
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 763: lethargia

In the hands of these demonic riders and underworld creatures were an assortment of weapons, each one a deadly instrument of destruction. Wickedly curved blades glinted menacingly, and fiery whips crackled with dark energy. Some demons brandished staffs adorned with cursed symbols, channeling dark forces that seemed to distort the very air around them.

As this ominous horde marched relentlessly towards the unsuspecting town, their battle cry resonated with a chilling promise of bloodshed. The air vibrated with the guttural roars of demons, the thunderous hoofbeats of war horses, and the unearthly wails of underworld creatures. The very ground seemed to tremble beneath the weight of impending doom as the malevolent assembly closed in, their intent clear –– a merciless onslaught upon the town, leaving nothing but chaos and despair in their wake.

Desira's eyes widened as she observed the marching demons. "That flag," she exclaimed in surprise, "That's the rebellion army!"

"What?" Vivi shared her surprise, and Azazel's face turned serious.

"Are they going to raid the town?" Elena asked, her voice filled with concern.

"Not under my watch," declared Lorelai, ready to storm towards the demons. However, Ren swiftly intervened, grabbing her hair.

"Wait," Ren said calmly, holding her back.

Lorelai skidded to a stop, growling at Ren. "Stop grabbing my hair all the time."

Ren wasn't perturbed and continued coolly, "Let's wait and see first."

At a distance, they saw the demons halt near the town gates. With a thunderous roar, their spokesperson declared, "We're not here to cause trouble for you. We don't want bloodshed among our fellow demons and devils. We only want one thing and one thing only. Give us the Warlord of Sloth, Lethargia, and we shall leave in peace!"

"So they only want Lethargia?" Ren muttered. "It makes sense since they formed their army to take down the warlords."

"But look at those townsfolk," Elena pointed out at the battlements. "They seem unhurried and unbothered. There's not even fear in their eyes."

"Looks like they're going to fight," Lorelai said, grinning.

"Why do you sound excited?" Ren asked her with a dead voice.

Lorelai laughed. "There's nothing more chivalrous and exciting than witnessing the citizens protecting their home against invaders and enemies."

"They're not invaders, though. They're the rebellion army," Evie corrected.

"I wonder what the townsfolk would do," Elena pondered aloud. "Are they really going to fight that army with swords and shields?"

"We have to help Lethargia," Vivi declared.

Azazel and Desira nodded in agreement.

However, before they could react, a sudden commotion erupted on the battlement.

"What's that?" Evie pointed to the gathering of citizens on the battlement.

There were demons and devils there, carrying something wrapped in a blanket. Without uttering a word, they casually tossed it onto the ground. Ren and the others heard a loud thud, accompanied by the energetic voices of the townsfolk.

"Here you go!" they shouted, seemingly unconcerned about the demonic army. Then, without giving the demons another glance, the citizens nonchalantly went back to their activities, as if nothing extraordinary had just happened.

On the ground, the mysterious 'thing' rolled towards the leader of the demon army, revealing itself to be a woman with long black hair resembling seaweed, a somewhat scrawny frame, pale skin, and a bony countenance. Enormous dark bags hung beneath her eyes. Despite the considerable fall, she remained fast asleep, snoring peacefully and completely oblivious to her surroundings.

"Agh!" Azazel, Vivi, and Desira were taken aback before exclaiming, "Lethargia!"

"Eh?" Ren and the others couldn't believe what they just heard.

Did the townsfolk just . . . toss out a warlord like it was a piece of trash? A warlord rumored to be one of the stronger demons and devils in the Netherworld.

"W-what . . . what just happened?" Elena stuttered.

"Don't ask me," Lorelai answered with a shrug. "I'm as clueless as you are."

"Looks like the citinze wodnlt want a fight, that's for sure," Ren said. "That's not important right now. We have to save Lethargia!" Vivi said urgently. Desira and Azazel were on the verge of moving when Lethargia suddenly woke up, plopping herself on the ground. She rubbed her drowsy eyes, letting out a loud yawn.

"You! Are you really Lethargia, the Warlord of Sloth?!" the leader of the army asked, skepticism written all over his face. Even they weren't sure that this weak-looking, bedraggled lady was a Warlord.

Lethargia blinked and answered him, "Yeah? Who are you?"

The leader of the demon army, adorned in intimidating armor and emanating an air of authority, stepped forward. His voice thundered across the grassy plain, echoing his grand purpose.

"We are the Rebellion Army!" he declared, his words resonating with a noble fervor. "Sent forth from the shadows to break the chains of oppression that bind our fellow demons and devils! The Warlords have held our brethren captive for far too long with their oppression and selfish desires!"

Lethargia was still half-asleep.

While Desira raised an eyebrow and mumbled, "He's not wrong though."

The leader continued, oblivious to Lethargia's semi-conscious state. "We've come to liberate the Netherworld from the tyrannical grasp of the Warlords! No longer shall they dictate our destiny!"

Lethargia yawned audibly, and interrupted with a nonchalant, "Destiny, you say . . . ? I was having a dream about a mountain made of marshmallows . . . Way more exciting . . ."

Undeterred, the leader pressed on, his speech gaining intensity. "We shall unite the realms under the banner of freedom! Together, we'll forge a new era, free from the shackles of the Warlords and a Demon King's rule!"

Lethargia blinked and lazily clapped her hands, "Whoa . . . how noble . . ."

The leader, with zeal in his eyes, continued, "We will overthrow the Warlords and usher in an era of peace and prosperity!"

Lethargia's head bobbed left and right, her eyes were on the verge of closing. The demon army's leader, increasingly frustrated, concluded his impassioned speech. "The Rebellion will prevail, and the Warlords' reign of terror will crumble!"

Lethargia nodded, laid back down, and using her arm as a makeshift pillow, she went back to sleep. "Sounds thrilling . . . Wake me up when you're victorious . . ."