
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 716: planning the next assault

Evie was quick to pat her head and said, "Right now, we should heal the injured. How's the village elder?"

Nori wiped her tears and forced a smile. "He's fine. Our healers are currently tending to him."

Lorelai sighed. "As much as I want to beat him up and the villagers for tying us up and even think of the blasphemous idea of burning us at the stakes, my pride and honor wouldn't allow me to beat anyone when they're already injured and couldn't fight."

Everyone's eyes then shifted to the aftermath of the battle. The village had suffered injuries, and some even died.

As the adrenaline of battle began to subside, the reality of their situation set in. The village had been saved from Voraxa's soldiers, but the Netherworld still faced looming threats.

The fate of Obsidianreach hung in the balance, and Ren and his companions knew that the shadows that had been momentarily pushed back would continue to encroach.

With the villagers now tending to their wounded and rebuilding what was damaged, Ren and his group gathered to discuss their next steps.

The war against Voraxa was far from over. It had only began. The clash with Voraxa was just the beginning, and the Netherworld's fate rested on the choices they would make in the chapters yet to come.

As the echoes of victory resounded through the square of Obsidianreach, a bittersweet reality settled over the village.

The triumphant cheers were tempered by the grim acknowledgment of the high cost paid for their salvation. The once-vibrant square now bore the scars of battle.

The casualties were many, and the air was heavy with a somber atmosphere. Wounded villagers were tended to by those with medical knowledge, makeshift camps set up to provide what solace could be offered.

The cost of freedom had left its mark on Obsidianreach, and the price paid in blood and tears weighed on the hearts of those who had fought to defend their home.

Elder Morgrimm, his face etched with both pride and concern, surveyed the aftermath. His eyes, weary from the weight of leadership, flickered with a determination that hinted at the battles of old he had witnessed.

He knew that the fight against Voraxa was far from over, and a critical decision needed to be made.

"We must storm Voraxa's castle and put an end to her tyranny," the Elder declared, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

The surviving men, their bodies bearing the scars of the recent conflict, rallied around their elder. The desire for vengeance burned in their eyes, but the reality of their injuries held them back.

Ren, Elena, Evie, and Lorelai stood amidst the aftermath, and exchanged glances.

Could they even fight with their injuries? They wondered.

Ren was baffled as to why the [Heal] here only closed wounds and generate limbs but did not fully let them recover. Their HP was full, but it seemed like they would still head to their graves based on their expressions and weary bodies.

Was this part of the [Story Mode] too? Was there a set of days for you to fully recover based on the gravity of your injuries?

If so, this would spell trouble if they were injured. Ren thought to himself.

"We can't afford to wait. Voraxa won't rest, and her castle must be stormed before she regroups," Morgrimm continued, his gaze unwavering.

"But you're in no condition to lead the charge," Lorelai stepped in. "We'll go and defeat this guy."

Elena nodded. "We have something we need with him anyway."

The villagers, fueled by newfound pride and confidence, insisted on joining Ren and the others in the upcoming battles.

They gathered around, expressing their eagerness to fight for their village and take a stand against Voraxa's tyranny.

Shouts of determination and fiery speeches filled the air.

"We can't let you face this danger alone! We'll fight with you!"

"We've endured Voraxa's oppression for too long. It's time to reclaim our freedom!"

Ren raised his hand, calling for silence, and addressed the passionate crowd. "I appreciate your courage, but let's be honest — you'd only slow us down," he said bluntly.

A moment of silence followed, and the villagers wore expressions of frustration and anger as the harsh reality settled in — they were simply too weak to contribute anything.

As much as Ren was right, no one wanted to accept it.

A villager, unwilling to back down, stepped forward. "But we can't just stand by and watch! We want to protect our home!"

Elena's expression softened, and she spoke with empathy. "We understand your desire to protect what's dear to you. However, this fight requires a different kind of strength. Ren, Evie, Lorelai, and I have faced powerful adversaries before. Let us handle this."

The villagers exchanged uneasy glances, torn between the desire to take control of their destiny and the acknowledgment of their limitations.

Ren continued, "All of you need to stay here, focus on rebuilding, and guard the village in case anything goes wrong."

A hushed murmur spread through the crowd, acceptance and frustrations itched on their faces.

Morgrimm sighed, acknowledging the truth in Ren's words. "He is right. We'll only be a hindrance here. Let's focus on healing the injured, gather resources and rebuild our village."

The villagers all nodded in understanding. They could do nothing more when the elder had already spoken and the reality was slapping them on their faces.

The villagers, though reluctant, ultimately accepted the outcome.

They dispersed, and tended to the aftermath of the battle and preparing to rebuild the village.

"How do we reach Voraxa's location?" Ren asked straight to the point.

Morgrimm thought for a moment before answering, "Endeavors that are simple and obvious on the surface require special precautions here. Yet the Netherworld also holds resources that are inaccessible elsewhere, such as the Abyss: a form of concentrated magical currents.

"This currents are thick where magic is rich. All you need to do is follow it, and it would take you to the Warlords' domain. Follow the southern part and it would lead you to Voraxa's territory."