
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 769: chaos and charades

769 Chaos and Charades "Huh?!" Desira was shocked, immediately baring her fangs and shooting sharp glares at Elena. "Is that true?! Are you my rival in love as well?! You can never really trust anyone right now! Why does my list of rivals keep increasing?!"

Elena casually pushed Azazel away from her and said with a deadpan voice, "I don't care about you. But I care about this world. If this corruption could ruin the world, then I'm concerned about what your plan is after getting all the corruption."

"Hmm . . . Good point," Azazel said, stroking his chin in contemplation.

"So, what is your plan, Lord Azazel?" Vivi inquired, her eyes fixated on him.

All eyes turned to Azazel, even Lethargia, who was seemingly asleep, opened one eye. Curiosity and worry danced in their gazes, eager for his response.

Azazel casually scratched the back of his head and nonchalantly declared, "It's a secret."

Elena reacted immediately, delivering a swift slap to the back of his head, while Lorelai wrestled him to the ground.

In the midst of the chaos, Lethargia, unbothered, returned to her slumber.

Vivi let out a sigh of exasperation.

Desira shifted from side to side, and cupper her cheeks with her hands. "My, Lord Azazel. Don't keep secrets from me, okay? You know that I'm weak at surprises. If you're going to propose or something, just spill the beans now. No need to keep it a secret."

Elena gaped at her. "How did you even come up with that when we're talking about the corruption?"

"Looks like we can't extract his plans for the corruption right now," Evie informed Ren.

Ren nodded. "At this point, we're still in the early stages of the story. The narrative might shift as we delve deeper. Watch out for clues and hints; they might be crucial to Azazel's fate."

Evie nodded in understanding. "Got it."

Ren was keenly aware that they were merely breezing through the Netherworld. Many more territories, dungeons, bosses, and quests awaited completion. The journey was far from over, and the unknown mysteries of this realm loomed ahead.

However, at this moment, Ren found his attention diverted, as he was not currently engrossed in those thoughts and simply desired to acquire those elusive equipment recipes and proceed to auction them for the money.

Once he had successfully pay the debt, he intended to redirect his focus towards World Conqueror. Perhaps, after solving most of his problems in the real world, he could thoroughly explore the Netherworld and all its hidden secrets.

Yet, presently, he held a specific goal that demanded his immediate attention. The lure of undiscovered territories and potential quests in the Netherworld would have to wait, as the pursuit of these recipes took precedence.

Lorelai gracefully brushed her hands, seemingly getting the dusts off them, a satisfied expression on her face after giving Azazel a taste of the ground. "Well, now that's over with. Let's move on to the next warlord. Maybe we'll stumble upon some information about Salister Kane in there."

Ren and the others gathered themselves, ready for the next leg of their journey. "Agreed. Let's keep the momentum going."

Vivi, however, interjected, concern etched on her face as she pointed towards the snoozing figures of Lethargia and the somewhat unconscious Azazel with lumps decorating his face. "What about Lethargia and Lord Azazel? We can't just leave them here."

Ren took a moment to assess the situation. "Lorelai, could you handle Lethargia? I'll take care of Azazel."

"Huh?" Lorelai frowned. "Why am I the one carrying her?"

"Well, Azazel should have been the one to carry her, but since you've beaten him to a pulp, you should take responsibility and carry her," Ren explained with a dead voice. Lorelai grumbled under her breath but complied, hoisting Lethargia over her shoulder. "Damn you stink, sleepyhead," she muttered.

Lethargia mumbled in her sleep, "I'm too lazy . . . to take a bath . . ."

Lorelai decided to take swift action regarding Lethargia. Without much ado, she tossed Lethargia on top of Tiki's back and skillfully tied her to the end of its tail. "You stay here, far away from us until you remove that stink off you!"

Meanwhile, Desira eagerly volunteered to carry Azazel. "Don't worry; I will take care of Lord Azazel. I will heal his wounds and shower him with lots of love while he's in my arms."

Ren could only stare at her with deadpan eyes. "We're just going to carry him on top of Tiki's back and proceed with our journey."

Desira giggled and fidgeted with excitement. "I know, right? Me and Azazel going on our honeymoon together, riding the back of a giant lizard. Don't worry, Lord Azazel, I won't ever let you go, and you'll definitely be comfortable in my embrace."

Ren and Evie exchanged glances, both speaking simultaneously with monotone voices, "How did you even come to a honeymoon stage from the conversation?"

Vivi quickly interjected and promptly pulled Azazel from Desira's hold. "No, let me carry Lord Azazel. Who knows what you would do to him while he's unconscious."

"D-do to him?" Desira wiped the dreamy expression and saliva from her face, locking eyes with Vivi while stubbornly holding onto Azazel's arm. "For your information, Lord Azazel and I are married. So, it's perfectly acceptable for a married couple to engage in intimate activities. Besides, with your flat chest, where is he going to find a comfortable place to rest?"

Vivi's face turned various shades of red. "F-flat?! And when did you and Lord Azazel got married? Stop with your delusions and give me Lord Azazel. He might suffocate in your enormous boobs that's nothing but fat!"

"F-fat?!" Desira gritted her teeth, unable to contain her irritation. "I am the sexiest demoness in the whole of the Netherworld, and you're nothing but a midget with a stone-like flat figure!"

Vivi gnashed her teeth and growled, "You delusional fat cow!"

Desira wasn't one to back down and retorted, "Stone-flat midget!" The two continued to shout insulting words at each other, completely forgetting about Azazel. He suffered more injuries when they carelessly threw him to the side, crashing into the wall headfirst.

Ren sighed, exasperated, and swiftly pulled Azazel from the rubble before carrying him on his back. He directed his attention to Evie, urging, "Let's go before they accidentally kill this guy."

Evie nodded in agreement, and they set off toward the next warlord, heading into the territory of the Warlord of Greed, Avaris.