
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 613: the mine's boss

"Well, there's nothing to do about it. What's done was done," Isolde shrugged, trying to dismiss the topic. "Are you going to tell Evie about it?"

Ren's expression turned contemplative as he paused to consider his response. "Maybe in the future," he finally replied.

He believed that keeping secrets would only lead to more complications and misunderstandings. So, it was better, to be honest and transparent with Evie about his past interactions with Elena to avoid future troubles.

Ren couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that his and Elena's time together was coming to an end. He hoped that after the quest, their paths would diverge, and he could focus on his mission to open the Demon Realm while Elena returned to the Elven palace.

With each step they took in the mine, Ren's thoughts were consumed with his future plans and the challenges that awaited him. He knew that the road ahead would be arduous, but he was determined to fulfill his goal.

As they continued their journey, the mine seemed to stretch endlessly before them. The air was thick with the scent of metal and earth, and the sound of their footsteps echoed through the narrow tunnels.

Isolde kept a watchful eye on their surroundings, her gun at the ready while they navigated deeper into the mine.

Ren remained focused, his mind occupied with thoughts of the battles that came their way against the beasts around the area and the choices he would have to make to attain that [True Ending].

Time seemed to stretch on, and the journey through the mine felt like an eternity. Until finally, they reached a large chamber filled with shimmering crystals and precious ores. In the center of the chamber, they spotted a glimmering vein of cold iron.

"Well, this is so easy," Isolde said. "Shouldn't there be a boss here?"

"Let's retrieve the cold iron and find out." Ren went to the piles of crystals on the walls and began the extraction of the cold iron.

As they worked together, the silence of the mine was broken only by the sounds of their efforts. The clang of metal against rock and the occasional echo of their voices filled the air.

At last, they successfully obtained the cold iron they sought. With the precious material in hand, they made their way back through the mine, their steps lighter with the weight of their accomplishment.

As Ren and Isolde emerged from the Frostforge Mine, Isolde expressed her concerns, "I couldn't help but think that this is all too easy. There isn't even a boss to defeat."

Ren remained silent, sharing the same unease. Something felt off, and he couldn't shake the feeling that they were walking into a trap.

Their suspicions were confirmed when they stepped out of the mine and found themselves surrounded by a group of soldiers. At the center of the group was a formidable fey riding atop a giant deer with twisting antlers, clearly the leader of the pack.

"You have greatly angered our Queen Titania by retrieving that accursed Cold Ironstone. And for that, you will pay with your life!" the General declared, brandishing his halberd threateningly, its sharp end pointed directly at Ren's face.

Ren and Isolde exchanged a glance. The soldiers outnumbered them, and the oppressive aura emanating from the powerful fey leader made it clear that this would not be an easy fight.

Isolde grinned triumphantly, "See, I told you it wouldn't be easy."

Ren didn't know if she was glad that she was right or if she just wanted a fight.

Isolde pondered for a moment, tapping her finger against her lips. "They belong to Queen Titania's army, right? Is this part of the quest?"

Ren nodded in confirmation. "Exactly. Elaine warned us that by taking the Cold Iron, we would sever any potential alliance with Queen Titania."

"So, it's do or die then?" Isolde asked, her gaze serious.

"Yes, it seems that way," Ren answered, unbothered. "We have to fight them."

Isolde used [Monocle] to assess their opponents. "They're definitely strong. Their stats are way above ours, and there are so many of them. The General is practically a boss on his own."

Isolde's smile faded slightly, but she didn't lose her resolve. "This quest is tougher than any dungeon boss we've faced before."

Ren understood her frustration. This was a world quest meant for larger parties to tackle, and yet they found themselves with just the two of them and Pii.

"But we can't back down now," Ren said firmly, and Pii floated over to them, ready for battle.

Ren had to admit that he was bending the rules by using Pii's other form. After Pii had been trapped in another dimension, time moved differently for it. When it returned, Ren found that he could once again use Pii's other form.

He guessed that he needed to thank Black Lion and Sleeping Dragon for it.

"Let's finish this quickly," Ren said, and Pii flew head-first into the enemy lines.

Isolde fired precise shots with her gun while Ren unleashed his spells, aiming to catch them off guard and reduce their numbers.

"Kill them!" the General said after the engage button was triggered.

As the soldiers and the imposing General attack Ren and Isolde, Pii shoots forth and accepts all their attacks.

After its HP went zero, Pii then transformed into a massive, fearsome beast. With a thunderous roar, it charged forward, its massive form trampling the enemies with unstoppable force. The ground shook beneath its colossal weight as it unleashed its ferocious might upon the adversaries.

The soldiers were sent flying, and the General was no match for Pii's overwhelming power. In a matter of moments, the battlefield was strewn with defeated foes, and Pii stood victorious, its imposing form exuding strength and dominance.

"Well, that was underwhelming," Isolde laughed. "Pii is really a cheat."

Ren couldn't agree more. "Let's go and meet up with the others. Pii could only transform once a day, and we might get ourselves in more trouble if we stayed here."

Now that his ace was no longer available until the next day, Ren wanted to meet up with Elena and the prince –– their enormous stat gave him comfort and assurance.

With the cold iron in their possession, they were one step closer to completing their quest and facing either the Queen of Air and Darkness or Queen Titania –– or even both.

The road ahead was uncertain, but Ren was ready to face whatever challenges lay in their path.