
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 754: items of hope

Azazel was at a loss. "But I . . . I only told her the truth."

"You could have lied! At least until we're free!" Elena muttered under her breath, the restrictive hold of the dark fog intensifying with each passing second.

"I can't lie about something like this!" Azazel retorted.

"Stop being a goody-goody and start acting like a demon!" Lorelai spat, still attempting to reach Azazel with her kicks.

Ren, however, noticed a glimmer of hope amidst the stifling darkness.

Despite the restriction on their abilities, it appeared that they could still use their items.

A subtle realization lifted a fraction of the weight from their shoulders, providing a potential avenue for escape.

The struggle against the dark, restrictive energy intensified, and Ren and the others found themselves trapped in a paradox –– their powers sealed, yet a small window of opportunity presented through the use of their items.

Ren surveyed the dire situation, realizing that conventional spells and skills were off the table within Desira's domain.

He quickly assessed their limited options, recognizing the need for strategies. The atmosphere was charged with Desira's corrupted energy, and the longer they stayed her the harder it was to breath.

Ren and Evie reached into their inventory and produced a shimmering crystal vial filled with ethereal liquid. The label read [Eclipsar Elixir] that Nullifies Magical Suppression.

They wasted no time and consumed the Eclipsar Elixir. The liquid glowed momentarily within them, creating a protective barrier against Desira's oppressive influence.

The others' also produced similar items to counter the oppression in the air.

As Lorelai rose from the ground, Azazel was still bewildered by the turn of events and still didn't know what was wrong with what he said.

The battle began when Ren and the others got out from the restricting grip of the smog.

"Fools! Do you think that you can defeat me with just items alone?!" Desira mocked, her laughter reverberating through the mist.

"I don't need any skills nor spells to beat you!" Lorelai declared. Equipping Demon's Bane she charged towards Desira.

"Fool! You can't defeat me! This is my domain! Everything in here, I can control!" Desira's voice echoed with an eerie resonance as she raised her hand with a flourish.

In response, the misty surroundings seemed to obey her command, and the gravitational force intensified a thousandfold.

Couldn't use any spell or skills, Lorelai was caught in the relentless grip of Desira's dark magic, and was forcefully slammed to the ground.

The weight of the increased gravity made every movement an agonizing struggle, and despite her formidable strength, she found herself unable to rise.

Lorelai clenched her teeth, her gaze burning with defiance as she shot a glare at Desira. "Damn you!" she hissed, attempting to bear the crushing weight solely through the sheer force of her strength.

Desira's laughter echoed through the misty battlefield. "I told you, you're no match for me," she taunted. Peering down at Lorelai with a condescending smirk, she sneered, "Although I am surprised that you can resist that weight."

As the misty battlefield crackled with tension, Elena seized the opportunity presented by the distraction caused by Lorelai's struggle.

With a swift and fluid motion, she uncorked a small vial containing a Concealment Potion. The liquid inside shimmered with an iridescent glow as she consumed it, causing her form to blur and seamlessly blend with the surrounding mist.

Silently, Elena maneuvered through the shadows, her footsteps muted by the enchantment of the potion. Her movements were like whispers, imperceptible even to the keen senses of her adversaries.

Like a phantom, she materialized behind Desira, her eyes gleaming with the intent to kill as she raised a knife poised for a lethal strike.

"That's futile!" Desira muttered. "I can sense everything in my domain even if you conceal yourself!"

The air around her rippled as she executed a rapid teleportation spell, vanishing from her previous position.

Elena's knife, aimed for the sorceress's back, found nothing but empty air.

Desira reappeared a few paces away, her gaze locking onto Elena with a mix of amusement and annoyance.

"Get out of my sight!" Without hesitation, Desira unleashed a barrage of dark energy towards the concealed Elena.

The magical blasts was swift and unrelenting, leaving no room for evasion based on Elena's speed alone.

Elena found herself unable to evade the onslaught of Desira's magic entirely. The dark energies struck her with a force that sent her hurtling backward, her form contorted by the impact. The misty air crackled with the residual power of Desira's assault.

The force of the blast caused Elena to skid across the battlefield, leaving behind a trail of displaced mist. Her body, battered and bruised, absorbed the incredible damage inflicted by Desira's magic.

However, Elena have enormous HP and her stat wasn't to be mess about. She had endured the attack without being immediately incapacitated.

The ethereal mist clung to Elena's form as she slowly rose from the ground, her movements betraying the strain of the powerful assault.

Despite the amazing damage she had suffered, Elena's health bar didn't flickered on the brink of depletion, showing the remarkable fortitude that had saved her from being one-shot by Desira's formidable magic.

If it had been regular players, they would surely be one shot by the blow.

At the side, Ren gritted his teeth. This wasn't looking good.

Locked in Desira's domain, they couldn't access their skills and spells. Who knew that the Netherworld have so many spell and skills restriction.

He observed Desira's actions keenly, noting that not all her spells and skills were area-of-effect. This realization sparked a glimmer of hope in the midst of adversity.

"Stay focused, everyone! Desira's spells and attacks aren't all-encompassing. We can exploit the openings!" he shouted, rallying the group.

Vivi adeptly intercepted oncoming magical assaults using the Reflectora Speculum, an item that reflected attacks and offering respite amid the chaotic battle.

"Enough, Desira! Why are you attacking Lord Azazel?" Vivi's voice pierced through the mist, echoing with a mix of cries and pleas.

Desira scoffed. "Why? Did you honestly ask why? You should know, Voraxa!"

"I'm well aware that Lord Azazel can be naive, foolish, and often oblivious, and led us into trouble all the time, but that's no reason to attack him! Haven't we sworn to protect him forever?" Vivi passionately declared, her words carrying the weight of a solemn oath.