
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 499: sold out!

When Ren woke up in the morning, he was feeling a little sore but rejuvenated nevertheless. Like his body was so lite, he could probably jump three meters in height.

Getting up, he took a bath while recalling what spells and skills he had copied from Anansi.

Due to him soloing the game and defeating two High Gods, and clearing a hundred-man quest, his ATP skyrocketed to five hundred except for his INT, which stayed at nine hundred or so and his HP and MP which were already in the thousands.

His [Mind Palace] was now level 5, which allowed him to store ten spells and skills.

Though in the future, Ren would only get a little EXP in return because of his high ATP right now. He didn't mind. His goal wasn't to up his ATP anyway.

What skills and spells he got from Anansi and Inti would surely aid him in his Quest in the Fey Realm. As well those Hexcrafting spells he got from Viscendra.

Ren replaced [Shamanic Ward] with [Legendary Immunity (3/day)]. This passive skill allowed him to be immune to damage three times a day.

He also added [Luck (3/day)] into his Mind Palace. This skill allowed him to never miss a target because this was always a concern of his whenever there was an especially agile enemy that he needed to defeat. Good thing that Anansi had a skill like this.

He also copied Anansi's [Natural Spider Climb] skill, which would allow him to scale walls and sheer vertical surfaces as if they were normal terrain.

The Fey Realm was full of giant trees, after all. This ability would be handy during those times.

And last, he copied Anansi's [Superior Stealth (3/day)] skill, which allowed him to be fully invisible even when a creature used [Perceptions] skills and all other related skills against him. Even pets and beasts wouldn't be able to detect him. The skill would be over, however, if he attacked his target.

After checking his skills and spells, Ren got out of the shower and changed his clothes. While he dried his hair, he opted to watch the morning news to pass the time.

The E-sport news greeted him with a piece of unexpected information.

"There is a ticket to the Fey Realm that has become the talk of the town in both the news and social media. The entire world is caught up in a frenzy as people scramble to get their hands on this elusive ticket.

"There are currently only ninety-nine slots available on COVENANT's Auction page, and it is now sold out!"

Ren didn't register what he heard at first until he scrambled to get his phone and found that, indeed . . . the slots for the Fey Realm had all been bought and only within six hours after he posted it!

All ninety-nine slots of them now had corresponding names and guilds.

Ren's hands shook when he checked his balance. He didn't care who those ninety-nine were. The important thing to him was the money.

Ren's legs almost gave way when he looked at the numbers. With those slots and the combined price for all his auctioned items, he currently accumulated more than half of the debt.

Evie . . . Ren closed his eye tight. It wouldn't be long now. Just a bit more.

After almost a week of grinding, he was happy that he could accumulate this much. It seemed like paying off that debt wasn't too far of a goal.

He could really do it!

This gave Ren a boost of energy.

Now . . . the problem was the other half, and this was the hardest part since he had already sold his aces.

Too bad that he could only form one group with a hundred members. If there wasn't a limit, maybe he could have accumulated eighty percent in one go.

Now the remaining thing to do was really max his life skills and craft that legendary equipment and auction it ASAP.

The numbers on his phone were only virtual money, though. COVENANT would hold that money first until he gave what he promised to the players.

What he auctioned was the slot and a contract signed by the representative of COVENANT since he wanted to keep his identity anonymous. This would also set the players' minds at ease, for the game developers were the ones facilitating everything.

If Ren didn't give out what was stated in the contract, then he would be fined and charged, while the players would have their money returned.

The players didn't have anything to lose except their millions, for Ren would make sure to follow what he wrote in that contract.

As the holder of the [Epic Quest], only Ren's group could enter the Fey Realm. The contract was simple once inside the Fey Realm, they could disband and form their own group, and they were free to explore the realm and gain numerous firstbloods in the process.

The minimum was one week in real-time. Ren thought that was enough to explore the realm while he was doing the Quest. He couldn't be stuck in the Fey Realm forever, after all.

Ren still needed to go to the Demon Realm, to Vanadon-Necroth's lair, to be exact. And that had a quest of its own too.

And besides, once he completed the Quest, the Fey Realms would be accessible to everyone. This slot was really for those who wanted firstbloods, new items, spells, and skills first and wanted to get ahead of the others.

However, it was only a one-way ticket in. The players who were killed would automatically be dead and remained that way until Ren completed the Quest or the whole party got wiped out.

But if they have [Revive] and other related spells, they could bring back the fallen into their ranks.

At this point in time, the Fey Realm was more like a dungeon than anything else until Ren cleared the Quest. He just needed to stay clear of clearing that Epic Quest until the one-week minimum time period was up.

Anyway, Ren would be busy gathering materials and solving a series of missions than competing with the others for firstbloods.