
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 623: the last stance mode

With the guidance of Elena and the intervention of Prince Zeroth, who had managed to regain his composure after the intense battle, the two queens began to negotiate the terms of a binding peace contract.

Hours passed, and the negotiations were fraught with disagreements and concessions. Yet, with the realization that their mutual destruction would only lead to the end of the Fey Realm, both queens were compelled to find common ground.

The contract they forged was one that would ensure the coexistence of their respective territories, with provisions for shared resources and mutual defense against external threats.

As the final words of the contract were etched onto a shimmering parchment, a sense of solemnity settled over the room.

The Queen of Air and Darkness and Queen Titania locked eyes, their gazes filled with a mix of defiance and resignation. Each understood the weight of the situation, the delicate balance between power and survival that hung in the air.

They might be Queens, but it didn't mean that they weren't replaceable.

Ren and the others could easily kill them and put another fey on their throne. One that was advocating peace in the Fey Realm.

"I find myself loathing this arrangement," the Queen of Air and Darkness spoke with an air of haughtiness.

"As do I, my dear," Titania replied, her voice carrying an aristocratic tone.

Pii perched itself on Ren's shoulder, its size restored to normal after its evolution ended.

"Let it be known that my consent is not willingly given but rather coerced by these mortals," Queen Titania's voice dripped with regal disdain.

The Queen of Air and Darkness smirked a spark of mischief in her eyes. "Oh, I am quite aware of your reluctance. It's a shame your realm's beauty will be marred by my presence."

Titania's lips curled into a condescending smile. "Indeed. Your gloomy presence and fanatic ways of revering the dead can just remain here. Away from my territory."

"Ara? I might visit you from time to time to pay my respect. I hope you don't mind my gloominess." The Queen of Air and Darkness's tone was mocking, her words wrapped in a veil of amusement.

"You may have survived now, but remember who will have the final laugh," Queen Titania shot back with a hint of smugness. "I have banished you once, I can do it again."

Amidst the banter and tension, Ren found his opportunity to interject. "Ladies, if I may redirect your attention, we have a peace contract to sign."

Both queens turned their gaze to Ren, momentarily setting aside their verbal sparring. The room seemed to hum with anticipation as they brought their quills to the parchment.

The Queen of Air and Darkness cast a sidelong glance at Queen Titania before signing her name with a flourish. "There, the seal of begrudging agreement."

Queen Titania followed suit, her signature elegant and deliberate. "Indeed, a pact of forced amity."

As their signatures graced the contract, an ethereal light enveloped the parchment, sealing the truce with a radiant glow. The two queens exchanged one last glance, a mix of rivalry and reluctant respect lingering in the air.

And so, an unexpected alliance was forged, and the Fey Realm's fate took a new turn for the better.

However, just as the ink dried and the contract was about to take its full effect, an unexpected gust of wind swept through the room. A sudden shift in the atmosphere sent shivers down everyone's spine.

The air seemed to grow heavy and charged with an ominous energy. A portal of darkness materialized in the corner of the room, swirling with shadows that seemed to devour the very light around them.

From the depths of the portal emerged a figure, tall and regal, cloaked in darkness and adorned with intricate, obsidian armor that seemed to blend seamlessly with the shadows.

The newcomer exuded an aura of authority and power, commanding attention from all those present.

Its presence was both familiar and enigmatic. It was a being of ethereal beauty and, at the same time, a being of nightmares.

"Ah, the delicate dance of fate," the figure murmured, its voice echoing like distant chimes.

Ren's heart raced as he recognized the being.

It was none other than the Queen of Drow.

Prince Zeroth's eyes widened, and a mixture of shock and disbelief swept across his face. Standing before him was none other than his mother, the Queen of the Drow. She was a vision of elegance and danger, her features sharp and striking, her eyes gleaming with a calculating intensity.

The room fell into a tense silence as the Drow Queen surveyed the scene with an air of superiority. Her gaze swept over the two feuding queens, her lips curling into a cruel smile. "Well, well, well. It seems I've stumbled upon quite the gathering."

Queen Titania's expression hardened, her eyes narrowing at the sight of the Drow Queen. "You dare set foot in my realm, Drow?"

The Drow Queen chuckled, her voice dripping with a chilling allure. "Oh, my dear Titania, you always were the epitome of naive. I care little for your realm. But I must admit, the chaos you've stirred up here intrigues me."

Elena stepped forward, her voice laced with authority. "Why are you here, and what is your purpose?"

The Drow Queen turned her attention to Elena, her gaze lingering on the group. "Ah, the Princess of the White Elves, if I'm not mistaken. And her band of misfits. I see that my son is also here."

Prince Zeroth clenched his fists. His voice filled with a mix of anger and resentment. "What do you want, Mother?"

The Queen of Drow's smile widened, revealing a hint of cruelty. "Oh, my dear son. I'm here to kill these two, of course. And if you care about our realm at all, you will do well to strike that blade on them while they're still weak."

Sweat trickled at the side of Ren's face. He thought that he would finally clear the quest, open the world of the Fey Realm and get his rewards, but who knew that another Queen would appear?

This wasn't good, considering he had no ace up his sleeves. Pii was in cooldown. The only thing that he could rely on was the Princess and the Prince since both Queens still had low HP and zero in MP.