
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 762: march of shadows: a symphony of menace

"Hey Ren, aren't you going to eat dinner first?" Leonel called from the kitchen.


Leonel rubbed his temples, eyeing Ren's closed door. The stubborn determination in Ren's pursuit of COVENANT made any attempt to drag him for dinner seem futile.

Perhaps, Leonel mused, Ren was eagerly anticipating the reunion with Evie.

Worry crept into Leonel's thoughts as he considered Ren neglecting to eat again. The image of Ren falling unconscious due to hunger crossed his mind.

A deep breath and a sigh later, he decided to let it go. Ren was a grown man, fully capable of making his own choices and capable of taking care of himself . . . he hoped.

Dismissing the concern, Leonel refocused on the impending task that Ren had handed him — a dungeon crawl with Isolde again.

"Isolde . . . ," he murmured absentmindedly. "I wonder what she's up to right now."

Finishing his meal, Leonel's excitement grew at the prospect of entering the game with her.

A few seconds later, Leonel eagerly rushed to his room to immerse himself in the game.

He skipped steps, swaying his hands, surrounded by hearts and sparkles that seemed to dance around him. His laughter echoed with a silly grin on his face.

If he had a tail, it would surely be wagging back and forth.

Meanwhile, back in COVENANT, Ren and the party were navigating the stream towards Twilight Veil, the town where Lethargia resided.

Curiosity bubbled within Elena as she guided Tiki through the stream that Desira pointed. "What kind of Warlord is this Lethargia, anyway?"

Vivi, with a finger on her lips, contemplated the question. "Hmm . . . now that you mention it." She struggled to recall any specific details. "I can't give you a definite answer, but she does live up to her name."

"Huh?" Ren and the others chorused simultaneously. "What do you mean?"

Azazel's grin widened. "It means she's super calm and collected."

"Lazy and couldn't be bothered, you mean," Desira corrected.

Ren and the others exchanged looks.

"Then we hope that she wouldn't fight us and just hand over the corruption and recipes," Evie muttered.

Azazel laughed heartily. "Rather than fighting, Lethargia would probably prioritize sleep and relaxation more than anything."

Vivi nodded in agreement. "That's probably going to happen."

"Lord Azazel . . ." Desira whined and sidled over to him. "Don't talk about her like you're very fond of her. It makes me jealous."

Lorelai gave her a sidelong glance. "She sure is expressive."

Vivi shrugged. "You'll get used to it."

Azazel grinned widely and patted Desira's head. "I'm fond of all of you!"

Desira's face reddened, and she hugged Azazel into her ample bosom, muffling him. "My! Teeheehee! You're so fond of me, enough to marry me, right? My Lord is so lovable!"

"I don't think that's what he meant," Elena whispered particularly to no one.

But nobody offered any more comments and chose to ignore the scene. At this point, Desira was long gone in her delusion, and they'd be wasting their saliva talking some sense into her.

"Oh, we're here." Vivi pointed as they emerged from the stream, greeted by a completely new landscape.

Compared to the deserted lands in the south, this place had lush grass, a gentle breeze, and pleasant warm weather that made them yearn for a nap.

"Hmm . . . this place makes me want to lay on the grass and sleep," Evie said.

Ren nodded. "This landscape suits Lethargia, then."

"There's the town where she resides," Vivi pointed to a single settlement in the center of the grassland.

The town within the Warlord of Sloth's territory exuded an enchanting yet lethargic ambiance. Buildings with wood and rock inspired architecture dotted the landscape, characterized by curved designs.

The streets were meandering, seemingly in no hurry, winding around lush gardens where flowers bloom at their own pace.

Residents move languidly, and the air was thick with tranquility, inducing a calm drowsiness upon visitors.

Hammocks sway gently between trees, inviting anyone passing by to take a moment and succumb to the slow rhythm of the town.

Even the town square, with its central fountain, seems to pour water at a measured and unhurried pace.

Cafes and tea houses line the streets, their patrons lounging on comfortable cushions, sipping their drinks with contented smiles.

The town's market, though active, operates at a leisurely pace, each vendor taking their time to display their wares with no sense of urgency.

The architecture was aesthetically pleasing, with a blend of earthy tones and natural materials that created harmonious, laid-back atmosphere.

As dusk fell, the town is bathed in a serene twilight, casting long shadows that lazily stretch across the cobblestone streets.

While the town may seem idyllic, there's an undercurrent of lethargy that makes everything move at its own unhurried pace, as if time itself has decided to take a nap within Lethargia's territory.

"What a surprise," Elena remarked.

"Yeah, I thought it would be depressing like the other towns," Lorelai commented.

"I want to stay here," Evie expressed.

Ren wryly smiled. "We can't. We'll have to find Lethargia, get the recipes, and move on to the next Warlord."

"You mean get the corruption first, right?" Desira corrected.

"Hey, what's that?" Vivi pointed toward the horizon.

In the expansive horizon, a spectacle unfolded that sent shivers down the spines of those observing.

A menacing assembly of war horses, their powerful hooves stirring up clouds of dust, led the charge. These equine warriors varied in size and color, their coats ranging from jet black to fiery red, each adorned with elaborate armor that gleamed ominously in the sunlight.

Riding atop these formidable steeds with eight legs were an array of demons, each more nightmarish than the last. Horned beings with leathery wings spanned wide, casting eerie shadows over the landscape.

Some demons had scales that glimmered with an otherworldly sheen, while others exuded an ethereal darkness that seemed to swallow the very essence of light.

Among the ranks of this infernal cavalry were grotesque creatures from the underworld, their twisted forms embodying the embodiment of nightmares.

Some resembled grotesque amalgamations of different beasts, with snarling heads and elongated limbs, while others slithered with serpentine grace, leaving a trail of unearthly hisses in their wake.