
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 717: trailing the abyssal

"These currents are thick where magic is rich. All you need to do is follow it, and it will take you to the Warlords' domain. Follow the southern part, and it will lead you to Voraxa's territory."

"Abyss?" Ren and the others exchanged glances.

"What does this look like?" Ren inquired.

Morgrimm conjured a hologram and displayed the image before them.

Ren thought it resembled an aurora, a black Aurora.

"You have to be quick, though. This only appears within a specific time and only lasts for six hours, so you have to act fast," Morgrimm said. Then he looked over at the horizon like he could see something. "Come to think of it . . . it might appear any minute now."

"Then I guess there's no time to waste here," Lorelai said. "Let's go."

"Wait," Nori said.

"What?" Lorelai asked. "We won't bring you with us, you know. It's dangerous."

The others nodded in agreement while Nori looked sad at the side, but she forced a smile.

"But . . . but you might lose your way, and you're not familiar with the surroundings here. I can be your tour guide," Nori explained. The idea of parting with Ren and the others brought sadness her.

Lorelai whacked Nori's head. "We're not embarking on a sightseeing tour. Where we're headed is perilous."

"Don't worry, kid." Azazel appeared out of nowhere, his injuries healed, and his energies restored. "I will go with them."

"Azazel?" Elena exclaimed in surprise. "You're still alive?"

"We thought you were already dead," Evie muttered.

"Well, I thought that he got butchered back there," Lorelai chimed in.

"How come you're still alive?" Ren asked.

Azazel sighed internally. "You guys . . . please don't kill me just yet." His face then brightened, and his signature grin returned. "Heh! It would take more than an army to kill me!"

Ren and the others ignored him. "Let's go and prepare some stuff before we leave."

"Stop ignoring me!" Azazel cried, but the others paid him no mind.

Azazel sighed, crossed his arms, and shook his head. He then noticed the sad expression on Nori's face and patted her head.

"Don't worry, I'm there with them, so you don't have anything to worry about."

"It's because you're with them that I'm worried," Nori admitted.


Nori laughed a little, and Azazel smiled as well.

Her face then turned serious, and she said, "I hope Ren and the others can defeat Voraxa and bring peace back to this region. I want the villagers to eat at least some food."

"Nori . . ." Azazel said solemnly. "Your dream is too small. After all of this is done, you will be able to eat all the food you want and play outside whenever you want. I promise you that much."

Nori's eyes sparkled, and she shook with tears as she nodded. "Umu."

As the remaining light dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the rejuvenated Obsidian reach, Ren and his companions prepared to embark on their new quest.

The villagers gathered outside, a mix of gratitude and sadness in their eyes. The air buzzed with a sense of farewell.

Elder Morgrimm approached Ren. "You have our deepest gratitude. I hope we could give you more, but . . ."

Ren clasped Morgrimm's shoulder. "Save the thanks after we defeat Voraxa. Until then, take care of the village and Nori."

Morgrimm's eyes met Ren's, a silent exchange of understanding passing between them.

The elder knew the risks, the uncertainty that awaited those who dared to challenge Voraxa on her home ground.

Yet, the alternative — allowing the warlord to regroup and strike again — was a risk they couldn't afford to take.

"The castle is situated on the edge of the southern lands is a formidable structure surrounded by treacherous terrain. The journey alone would be perilous, let alone the battle that awaited within the castle walls. I hope that you're ready," Morgrimm said.

Ren nodded and reassured him, "Don't worry. We're strong. We won't be defeated."

Morgrimm then forced a small smile. "Thank you."

Elena and Lorelai moved through the crowd, exchanging farewells with familiar faces who they partied with from before.

Evie waved to the children who had grown attached to her during their stay.

As they approached Nori, who stood near the edge of the gathering, a pang of sadness hit her.

Nori was torn between the desire to join them and the understanding of her limitations, and opted to stay back as to not be a burden to Ren and the others.

She knew that her presence, with no combat skills to offer, would only be a hindrance on the group.

Nori's eyes were watery, but she tried to put on a brave face. "You better come back! I want to eat the food you promised!

Ren knelt down, placing a gentle hand on Nori's shoulder. "We'll come back, Nori. Count on it."

Lorelai ruffled Nori's hair. "And next time, we'll bring more meat!"

Nori sniffled but managed a nod. "Deal!"

As the group prepared to leave, the villagers gathered around, expressing their gratitude with heartfelt words and gestures.

The desert echoed with a mix of laughter and tearful farewells.

Nori couldn't contain herself any longer, and shouted, "You better come back, Ren, Evie, Elena, Lorelai, Azazel!"

Ren and the others simply waved goodbye as they hopped onto Tiki's back, following the Abyss — a dark, foggy-like streak that stretched across the sky.

"We'll be back before you know it!" Elena shouted as they sprinted south, the silhouette of Obsidianreach fading behind them.

The villagers watched until they were mere specks in the distance.

Nori stepped forward and cupped her hands around her mouth to stop her cries. "Don't forget to come back! We'll be waiting!"

As Rena and his group disappeared into the growing dusk, the desert slowly emptied, and the villagers went back underground, echoing with the lingering hope of a brighter future.

In the desert, guided by the Abyss, Tiki slithered tirelessly, aiming to reach the castle before the fleeting presence of the dark phenomenon faded away.