
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 634: world conqueror guild!

"The moment we yield to their demands is the moment we forfeit our freedom within the game. I will not submit. Ragnar, and Isolde, you both have the option to leave the group. I won't let you be ensnared in this."

Ren then shifted his gaze to Roz and Sumeri. "Both of you, too. You should consider leaving World Conqueror. I'll draft my response stating your lack of involvement."

"I won't abandon you," Leonel interjected firmly. "I'm with you till the end."

Ren had anticipated Leonel's loyalty, yet he was taken aback by the resolute responses from the rest of the group.

"My decision is firm," Isolde declared. "Our clan's honor demands we stand by our commitments. I will remain with World Conqueror until the end."

Sumeri's shoulders shrugged nonchalantly. "Black Lion's been a thorn in my side anyway. Leaving or staying doesn't matter to me. I'm sticking around."

Roz nodded. "I have crossed that boundary in the Fey Realm too, so it doesn't make any difference if I stay or not. So I'm staying."

All eyes then turned to Ragnar.

With an easygoing demeanor, Ragnar nonchalantly flipped his hair and chimed in, "I've got my maw to keep my identity hidden. Besides, with our already small numbers, you lot will be in trouble if I bail."

Leonel regarded him with amusement while Sumeri burst into a wide grin.

Isolde nodded in agreement with Ragnar's logic.

Roz remained her usual composed self.

Ren felt a surge of gratitude. In the past, he encountered nothing but betrayal. But in this lifetime, he had found invaluable comrades, a group that stood together even in the face of adversity.

"Thank you, all of you."

Ren composed his response. Sealing the envelope, he knew the game had shifted. A new challenge emerged one that would test his limits, challenge his strength, and demand every ounce of his resourcefulness.

Yet, Ren was ready. If they intended to come after him, they would soon find that their pursuit would cost them dearly in return.

"So, what's our strategy?" Leonel's voice held a mix of curiosity and determination.

Ren's silence hung in the air for a moment, his mind sorting through the options before him. Reluctantly, he realized he had no other recourse.

"We'll officially register World Conqueror as a guild and secure all the firstbloods in Arcadia."

In this high-stakes game, Ren was resolute in demonstrating that he held more cards than they realized.

And as his allies exchanged determined glances, he knew that this was the beginning of a confrontation that would determine who truly had the last laugh.

As the news spread like wildfire through the virtual realm, the announcement that World Conqueror had officially registered as a guild sent shockwaves through the entire gaming community.

The virtual world was abuzz with excitement, curiosity, and no small amount of apprehension.

Online forums, social media platforms, and gaming news sites exploded with discussions, speculations, and debates.

Players from all corners of the world couldn't resist chiming in, sharing their thoughts on what this could mean for the future of the game.

News outlets dedicated segments to the revelation, turning the virtual event into a real-world sensation.

Anchors and reporters analyzed the significance of World Conqueror's move, debating its implications for the balance of power within the gaming universe.

The phrase "World Conqueror Guild" trended globally on various platforms, cementing the guild's newfound prominence.

On gaming forums, heated debates raged. Some players hailed the decision as a bold move, an assertion of autonomy against the major factions that sought to control the game.

Others were more skeptical, questioning the motivations behind the decision and predicting that it could lead to an all-out war within the virtual realm.

Gamers of all stripes voiced their opinions, from casual players to hardcore strategists, each offering their unique perspective on the unfolding drama.

Memes, fan art, and even fanfiction emerged, capturing the collective imagination and fueling the ongoing conversation.

In cities around the world, virtual cafes and gaming lounges were filled with discussions centered on World Conqueror's registration.

Gamers huddled around tables, passionately arguing their viewpoints, while screens displayed news updates and forums projected on walls.

Gaming expos and conventions took a different tone as attendees congregated to exchange theories and predictions.

Booths once showcasing the latest game releases now featured interactive displays dissecting the implications of World Conqueror's decision.

There were some who praised Ren's decision of not bowing down and even displayed a courageous move of registering World Conqueror into a guild, challenging every guilds out there.

EagerforMore: Now that's a man

IamABeauty: I want one like him

NotyourAverageGirl: I wish all men are like him

TheBadass: Dude singlehandedly increase the fertility rate in the world. LMAO!

The leaders of the major factions were not silent either.

Scar, the head of Black Lion, issued a statement condemning World Conqueror's actions as reckless and destabilizing.

Dimitri, a representative of Fate Alliance Guild, spoke in interviews about maintaining the order and balance they had worked hard to establish.

Ren's bold move had turned the gaming community into a frenzied arena filled with intrigue and anticipation.

As the virtual world held its breath, everyone awaited the in this unfolding saga. The very fabric of the game had been transformed, and players around the globe were hooked on the drama, united by their shared experience in this digital universe.


Scar's hands came down hard on the table, the frustration in his expression palpable. "Ren . . ." he hissed, teeth grinding audibly in his anger.

"You pushed him to this, you know," Joker chimed in with a casual tone, his eyes dancing with amusement. "Had you just let him be, he wouldn't have been forced to take such drastic measures. Now you're up for a strong competition for the top spot."

Invayne sneered in response. "Competition? They're a fledgling guild at best."

Joker's chuckle carried an air of mockery. "Funny, considering your initial concerns about them clearing dungeons and getting firstblood contracts for clients.

"Now they won't be doing that anymore, and I have a hunch you'll soon see their name on the leaderboard."

Invayne shot him an irritated glare. "Whose side are you on, anyway?"

Joker's shrug was nonchalant. "No one's but mine. I won't be tangled in this mess. Just don't say I didn't warn you."

Invayne's question was sharp as Joker made for the exit. "Where do you think you're going?"

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Joker shut the door behind him without looking back.

Invayne cursed softly under her breath. "Who even let him become the guild leader? We should just kick him out."

Scar's response was immediate and stern. "No. Right now, we need him more than ever."

Invayne reached out, trying to offer comfort, but Scar pulled away, his gaze fixed on the landscape beyond his office window.

"The Gambino and Axis have thrown their support behind World Conqueror, along with that Lamir Prince. If they take the top spot, it won't bode well for us. Others will likely join their ranks, propelled by profit."

Invayne's lips moistened as she swallowed nervously. "What's our next move then?"

Scar turned to her. His voice hard. "Round up all the guilds. Ensure that World Conqueror doesn't get a single firstblood or dungeon clear. Whenever Ren and his group appear in the game, eliminate them. We have to suppress them at all costs."