight of the future pressed heavily upon her, a relentless force that threatened to consume her fragile spirit. In the stillness of the Netherworld's caverns, Lethargia wept for the tragedies she foresaw, her tears merging with the shadows that clung to her like a shroud.

The demons around her, fearful of her visions, shunned her. Her mere presence became a harbinger of sorrow, and whispers of her cursed sight spread through the demonic realm. Alone and isolated, she sought refuge in the quiet corners of the abyss, where her sobs mingled with the echoes of despair that resonated within the shadows.

Her only companions were the spirits of the forgotten, those whose destinies she had glimpsed and mourned. In the solitude of her existence, Lethargia became the keeper of sorrows, a silent witness to the tragedies that unfolded within the Netherworld's embrace. Yet, she remained yearning for a glimmer of hope, a respite from the ceaseless cascade of misery that surrounded her.

Lethargia's transformation into a creature of unparalleled laziness was a gradual process, shaped by the weight of her burdens and the haunting visions that accompanied her existence in the Netherworld. As the seer of sorrows, she bore witness to countless tragedies and became the keeper of the darkest prophecies, a role that took a toll on her spirit.

The initial spark of laziness manifested as a coping mechanism, a retreat from the overwhelming emotions that accompanied her visions. Each glimpse into the future brought forth a cascade of grief, and Lethargia sought refuge in the simple act of surrendering to lethargy. As the weight of her responsibilities grew, so did her inclination to withdraw into a realm of perpetual slumber.

The caverns of the Netherworld, where shadows intertwined with the echoes of sorrow, became Lethargia's chosen sanctuary. It was there that she discovered the solace of sleep, a state that allowed her to momentarily escape the relentless visions that haunted her waking hours. In the realm of dreams, the seer found a refuge from the tragedies that played out before her eyes.

Her descent into laziness was also fueled by a growing disillusionment with the inevitability of fate. Witnessing one tragedy after another, Lethargia grappled with the futility of her efforts to alter the course of destiny. The more she foresaw, the more she questioned the impact of her actions, leading her to embrace a passive stance that mirrored her internal turmoil.

As her interactions with other demons became limited, Lethargia's laziness evolved into a shield against the harsh realities of the Netherworld. The indifferent facade she adopted allowed her to distance herself from the emotional toll of the prophecies she carried. Sleep became a refuge, and her waking moments were marked by an air of disinterest and detachment.

The seer's demeanor further transformed when she encountered Obsidian X, who would be later known as the Demon King. His ambitious spirit and determination to defy fate offered a glimmer of hope, but it also deepened Lethargia's internal conflict. Witnessing the struggles of those around her, she withdrew even further into the realms of sleep, using laziness as a shield against the complexities of interpersonal relationships.

Obsidian X, in contrast, saw the beauty in Lethargia's unique perspective and sought to uplift her from the clutches of her own visions. However, her laziness had become a self-imposed prison, a fortress built to guard against the emotional turbulence that accompanied her extraordinary abilities. Her descent into laziness was both a coping mechanism and a silent protest against a fate she could foresee but felt powerless to change.

Lethargia's drowsy eyes cast a disinterested gaze upon Obsidian X's ambitious endeavors. She, who had witnessed the ebb and flow of countless destinies, remained ensconced in the cocoon of her own indifference. Yet, Obsidian X's relentless determination and unwavering spirit stirred something within her, a subtle flicker of curiosity beneath the layers of lethargy.

As Obsidian X traversed the territories, conquering challenges and adversaries alike, his feats resonated with Lethargia's dormant emotions. His conquests, bold and unyielding, became a beacon in the otherwise desolate landscape of her visions. Obsidian X's refusal to succumb to the preordained path fascinated Lethargia, stirring echoes of hope in the depths of her heart.

One pivotal moment emerged when Obsidian X faced a formidable adversary, a malevolent force that even Lethargia's visions struggled to fully comprehend. As the battle reached its zenith, with the clash of swords and the crackling of dark energies, Lethargia found herself drawn into the scene. Obsidian X's resilience against insurmountable odds resonated deeply with her, shattering the monotony of her indifferent existence.

In the aftermath of the confrontation, Obsidian X approached Lethargia with a gaze that transcended the boundaries of conquest and war. His eyes held a unique understanding of the burdens she carried, and a silent understanding passed between them. Obsidian X recognized the seer's wearied soul and saw beyond the facade of laziness that had become her armor.

The choice presented before Lethargia was both a liberation and a challenge. 11:08

In a moment that defied the preconceived destiny that Lethargia foresaw, Obsidian X extended a hand to her. His words, spoken with sincerity and conviction, cut through the haze of her lethargy. "Join me," he implored, "not as a seer chained by visions but as an ally who shapes their own fate."

The choice presented before Lethargia was both a liberation and a challenge. Obsidian X's allure lay not just in his prowess as a conqueror but in his ability to inspire change, even in the most stagnant of hearts. The offer held the promise of a different narrative, one where Lethargia could be more than a passive witness to tragedy.

Against the currents of her own prophecies, Lethargia made a choice that defied the expectations of her own visions. She accepted Obsidian X's outstretched hand, becoming not just a seer but a participant in the unfolding saga of conquest. Her journey with Obsidian X was a gradual awakening, a departure from the somber tones of her past, as she followed him willingly into the ranks of his warlords.