
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 736: tides of peril

[Ragnar, Sumeri, and Nikolai]

Ragnar, Sumeri, and Nikolai unleashed their might upon the unyielding walls, the cavern seemed to hold its breath. A tense anticipation hung in the air, building with each strike against the ancient stone.

After what felt like an hour of relentless assault, with Ragnar and his companions depleting their magical reserves, the rock finally exhibited subtle cracks.

The surface of the once-imposing structure began to yield, and minute cracks spread like veins across its enchanted exterior.

Then, in a climactic moment, the rock's resistance gave way with a resounding CRACK! A fissure emerged, rapidly expanding into a chaotic web of fractures.

"HA! We finally did it!" Sumeri said with glee.

The moment the first wall crumbled, an explosive chain reaction ensued, threatening the party with the unleashed power of the glyphs.

The moment of triumph swiftly turned into a scene of peril. As the cracks deepened, a hidden layer of danger was unveiled.

Unbeknownst to Ragnar and his companions, the glyphs of warding concealed within the rock triggered a series of concealed explosives.

In an instant, the cavern erupted into a symphony of explosive force, sending shockwaves through the air.

The once-sturdy rock disintegrated into a chaotic storm of debris, threatening to engulf everything in its destructive path.

Amidst the chaos, Ragnar and the others found themselves on the brink of annihilation.

Yet, in the face of imminent danger, Sumeri's quick thinking became the saving grace.

With a swift and decisive motion, she summoned a powerful barrier, erecting a protective shield that absorbed the brunt of the explosive onslaught.

The detonation echoed through the cavern, leaving dust and remnants in its wake.

As the debris settled, the party emerged, battered but alive, thanks to Sumeri's timely intervention.

It was revealed that Sumeri constantly replenished her magical energy with MP potions, she had maintained a reserve that allowed her to summon the barrier in the very last fraction of a second.

"Whew." Sumeri swiped the sweat off her face. "That's why it's essential to keep your MP full, everyone."

"I could have withstood that," Ragnar said with a calm demeanor. "I have a large DEF."

"M-me too!" Nikolai chimed in.

Sumeri rolled her eyes. "Since when is 'thank you' such a hard phrase to utter?"

Ragnar redirected the conversation and, after replenishing his HP and MP, pressed forward. "Let's go. We've spent more time here than necessary."

Sumeri pouted, but she had no choice but to follow Ragnar and Nikolai.

"Such pride," she muttered under her breath.

Upon breaching the First Room's confines, the party discovered the entrance to the Second Room — a revelation that came with its own set of challenges.

The cavern beyond unfolded before them, a 100-square-foot expanse submerged in briny water. At the far end, a passageway hinted at the continuation of their journey.

However, the breach triggered a swift response. Water began to rush into the First Room, an inexorable tide that threatened to engulf them.

"Great! This cave wouldn't just let us through peacefully!" Sumeri complained.

"H-here it comes!" Nikolai stuttered.

"Brace yourselves, everyone!" Sumeri was on the verge of summoning another barrier to shield them from the gushing water when Cthulhu's haunting presence invaded their consciousness.


Gasps and groans escaped from Ragnar and the others' mouths as their heads felt like they were being split apart.

Fortunately, they had a counter for this particular spell of Cthulhu.

The party quickly reached for their inventory and retrieved a set of small vials containing a potion known as [Clarity Elixir].

The Clarity Elixir was a shimmering liquid with a soothing azure glow. As they consumed the potion, an immediate sense of tranquility washed over them, dispelling the disorienting effects of Cthulhu's psychic assault.

ǁ Clarity Elixir ǁ

This potion is a rare concoction crafted by skilled alchemists to shield the mind from external mental intrusions.

The elixir appears as a radiant blue liquid, sparkling with ethereal particles.

When consumed, it not only restores mental clarity but also fortifies the drinker's mental defenses, providing a temporary barrier against psychic attacks.

The Clarity Elixir is highly sought after by adventurers venturing into realms where they may encounter powerful entities capable of assaulting the mind.

ǁ E N D ǁ

Ragnar and the others, standing on the rocky platform within the cavern, suddenly found themselves at the mercy of colossal waves that surged from the seemingly endless ocean surrounding them.

The rhythmic crashes of the waves echoed through the cavern, each impact carrying an immense force that threatened to engulf Ragnar, Sumeri, and Nikolai.

As the first wave loomed, its towering crest poised to crash upon them, Sumeri swiftly raised her staff.

With a seamless flow of magical incantations, she summoned a radiant barrier. The barrier materialized just in the nick of time, a shimmering wall of energy that stood defiant against the impending deluge.

The first wave collided with the barrier, unleashing a cacophony of sound as the water slammed into the magical defense.

The force of the impact reverberated through the cavern, causing the ground to tremble beneath their feet.

For a brief moment, it seemed as though the barrier might succumb to the overwhelming force.

However, Sumeri's mastery over magic proved formidable. The barrier held its ground, a resilient shield against the relentless assault of the waves.

The water, now repelled by the magical barrier, cascaded off its surface in a dazzling display of droplets catching the ambient moonlight.

Gradually, the waves began to subside.

Sumeri's barrier had not only protected them but also disrupted the rhythm of the water's fury. The cavern, once filled with the thunderous roar of crashing waves, now settled into an uneasy calm.

The party, soaked but unharmed, stood amidst the remnants of the vanquished waves.

Sumeri, with a satisfied nod, lowered her staff. The barrier, having fulfilled its purpose, dissipated into a cascade of ephemeral sparkles.

"Hmm~Hmm~. Seems like survival is a bit challenging without me. A simple thank you would suffice this time," Sumeri said with a hint of pride.

Ragnar, however, remained stoic. "Let's not celebrate just yet. We're not out of the rocks, yet. The water level continues to rise."