
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 753: consequences of a confession

Azazel took a deep breath and, with a serious face and voice, declared, "Desira, I love you too!"

Desira coughed his tongue, her soul seemingly departing her overheated body in response to Azazel's declaration.

The pain that everyone had felt moments ago dissipated, and the jail began to slowly disintegrate into particles.

"Well done Lord Azazel!" Vivi was ecstatic at the turn of events and couldn't help but cheer loudly.

Ren nodded in approval. "So you can say the right words after all."

Evie gave a thumbs up.

Lorelai rolled her eyes and audibly groaned at what she was witnessing.

Elena was relieved that they had finally escaped the jail, and remarked, "Looks like everything is finally over."

It seemed that words of love had the power to heal a broken heart and dissipate Desira's anger. Things were finally looking good.

It was a day of happiness, healing, and unexpected romance that had blossomed from the most unlikely of places.

Azazel continued his heartfelt declarations, and added, "I love you! I love you as family, and you'll always be an important member of my team! I'm sorry that I haven't been vocal about my affections for you, and all of you, but this are my honest feelings!"

. . .

. . .

As Azazel finished his words a peculiar stillness settled over the scene. The air became thick with a bizarre energy, and an uncanny hush enveloped the area.

It was as if time itself had frozen, creating a surreal picture.

Ren and the others turned into a statue. Even Desira found herself caught in a moment of usher disbelief at the sudden turn of events.

Her heart that was fluttering a moment ago turned to stone and broke in thousands of pieces.

The comical twist of fate was enough to render them all into a state of utter petrification.

The atmosphere was frozen, and not in a romantic way. It was frozen in an awkward manner that left everyone in absurd poses.

Desira, who had been in heaven for a while, now sported a face of incredulity as if she couldn't fathom her own reaction.

The mist-laden air, which had moments ago carried the weight of tension, now held suspended particles of confusion.

Azazel was oblivious to the unexpected outcome of his declaration, and remained in his steadfast stance, blissfully unaware of the new chaos he had unleashed.

Ren and the others were caught mid-expression.

Elena, who had just moments ago celebrated their escape, now had a goofy smile frozen on her face.

Lorelai found herself mid-eye roll, adding an extra layer of absurdity to the situation.

Ren, in his stunned disbelief, appeared as if he were caught between a gasp and a facepalm, his usual air of authority shattered by the absurdity of the situation

Evie, usually calm and collected, wore an expression of bewilderment, while Vivi was stuck in a pose of exuberant cheer, her arms raised high in a victory stance.

It was a snapshot of a moment frozen in time, each member of the group captured in their most amusing state.

It should have been a happy day, a moment of relief and reconnected relationships, but Azazel's unexpected addition of those words had turned the scene into foreboding once more.

As Azazel's unexpected declaration hung in the air, a disconcerting silence fell over the misty landscape. The moment seemed to elongate, pregnant with the weight of Desira's impending reaction.

Then, as if triggered by an invisible switch, Desira erupted into laughter.

The once gloomy mist transformed into a cloud of suspended laughter, as Desira found herself trapped in her own creation, realizing that she had fallen for Azazel tricks once again.

It wasn't the laughter of joy or amusement; rather, it resonated with an unsettling blend of madness and despair.

The sound echoed through the desolate landscape, a cacophony that seemed to defy the very nature of the surroundings.

Desira's laughter was haunting, a manifestation of her inner turmoil and the conflicting emotions that now ravaged her once beautiful visage.

The corruption that had momentarily lifted with Azazel's words now descended with a vengeance, twisting her features into a grotesque parody of her former self.

Her once luminous eyes, now shrouded in dark tendrils, flickered with a deranged light. The elegant lines of her face contorted into a macabre dance of agony and mirth.

It was as if the very essence of the misty realm had seeped into her, tainting her with its malevolence.

The atmosphere, once briefly relieved of its suffocating tension, thickened once again. The air turned dense, as if laden with the weight of Desira's unraveling sanity.

The mist now seemed to writhe and coil in response to her tumultuous emotions.

As Desira continued her manic outburst, the landscape itself seemed to quiver, resonating with the chaotic energy she unleashed.

The mist clung to her like a sinister shroud, amplifying the otherworldly atmosphere.

"I should have known!" Desira spat, her words laced with bitterness. "I should have known that you'd never change! You're still the same Obsidian X I knew, refusing to acknowledge my feelings and continuously hurting me with your insensitive words! I've had enough of it! Now prepare to die!"

The air transformed into a dense, suffocating darkness, enveloping them in its tight and oppressive hold. The air thickened, making every breath an arduous struggle.

Ren and the others was feeling the encroaching tension gripping their throats, and attempted to summon their spells and skills, only to discover that their abilities were rendered useless.

The dark, oppressive force seemed to stifle their every attempt.

"This is my domain!" Desira declared, her voice echoing with a sinister edge. "As long as you're in here, your powers are restricted! The jail is designed to trap you and subject you to corruption. However, I've decided it's time to end you once and for all!"

"Way to go, Azazel," Elena blamed the demon.

Azazel was baffled, his eyes widening, and his mouth dropping. "Eh? It's my fault?"

"Who else could it be?!" Lorelai wanted to kick his ass, but she found herself too far away from him, currently under the grip of the ominous air.