
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 737: shrinking beneath the waves

[Ragnar, Sumeri, and Nikolai]

As the water level rose, the tomb transformed into an underwater realm, devoid of air.

Ragnar and the others found themselves in a race against time, their every move impeded by the relentless current.

To compound their challenges, the intrusion into the Second Room drew the attention of lurking star spawns — otherworldly entities that emerged from the briny depths, ready to assail the intruders.

"Looks like our journey into the depths of the tomb had taken an ominous turn," Sumeri said.

The cavern echoed with the sounds of rushing water as Ragnar and Nikolai waded through the rising tide, their movements hampered by the unpredictable currents. The first challenge they faced in this aquatic expanse came in the form of Star Pawns – ethereal creatures that emerged from the watery depths, their presence marked by a shimmering glow.

Ragnar wielded his axe and swung with precision and brute force, sending ripples through the water as he crushed the Star Pawns with each resounding blow.

Nikolai transformed into his beast form and moved with agility, slashing through the liquid with multiple strikes that left trails of luminous water in their wake.

The Star Pawns, though numerous, were no match for the combined strength and skill of Ragnar and Nikolai.

However, the ever-rising water levels added a layer of complexity to their battle. The uneven terrain beneath the surface made every step a challenge, and the relentless waves threatened to throw off their balance.

Amidst the melee, Sumeri found herself in a frustrating predicament.

As Ragnar and Nikolai battled the Star Pawns, she struggled against the water's constraints that rendered her fire magic useless.

With a scowl, she raised her staff, attempting to conjure flames that sputtered and fizzled in the aquatic environment.

"Ugh! This water is ruining everything! I can't unleash my full power!" Sumeri complained, frustration evident in her voice.

Ragnar didn't utter a word, but he shot Sumeri a smirk, a silent reminder that without his intervention, her fate might have been less favorable.

It was a subtle suggestion that a simple thank you wouldn't go unnoticed.

Sumeri shot back a sweet smile at him while raising her middle finger.

"You two . . . cut it out," Nikolai released a breath, his tone carrying a hint of exasperation.

Ragnar and Nikolai continued their skirmish with the Star Pawns.

The creatures, seemingly undeterred by the water, glided without difficulty, retaliating against the intruders.

As Ragnar delivered a powerful swing, his hammer collided with a Star Pawn, causing a burst of radiant energy that momentarily illuminated the submerged cavern.

Nikolai parried and struck with precision, creating whirlpools in the water with each movement.

The battle continued amidst the rising tide.

Sumeri was unable to contribute her usual fiery magic, resorted to using her staff for strikes and duds to ward off the incoming pawns.

With each successful hit, she disrupted the coordination of the Star Pawns, providing Ragnar and Nikolai with openings to deliver decisive blows.

As the battle raged on, the water's relentless ascent added a sense of urgency to their every move.

Despite the challenges, Ragnar and Nikolai fought on, their synchronized efforts keeping the Star Pawns at bay.

In the midst of the aquatic chaos, Sumeri's frustration transformed into determination. Though denied her fiery arsenal, she channeled her magical prowess into precise attacks, proving that even in the water's restrictive embrace, her contribution to the battle was invaluable.

The cavern resonated with the clash of weapons, the roars of the Star Pawns, and Sumeri's occasional grumbles.

Together, the trio faced the dual challenges of aquatic combat and the relentless advance of the rising waters, forging a path forward against the odds.

As the party maneuvered through the watery expanse of the Second Room, they eventually reached the passageway that led to the ominous Black Gates.

The narrow path seemed almost designed to create a sense of claustrophobia, allowing only Medium or smaller creatures to traverse it without impediment.

Larger creatures, if part of the group, had to uncomfortably squeeze their way through.

In a narrow passageway, Nikolai easily maneuvered through the confined space, his lithe frame allowing him to progress without hindrance.

However, for Ragnar and Sumeri, the path proved too snug for comfort.

Realizing the imminent threat of the rising water and the persistent Star Pawns, Ragnar and Sumeri swiftly retrieved the [Shrinking Shroom] that Ren had provided.

With a shared nod, they consumed the magical fungi, feeling a peculiar sensation as their bodies began to shrink.

As their forms diminished in size, Ragnar and Sumeri adapted to the cramped surroundings. Their reduced stature allowed them to navigate the narrow path with newfound ease.

Though the process felt disorienting, the urgency of their situation spurred them forward.

With Nikolai leading the way, the trio hastened through the diminished passage, the effects of the [Shrinking Shroom] proving effective.

The rising water and the pursuing Star Pawns became less immediate threats as they successfully evaded their grasp.

In the wake of their reduced dimensions, the trio emerged from the constrained passage unscathed, leaving behind the encroaching water and the Star Pawns.

The [Shrinking Shroom] had fulfilled its purpose, returning Ragnar and Sumeri to their normal sizes.

"Did Ren already come to this cave before?" Nikolai asked, clearly puzzled. "How does he know everything as if he's been here? I thought we were supposed to be the very first players to enter this dimension."

Ragnar and Sumeri exchanged a knowing look. They had grown accustomed to Ren's mysterious insights, as if he hailed from the future, but Nikolai, being younger, couldn't help but be curious.

"It's one of Ren's many hidden talents," Sumeri remarked with a cryptic smile.

Ragnar considered teasing Nikolai that Ren might be an alien, but a warning glare from Sumeri kept him silent.

"Is that so?" Nikolai blinked, then beamed. "I didn't know Ren's a magician!"

Sumeri managed to force a laugh, concealing the complexities of Ren's enigmatic nature.

Upon arriving at the end of the 30-foot passageway, the party was met with an imposing sight –– a pair of colossal black gates that sealed off another cavern beyond.

The sheer size and ominous aura of the gates hinted at the formidable challenge that lay ahead.