
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 744: embrace the darkness

A heavy tension settled over the room as her words hung in the air.

Ren, Lorelai, and Vivi exchanged uneasy glances.

Before anyone could voice their thoughts, Desira's once-beautiful form began to transform, warping into a grotesque visage that defied comprehension.

Her skin, once smooth and radiant, now contorted into a dry, wrinkled facade, clinging to the skeletal framework beneath.

Her eyes, once vibrant and full of life, hollowed into dark voids that seemed to absorb the very essence of the room. Strange tattoos adorned her ashen skin, glowing in an array of colors that cut through the darkness.

Ugly thorns sprouted from her head, forming a twisted crown that spoke of both power and decay.

The room itself seemed to react to this transformation, the flora dimming in response to the unnatural aura that now emanated from Desira.

Ren and the others recoiled, their initial shock evolving into a mixture of horror and disbelief. Vivi, in particular, struggled to reconcile this monstrous form with the Desira she thought she knew.

Desira was now a spectral embodiment of her corrupted self, and regarded them with an unsettling calmness. "This is the truth you sought to uncover. Embrace it, for I am no longer shackled by our past! I am FREE!"

As Lorelai moved to protest, the very fabric of the rebelled against them. Invisible barriers materialized around them, enclosing them in a spatial prison that nullified their ability to access their powers.

Panic set in as Ren and the others tried to summon their elemental abilities, only to find them rendered impotent within the confines of Desira's mysterious enchantment.

Lorelai touched the invisible barrier, her fingers meeting an impermeable force. "What have you done, you demon?! Why imprison us?"

Desira's voice resonated through the chamber, its tone both haunting and regal. "You must understand, I can't let you have the corruption. This thing let me be free and be myself! I am no longer bound by the constraints of my former self. And as for your imprisonment, it is a necessary precaution. I cannot allow interference as I embrace my newfound power."

Azazel attempted to reason with her. "What are you even talking about, Desira? Wasn't your wish to help the Netherworld embrace their desires and lusts in a moderate manner? But what is all this? This isn't like you at all!"

Desira's laughter echoed through the chamber, a haunting sound that sent shivers down their spines. "You're wrong, Azazel! What do you even know about me at all? I have embraced my true nature. The past is but a fleeting memory, and I have ascended beyond its constraints."

Azazel could do nothing to change her mind and he could only utter her name, "Desira . . ."

Vivi was still grappling with the shock of Desira's revelation, and spoke hesitantly. "Desira, is there no trace of the ally we once knew within you? Can't you see the darkness consuming you?"

Desira turned her gaze towards Vivi, her hollow eyes meeting Vivi's gaze.

For a moment, a flicker of vulnerability crossed Desira's face. However, it was quickly replaced by an aura of malevolence.

"The ally you speak of was no longer here when Obsidian X died that day. A mere reflection of the illusions of the past. The darkness you see is not a corruption but the unveiling of my true self. Embrace it, for this is the destiny I have chosen."

As Desira spoke, the spatial jail enclosing Ren, Lorelai, Azazel, and Vivi trembled with an otherworldly force. The quartet could feel the constraints tightening, their powers rendered even more inaccessible as Desira's newfound mastery over her domain manifested in the very air around them.

The ethereal glow in Desira's eyes intensified as she continued her haunting laughter, the echoes reverberating through the twisted throne room.

Ren, Lorelai, Azazel, and Vivi exchanged uneasy glances, realizing that there was no talking to her. Trapped within the spatial jail, they felt the oppressive weight of the room's unnatural energy pressing against them.

Desira was now fully embracing her corrupted form, and approached the captives with an unsettling grace. Her voice, a chilling rhythm, cut through the eerie atmosphere. "You, too, can embrace the power that courses through the Netherworld. Shed the illusions of your former selves and become something greater."

Azazel spoke out. "Desira, this isn't the true essence of the Netherworld. It's a perversion, a corruption that distorts everything it touches. Stop succumbing to this darkness and give me back the corruption."

Desira tilted her head, her thorned crown casting ominous shadows on the walls. "You speak of darkness as if it were an enemy. It is the very core of this realm, and in its embrace, I have found liberation. Do not resist, for the Netherworld's true potential awaits you."

"Desira, remember the battles we faced together, the victories we celebrated. This corruption is not your destiny; it's a malevolent force exploiting the vulnerabilities within you," Azazel insisted.

Desira's gaze lingered on Azazel, her hollow eyes betraying a hint of inner turmoil. The room's atmosphere wavered as if caught between conflicting energies.

For a moment, it seemed as if Desira might waver in her conviction.

However, the respite was short-lived as Desira's features contorted once more, and her laughter echoed through the chamber. "You cling to the past, Azazel. I have transcended such trivialities. Embrace the transformation, for it is the path to true power."

With a wave of her hand, Desira summoned arcane energies that rippled through the spatial jail. Ren, Lorelai, Azazel, and Vivi felt a disorienting surge as the room itself seemed to twist and morph around them. The bioluminescent flora dimmed further, casting long, ominous shadows that danced with the chaotic energy.

Ren sighed. 'I know this wouldn't be that easy,' he said to himself and asked Desira. "So what are you going to do with us? Are you going to kill us?"

"Kill you?" Desira paused and giggled. "Oh, no. I would simply let the corruption consume you and you will see what I am talking about. Darkness . . . is true liberation."

"Desira . . . ," Vivi uttered, and then her face contorted into a deadpan frown, "are you just getting back at Azazel for what he had done to you? The things you said that you're liberated from and constricted you in the past . . . just as I thought . . . it's your feelings for Lord Azazel, right?"