
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 614: exile blade

After emerging from the Queen of Air and Darkness's castle, Ren and Isolde found themselves reunited with Elena and Prince Zeroth at the entrance.

The Prince was busy showering affection on Elaine, while Elena rushed to Ren upon seeing him.

"What took you so long?" Elena asked, concern evident in her voice. "I was so worried about you that I almost stormed into Frostforge Mine to look for you."

Ren gently pulled himself from Elena's grasp, aware of Isolde's amused gaze behind him. He turned to face the others and asked, "Did you get the metals?"

"Of course," Prince Zeroth replied, displaying the adamantite in his hand. "I've been waiting here for you to get back. What took you so long?"

"I've got the Silver, too," Elena added with a smile.

Ren hesitated for a moment before responding, "We encountered some trouble on the way."

Elena asked if the trouble they encountered were Queen Titania's soldiers, to which Isolde confirmed they were and that they had already dealt with them, thanks to Pii's help.

"Seems like Queen Titania is after our lives now," Prince Zeroth remarked.

Isolde rolled her eyes and sarcastically commented, "Aren't they all?"

Ren took the materials from Elena and the Prince and looked at Elaine, seeking her advice on what to do next.

Elaine explained, "Only the Queen herself is capable of making the blade. No other being could forge a queen slayer than themselves."

Elena was eager to proceed and said, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go and get this done and over with."

Isolde whispered her concerns to Ren, questioning if they should give the blade to the Queen, but he reasoned that there were no other options yet, so they should follow the storyline for now.

Suddenly, they found themselves transported back into the throne room, where the Queen expressed her satisfaction with their accomplishment.

"Good job, adventurers," the Queen of Air and Darkness praised them. "Now, with this, our preparation is complete. It's time to forge the weapon that would kill Titania!"

Queen Aurora was silent at the side, brooding over something while Queen Russet's face told them she couldn't care less.

Elaine's face was still a mask, while Elena and Prince Zeroth weren't aware of anything at all.

The Queen of Air and Darkness stood before a massive, ancient forge, its flames dancing and roaring with otherworldly intensity. The materials — silver, cold iron, and adamantite —floated in the air, suspended by the Queen's magic. She raised her hands, and the metals began to meld and merge, intertwining like a dance of molten light.

With precise control, the Queen directed the flow of magic, shaping and reshaping the metals into a single, gleaming blade. The silver, cold iron, and adamantite fused seamlessly, creating a mesmerizing pattern along the length of the sword. Sparks of power crackled around the blade as it took form, the air around the forge humming with raw energy.

The Queen's eyes glowed with an ethereal light as she poured her essence into the blade, infusing it with ancient fey magic. The sword seemed to pulse with life as if it held the power to shape the fate of the Fey Realm itself.

The Queen's hands moved with grace and precision, channeling her considerable power into every stroke. The forge's flames danced higher and brighter, fueling the intense heat required to craft such a powerful weapon.

As the final touches were made, the [Exile Blade] shimmered with a radiant aura, its edges honed to perfection. The Queen held the sword aloft, and it radiated a fierce, otherworldly glow that cast intricate patterns of light across the throne walls.

The [Exile Blade], a formidable weapon capable of regicide among the fey, was now complete. It represented both the Queen's thirst for power and her determination to defeat Queen Titania once and for all.

With the blade forged, the Queen's plans were set in motion, and the Fey Realm would soon witness the ultimate clash of power and destiny.

While the others marveled at the Queen and he blade, Ren used [Appraisal] over the dagger.

ǁ E X I L E B L A D E ǁ

Exile's Blade Weapon (dagger), Artifact (requires attunement)

This dagger, known as the Exile's Blade, is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, forged from three rare metals: silver, adamantite, and cold iron. The hilt is adorned with elegant Sylvan runes, recounting the delicate dance between the four seasons.

When you brandish this weapon, your attacks become deadly and precise. You gain a significant +1000 bonus attack every hit.

Against fey creatures, the dagger's strikes bypass any resistances or immunities to the damage they may possess.

Moreover, Exile's Blade holds a remarkable secret. Once per turn, if you successfully hit a fey queen with this weapon, she will be incapable of casting any spells and skills for ten seconds.

An even more profound power of the dagger emerges when a fey queen meets her demise. If you plunge the Exile's Blade into the body of a deceased fey queen, both the blade and the Queen disintegrate into dust, making resurrection impossible, except through divine intervention.

The Exile's Blade is a fateful and formidable instrument, capable of altering the course of fey royalty with its unparalleled might.


It can't be wielded by a Fairy Queen as well as any Mage-related classes.

ǁ E N D ǁ

It was indeed an exceptional blade, one that Ren thought a rogue might be able to make use of –– especially that +1000 additional damage upon every successful hit.

In the hands of a sword wielder that had the skill related to multiple-blade attacks, it was an OP weapon to have.

Too bad that he couldn't equip it, and he had no assassin or rogue in World Conqueror to make use of it, so he guessed that he would have to Auction it.

It was his plan all along, anyway.

"Alas, I cannot use this blade. The mere thought of touching it will burn my hand," the Queen said while the blade hovered over her hands. "So this blade will go to one of my generals."

While the Queen was distracted, Elaine shouted the signal, "Ren now!"

For a brief moment, time had stopped, and even the Queen couldn't escape from Elaine's magic [Temporal Stasis].