
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 633: unyielding defiance

Ren, Leonel, Isolde, Ragnar, Roz, and Sumeri sat in a private room, the letter from the collective of guilds laid out before them.

It had arrived in a plain envelope, but its contents were far from ordinary. The weight of the situation seemed to hang in the air as he carefully opened the letter and began to read the neatly penned words.

[To the Player known as Ren,

We, the undersigned representatives of various major guilds, present you with a proposition that we trust you will take seriously.

As you are aware, your actions have garnered attention and concern from players and guilds alike.

We acknowledge your strength and capability, which have led to the establishment of World Conqueror as a significant power in the game.

However, your position now threatens the balance and order that we, the established forces, have maintained within the game.

In light of this, we propose a peaceful resolution.

Surrender the items, treasures, and legendary-grade equipment you acquired within the Fey Realm.

These items shall be distributed to their rightful owners, and you will ensure the dissolution of World Conqueror.

Failure to comply will result in collective action from our guilds, and World Conqueror will be subjected to an onslaught it cannot withstand.

We understand that you value your companions and your accomplishments. However, we urge you to consider the greater implications of your actions.

Refusing this proposal will result in your isolation and ultimate destruction within the game world. This is not a threat but a consequence of your defiance.

We await your response within the next seven days.


Black Lion, White Unicorn, Sleeping Dragon, Fate Alliance Guild, Great Dynasty, Ferocious Ravens, Poison Vipers, etc.]

Ren's gaze remained fixed on the letter even after he finished reading it. The words seemed to hang heavily in the air, each sentence a carefully constructed net intended to ensnare him.

The audacity of their demand, the brazenness of their threat — it was all laid bare on the parchment before him.

"What are we going to do now?" Leonel asked, his face etched with worry.

"They've thrown us quite the curveball," Sumeri chimed in, her expression grim. "By threatening our potential employers and allies, they've basically severed our means of income."

Isolde's voice carried a hint of apology. "I'm sorry, everyone. I couldn't find a way to prevent this."

Leonel immediately stepped up to defend her. "Don't blame yourself. Your family is facing challenges, too, right?"

A heavy silence followed, Isolde's lips tightly pressed. She knew the truth of it — her family's fortunes had taken a hit. Stocks were plummeting, investors were pulling out of deals, and it was all tied back to her and her father's decision to support Ren despite the mounting opposition.

But even amid the palpable tension, Ren's mind was already at work, the gears of strategy and determination turning.

The very threat that loomed over World Conqueror would be the catalyst for their most audacious move yet. With a fierce glint in his eyes, he knew it was time to play a dangerous game of strategy and wits, where the odds were against them, but the potential for victory was all the sweeter.

Ragnar crossed his arms, his expression a blend of resignation. "The other companies are pressuring us as well, attempting to force us into their cause. Even those who initially refused found themselves coerced into agreeing eventually."

Sumeri chimed in, her tone incredulous. "I thought your family were strong enough to stand your ground independently."

Ragnar's shoulders sagged slightly. "We are, in a way. But when nearly seventy percent of the powerhouse factions are banding together against you, it changes the dynamic considerably."

Roz's voice quivered with concern. "What's our next move? With this level of hostility, logging into the game is like walking into a trap. We've lost our sources of income within the game, and we're all in jeopardy."

A heavy silence settled upon the group as they considered their options.

Ren leaned back in his chair, his fingers drumming a steady rhythm on the table's edge. A quiet fury simmered within him, fueled by a mixture of indignation and resolve.

These guilds, these players who believed they could control and manipulate him, they had gravely underestimated the power he held.

From the game's very inception, he had been a formidable presence, adept at maneuvering through the intricate web of in-game politics and facing insurmountable odds. He had risen to challenges time and again, and he wasn't about to cower now.

With a fire in his eyes, he understood that the time had come for him to make a decisive move, one that would reshape the game's landscape and show these power-hungry players that he couldn't be so easily controlled.

A grimace tugged at the corners of Ren's lips. The timing of their interference couldn't have been worse. His sights were set on securing Evie, embarking into the Netherworld, and unveiling the path to the Demon Realm.

Distractions were a luxury he couldn't afford right now.

His mind raced with calculations. If he had known that this obstacle would arise, he would have swiftly eradicated every member of Black Lion and Sleeping Dragon, weakening them with no chance of recovery.

It was lenient of him to give them a chance. But now that they had done this, there was no turning back.

The clock was ticking, each second a reminder of the precious time slipping away. But amidst the ticking, Ren's determination remained steadfast.

This challenge was no longer just about survival; it was about proving his unyielding resolve.

With a fluid motion, Ren reached for pen, ink, and parchment. He was going to respond, crafting a message that bore his defiance, his refusal to bow beneath their pressure.

As the pen touched the parchment, his conviction solidified ink-forming words that carried his will to stand tall against whatever adversity came his way.