
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 620: the fight against the queen of air and darkness 2

The battle grew intense as the Queen of Air and Darkness unleashed her formidable spells to protect herself.

She used [Shardstorm] to create a dangerous zone around her, making it difficult for ranged attackers to target her. She would occasionally move it to blind the party if they got too close.

Ren called out, "Watch out for [Shardstorm]! Keep your distance!"

The Queen was relentless, using [Freeze Magic] to freeze anyone who dared to challenge her. With her [Ready for Anything] ability, she reduced the cooldown of her spells and skills, making her attacks more frequent.

Isolde shouted, "Be careful. She's using [Freeze Magic] again!"

The Queen's [Hypothermic Wave], one of her [Legendary Actions], caused significant damage to anyone caught in its path. She strategically used her [Legendary Actions] to regain the use of [Wintertide], a devastating spell that would freeze everyone, regardless of any freezing protection.

Ren then warned, "She's about to use [Wintertide] again! Get ready to counter it!"

Elena, with her quick reflexes, had already prepared a spell to counter it like before. "I've got us covered! Brace yourselves!"

Elena casted a powerful spell that nullified the effects of [Wintertide], protecting the party from its freezing grip.

As the battle with the Queen of Air and Darkness intensified, Ren noticed something peculiar. The Princess and the Prince seemed to be unaffected by the powerful [Wintertide] spell, despite not having any specific equipment or talismans to protect them.

Ren wondered aloud. "How are you two immune to her [Wintertide] spell?" Was it a glitch or something intentional to give the players a chance to defeat the Queen?

It was possible since the Queen appeared undefeatable without the Prince and the Princess.

Princess Elena smiled, her eyes gleaming with a mysterious aura. "It's not a glitch. Our bloodline grants us some resistance to magic. It's a rare trait among royalties."

Prince Zeroth nodded in agreement. "Yes, it's a gift from our ancestors. It comes in handy against formidable foes like the Queen."

A racial royalty trait to make it simple. Ren thought.

As the battle continued, the Queen of Air and Darkness showcased her mastery of spells, using [Misty Step] to move with unmatched agility and evade attacks. She reserved [Dimension Door], [Plane Shift], and [Teleport] for tactical retreats and emergencies.

Ren noticed the Queen's tendency to teleport into the midst of the battle with her minions, catching them off-guard. But each time, Princess Elena was quick to act, shielding them from harm and saving them from dire situations.

"Nice save, Elena!" Isolde called out, firing her bazooka at the incoming minions.

As the battle raged on, Prince Zeroth refused to let up, relentlessly pursuing the Queen whenever she tried to retreat.

His determination and skill in wielding the [Exile Blade] kept the Queen on her toes, giving Ren and Isolde precious moments to catch their breath and regroup.

"I can't believe how much HP she has," Isolde remarked, taking a moment to drink an MP potion. "We've been fighting for thirty minutes, and her HP is still half full. Thank goodness for the Prince and Princess. Without them, we wouldn't survive this."

Ren nodded in agreement, drinking MP potions to replenish his magical energy. "We just need to keep pushing. We can win this."

Isolde took a deep breath and readied her weapon. "You're right. Let's finish this!"

There was no respite for either side. The Queen anticipated any psychic or mental attacks from the party and countered them with [Mind Blank], nullifying any mind control or manipulation attempts.

The Queen fought with all her might, fueled by her [Eternal Winter] trait, eager to inflict as much damage as possible. She targeted the party members aggressively, seeking to eliminate them one by one.

But the group remained steadfast and focused, using every skill and strategy at their disposal to chip away at the Queen's HP. It was a grueling battle, but they refused to give up.

Finally, the Queen's strength began to falter, and her attacks lost their potency. With one last mighty strike from Prince Zeroth's [Exile Blade], the Queen's reign of terror came to an end.

"We did it!" Prince Zeroth exclaimed, his breaths heavy with exhaustion.

Elena grinned, sweat glistening on her brow. "Incredible job, everyone!"

Isolde pumped her fist in the air. "Hell yeah! We make a great team!"

With the Queen defeated and the Fey Realm safe once more, the party could now rest and celebrate their hard-earned victory.

Isolde grinned, her bazooka resting on her shoulder. "I wonder how much EXP I will get."

Ren was the only one who didn't let his guard down. The battle with the Queen was gruesome, one that he didn't want to experience again. But everything felt too easy for them, or perhaps it was because he had the Princess and the Prince on his side.

Whatever it was, he already had his fair share of experience not to let his guard down, for there might be surprise attacks.

The Queen lay sprawled on the floor, reduced to less than 100 hit points. She looked at them, tired and gasping for breath.

"Aren't you going to kill me?" she asked with a bitter smile.

"Killing you is not our goal," Ren replied.

The Queen's face registered shock, but she seemed too exhausted to argue further. "Then what do you want?"

An option appeared before Ren, and he almost lost his bearing when he read the last choice.

<Negotiate with Queen Titania for peace and co-existence>

<Marry me, and we shall rule together!>

Ren didn't know if it was intentional or a mistake. If it was intentional, he couldn't get the developer's sense of humor.

Elena, Isolde, and Prince Zeroth looked at Ren, waiting for his decision.

Ren took a deep breath, weighing his options. The fate of the Fey Realm rested on this choice.

Without hesitation, he selected the first option: <Negotiate with Queen Titania for peace and co-existence>.

The Queen's eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, she seemed unsure how to respond.

Before the Queen of Air and Darkness could utter a word, however, a burst of terrifying heat engulfed the room, and in a blink, a dimensional rift appeared before them.

Everyone's eyes rounded when an unexpected guest came out of the rift, floating with grace and power.

"Queen . . . Titania . . ."