
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 498: another commotion

Anansi's form went bigger and had sharp, deadly fangs that dripped with venom. Its eight legs were covered in thick, bristly hairs, and its eyes glinted with a malevolent intelligence.

Pii, on the other hand, was bigger than Anansi, with a thick coat of black fur and glowing, emerald-green eyes that sparkled with magic.

Anansi lunged at Pii, its fangs snapping, but Pii was too quick, dodging the attack with a graceful leap to the side. As it landed, it raised its paw, and a burst of green energy shot out, striking the High God squarely in the abdomen. Anansi shrieked in pain and fury, and its legs thrashed wildly, sending up clouds of dust and debris.

While the two gargantuan beasts were busy fighting with each other, Ren was busy avoiding the spiders and undead that were heading in his way.

The [Elven Boots] was a great equipment to have as it allowed him to leap from giant mushrooms and trees with ease, nimbly avoiding the spiders that were out to get him. He also quickly finished off those he could so he wouldn't be too overwhelmed by their numbers and found himself cornered with nowhere else to retreat.

However, no matter how many he killed, a horde of corpses and spiders emerged from the shadows. They moved toward Ren with a single-minded purpose: to destroy him.

Ren raised his staff and began to channel his magic. The air around him crackled with energy as he prepared for the coming fights.

The corpses shambled forward, their rotten flesh falling away as they moved. The spiders skittered across the ground, their many legs moving with eerie precision.

Ren unleashed a hurricane of lightning at the first wave of corpses, the crackling energy striking them and sending them flying. The spiders darted around him, biting and clawing at his robes.

Ren fought back with a flurry of spells, blasting the corpses and spiders with [Inferno] and [Flames]. He summoned [Shamanic Ward] around himself, giving him that extra defense to lessen half the damage he received.

But the horde was unrelenting, and soon Ren was backed into a corner. He stood his ground, scepter at the ready, as the corpses and spiders closed in.

With a desperate move, Ren unleashed two [Sunrays] covering a wide area with blindingly light. The sunrays melted the horde in all directions, their bodies pulverized by the sheer power of the spell.

It was their weakness, after all.

Panting a little, Ren quickly took in an [MP Potion] to replenish his MP as he looked around at the aftermath of the battle. The corpses and spiders lay motionless on the ground, bursting into particles. Their threat ended for now, giving him some minutes of respite to catch his breath.

Ren knew that he could never let down his guard in this Drider Grove. This was an area that should be attempted by a group of a hundred players with all their ATP in the hundreds at least.

But he also knew that his INT and spells would be enough to keep him alive, no matter what horrors lurked in the shadows.

Back to the fight with the two giant beasts. Pii charged forward, its magic crackling around it like lightning. The High God swung its legs, trying to hit Pii, but Pii was too nimble, darting in and out of range. It leaped onto the spider's back, and with a mighty roar, it channeled all its magic into a single, devastating attack.

A burst of green, black, and golden light exploded from Pii's body, engulfing Anansi in a torrent of magical energy. The High God screeched and writhed as the energy burned through its flesh and seared its insides. Finally, with a final, anguished cry, the spider collapsed, dead.

Pii stood triumphantly over the fallen spider, panting heavily. It had emerged victorious, thanks to its magical cheat abilities and quick reflexes. The forest fell silent as if in awe of the power and strength displayed in the epic battle.

Pii let out a triumphant howl, and the forest echoed with its cry before it went back to its little form and rested on Ren's shoulder.

Ren welcomed the little fellow with a gentle path on its head before he faced Anansi's cracking body as it slowly turned into particles.

"Heh . . . that beast is a cheat," Anansi uttered.

"I told you. You should have just given me the God Fruits. I would have given you the Demon Metamorphosis. End of story. You just had to make things harder."

Anansi laughed before he burst into particles.

<CONGRATULATIONS on getting the first blood from defeating the High God, ANANSI!


❶ 100,000 EXP

❷ 1 000,000 Gil

❸ Platinum Chest x5

❹ Gold Chest x10 >

Ren immediately checked the [God Fruits], and he sighed in relief that it was really ten pieces. He immediately used it to bring his [Appraising], [Tuning], and [Runecrafting] to max grandmaster level.

Next, he checked his loot and was disappointed that Anansi didn't have any equipment. He was half-naked, so that was understandable.

What he got, though were very rare materials like Pelts, fur, fangs, claws, talons, Spider strings and silk, and some very rare herbs like Auris Bellia, Baradas, Back Gem, Field Beauty, Kingberry, Messenger of Doom, and all kinds of shrooms. They were in large quantities too.

He also made sure to copy some of Anansi's skills and spells, so Ren wasn't complaining in the end.

Of course, he saved those materials and ingredients for future use.

Ren was about to press the auction option on his menu when that familiar ding rang in his ears.

[Your four hours of real-time are up!]

[You have been forced log out!]

Back in the pod, Ren opened the door of the pod, almost stumbling when he shot to his feet. A good thing that he held on to the edge of the pod.

After taking deep breaths to calm his nerves while closing his eyes tight to steady his shaking world, Ren then stepped out of the pod and proceeded to his bed.

It was just one in the morning, and he needed to rest first since his body seemed to be heating, and his heart rate was beating so fast that it was hard to breathe.

Something was happening to his body again, but Ren didn't know what. After minutes on the bed, he fell asleep – unaware that he was causing chaos both in the game and the real world for his auctioned tickets for the Fey Realm.