
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 621: queen titania

Queen Titania stood regally in her majestic attire, a vision of grace and authority. Her gown flowed like flowers, adorned with intricate patterns resembling shimmering sun.

Her hair, as orange as the sun itself, cascaded down her back in elegant waves. A crown of delicate stones adorned her head, glinting in the dim light of the throne room.

Her eyes were a striking shade of auburn, like the clearest sunny sky, and they held an air of wisdom and power.

Her presence commanded attention, radiating an aura of both strength and authority. As she moved, the heat seemed to dance around her, emphasizing her ethereal presence.

Queen Titania's expression held a mix of anger and weariness, evidence of the burdens she carried as the ruler of the Seelie court.

Despite the weight of her responsibilities, her face held a beauty that spoke of both ageless wisdom and timeless grace. Her gaze held a hint of sorrow and frustration as if she had seen centuries of triumphs and tribulations in the realm she governed.

In the midst of the battle-worn throne room, Queen Titania stood as a symbol of the Fey Realm's enduring spirit, a ruler who had weathered countless storms and emerged stronger.

"Queen . . . Titania."

A hushed silence filled the room as Queen Titania materialized, her sudden presence catching everyone off guard.

Ren couldn't help but let out a resigned sigh; he had anticipated this twist in the battle.

He realized that the struggle was far from over. Now they had to face Queen Titania, a foe even more formidable than the Queen of Air and Darkness.

The situation seemed to be taking a turn for the worse, especially considering that Queen Titania boasted stats that were double that of the Queen of Air and Darkness.

Ren speculated that this difference might be due to the Queen of Air and Darkness not having regained her full powers or her true name. There were still mysteries at play here.

What was becoming increasingly evident was that their battle wasn't solely against the Queen of Air and Darkness.

It was likely that another powerful boss awaited them, and Ren suspected that the Queen of Air and Darkness hadn't entered her [Berserk Mode] or [Last Stance Mode] simply because she wasn't the final challenge.

"I have come to bring an end to you," Queen Titania declared, her gaze fixed on the weakened Queen of Air and Darkness, who lay defeated on the floor. "But it appears you're already on the brink of death."

Her attention then shifted to Ren, and to Prince Zeroth whose hand gripped the [Exile Blade], a weapon of immense power that could definitely kill a Fey Queen.

"You mortals," Queen Titania addressed Ren and the others with a stern tone, "I am willing to pardon your involvement in the Queen of Air and Darkness's escape and uprising. All will be forgiven of all your crimes if you eliminate her here and now, sealing her fate . . . for good."

A heavy tension hung in the air as the group exchanged uncertain glances, but Ren's resolve remained unshaken.

"We will not kill her," he stated firmly.

Queen Titania's gaze sharpened, her patience wearing thin. "Do not test my patience, mortal. This is your sole opportunity."

Elena, recognizing the gravity of the situation, fell to her knees, desperation in her voice. "My Queen, I implore you. There must be an alternative path. The Queen of Air and Darkness seeks to establish her own domain, a separate realm within the Fey. Isn't coexistence a more harmonious solution?"

Prince Zeroth and Isolde added their voices to Elena's plea, striving to appeal to Queen Titania's sense of reason.

"Killing her won't bring peace," Prince Zeroth said, her gaze unwavering. "It'll only escalate the conflict."

Ren's voice was steady, carrying conviction. "We believe in finding a solution that doesn't involve more bloodshed."

Queen Titania's expression remained stern, her features unmoved by their words. "You dare lecture me about peace? I, who have ruled these lands for centuries?"

Elena continued, her words marked with sincerity. "My Queen, we have seen the consequences of endless battles. Let us find a way to bridge the divide, to create a realm where all Fey can coexist."

The Queen's gaze shifted between them, her stance unyielding. "You speak of lofty ideals, mortals. The Fey realms have been shaped by power and dominance. What makes you think your proposal will bring about anything different?"

The group persisted, their voices unified in a plea for understanding and compromise, but Queen Titania remained unswayed. "Your words are naive, and your sentiments misplaced. I shall not be swayed by such idealistic dreams."

Despite their efforts, Queen Titania's decision seemed resolute. Her gaze hardened as she turned her attention back to the defeated Queen of Air and Darkness. "Your time is running out. Make your choice."

Elena's shoulders slumped in defeat, but her eyes still held a glimmer of hope. "There must be a way . . ."

The tense standoff continued, the fate of both Fey realms hanging in the balance.

"Enough!" Queen Titania's expression contorted with anger, her patience reaching its limit. "There shall be no peace between us! The Fey Realm is and shall forever be under my dominion! Those who stand with her will face annihilation!"

Elena rose to her feet, her demeanor grave. "If that's your stance, then we have no other choice but to thwart your plans."

The tension in the room became palpable as everyone readied their weapons, the air crackling with intensity.

[WARNING! You are about to ENGAGE the Queen of Fairies, Titania!]

"Hold on," Ren interjected, his words commanding everyone's attention, including the weakened Queen of Air and Darkness on the ground.

"Before we begin, I implore you to reconsider coexistence. This is your final opportunity to do so."

An angry vein throbbed on Queen Titania's forehead. He took Ren's words as an insult. "Impudent fool! I shall personally ensure your demise."

Ren's gaze remained steady as he looked out of the windows. "It's dawn."

Queen Titania scoffed. "And what of it?"

A smile played on Ren's lips as he gripped his staff. "It signifies that your time is running out."

Suddenly, a small flying creature shot out from Ren, darting straight toward the Queen and striking her across the face.

The scene erupted into chaos.