
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 745: true reason

"Desira . . . ," Vivi uttered, and then her face contorted into a deadpan frown, "are you just getting back at Azazel for what he had done to you? The things you said that you're liberated from and constricted you in the past . . . just as I thought . . . it's your feelings for Lord Azazel, right?"

Ren and the others exchanged puzzled glances as they tried to make sense of the situation.

Surely the Warlord of Lusts and Desires knew better than to show pity due to a failed romance?

It seemed unlikely.

"S-Shut up!" Desira retorted, her face flushing with embarrassment.

Rena and Lorelai regarded her with deadpan expressions. So it was really the case.

Desira, feeling the need to defend herself, pointed an accusatory finger at Azazel. "A-anyway, I'm long over him! The moment Obsidian X died, my feelings for him died as well! There's no use on dwelling on that clueless and idiotic demon! I have embrace the love of others and I no longer hang up on a single demon's affection!"

Ren and Lorelai remained unconvinced, while Vivi sighed with a knowing tone.

"Just as I thought, you're still not over him."

Azazel, oblivious to the unfolding drama, asked, "What are you guys talking about?"

"Get a clue, you idiot," Ren and the others thought.

Desira swallowed her embarrassment, composed herself, and declared, "Anyway, that's not important right now."

Her expression then shifted to a seductive smile though it only appeared creepy. "Stay here while the corruption consumes you, and you will see how wonderful it is to be liberated and submit to your heart's desires!"

Desira's form blurred as she melded with the shadows, becoming one with the twisted ambiance of the throne room.

The captives struggled against the disorienting effects of the spatial jail, their senses assailed by the malevolent forces at play.

As the room reached a crescendo of otherworldly energies, Desira's voice resonated through the chaos. "Witness the transformation and understand the futility of resistance. The Netherworld's power is boundless, and you shall either succumb or be swept away by its currents."

Suddenly, a surge of energy enveloped the captives, and their surroundings blurred into an indistinct haze. They felt themselves being propelled through a metaphysical current, as if traversing the unseen realms of the Netherworld itself.

When the disorienting journey ceased, the captives found themselves in an unfamiliar part of the Netherworld.

The air crackled with an unfamiliar energy, and the surroundings bore the markings of Desira's corrupted influence. The spatial jail was intact still, not allowing them a moment to regain their powers.

"Where are we?" Lorelai inquired.

"You're in the part of the netherworld where the corruption is thickest. Ohohohoho~!" Desira's voice echoed through the air. "No better place to hasten your corruption than in the center of it."

"Let us go, Desira. This isn't like you at all!" Azazel shouted.

Desira frowned and pouted. "You're still spouting that nonsense. Just so you know, this is the real me, Azazel. Now if you'll excuse me, I still have a lot of demons and devils to free from their constraints. See you later!"

When Desira left, Lorelai tried to break free from the jail using Demonsbane but the cage only vibrated but showed no sign of breaking.

"It's no use. This is a special jail that none could break, and only the caster could free us. While we're in here, we also wouldn't be able to use our powers."

"Thank you for stating the obvious," Lorelai deadpanned. "Tell me something that I don't know."

"Egh?" Vivi cowered, and tears welled in her big eyes. "I thought you didn't know because you kept attacking it with your weapon."

"Are you calling me stupid?"

Vivi vehemently shook her head to the side, though her eyes couldn't meet Lorelai's.

"Hoi, what's with that look?" Lorelai questioned.

"N-nothing. This is how I always look," Vivi stuttered.

Azazel slumped on the floor and crossed his hands. "I wonder what's wrong with Desira. She's usually obedient and a very good girl. Could it be that the corruption has gotten to her really bad?"

Ren and the others gave him the side eyes.

"Isn't it your fault to begin with?" Ren asked. "What did you do to her anyway?"

Azazel thought for a moment with a serious face. "I honestly don't have any idea. I just couldn't remember what."

Vivi sighed and could only shake her head. "I suddenly feel pity for Desira. No wonder she was like that."

"So what did you do?" Lorelai asked, followed by a loud smack on Azazel's head. "Spill it if you don't want me to punch you senseless."

"Woman, you really are violent," Azazel groaned and grinned. "Though I don't hate that in a woman at all."

Another whack on his head made Azazel shut up.

"Are you going to tell us or what?"

Azazel rubbed the lumps on his head and growled, "I really don't know. If I did, I wouldn't be here thinking of what I did wrong."

"It's no use," Vivi interjected. "The only way to make him understand is by telling him straight to the point."

Vivi faced Azazel and said with a serious expression, "I really don't want to tell you this directly since it should be Desira who should tell you, but . . . she loves you, Lord Azazel."

Azazel bobbed his head to the side and nodded. "Right. I know that."

"You know?!" Both Rena and Lorelai were shocked.

Azazel was confused as to why the others were so shocked. "That's right. I mean, I love all my warlords, and they're like family to me!" he proudly declared.

Lorelai's mouth fell open.

Ren sighed. "I somehow know that's what he meant." He was denser than he was.

Vivi wryly smiled. "Please excuse Lord Azazel. He isn't used to women liking him."

"Huh? Why do I get the feeling that you guys are badmouthing me," Azazel muttered, his lower lip puckering out.

"It's because we are!" everyone shouted.

"Egh?" Azazel was shocked but couldn't form words of retort.