
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 480: princess elena

Proceeding into the False Tomb, a stone sarcophagus covered in dust rested atop a one-meter-tall bier in the center of the otherwise empty room. The lid of the sarcophagus was decorated with a carving of a beautiful woman who looked to be sleeping serenely.

The lid of the sarcophagus was impossible to move, and in truth, the entire sarcophagus was a single piece of solid stone. It was, in fact, a decoy meant to entrap any who would dare disturb Queen Aurora's eternal rest.

Ren approached the sarcophagus and noticed words carved on the sarcophagus in a common text.

[To break the seal, blood must seep

Stretched your hand, let me feed ]

This rhyme hinted that players should cut themselves and let their blood drop unto the carved face's lips.

Ren knew that this was a trap, of course.

If the players did so, nothing would happen until they brought their bloody hand to the carved lips, upon which a mechanism shaped like a fang mouth burst forth from the lid and snapped its maw around the character's wrist. It would then activate a series of traps that dealt piercing and necrotic damage.

This series of traps were enough to put an entire group into their graves and suffer the death penalty in one go.

If they were [Bless] before then, half of the party might survive with half HP.

Ren didn't bother about the sarcophagus and checked directly at where Pii was pointing at. He noticed that the bier it stood on was loose.

The bier and sarcophagus could be push aside if he had the necessary STR. But since he lacked the strength, Ren opted to push using magic. With a torrent of water spells, the force of the aqua was enough to move the bier and reveal a narrow, dark tunnel leading to the real Tomb of Queen Aurora.

An overwhelming smell of death and decay filled up this dark room with web-covered murals on the walls. A single coffin rested on a bier next to the northernmost wall.

Queen Aurora's Tomb lies in the sarcophagus, but her soul had turned into a vengeful Death Wraith due to the accursed [Ring of the Undying] a spiteful, jealous fairy put on her finger before she was laid to rest.

Once Ren had entered the room, and as soon as he approached Queen Aurora's casket, the Death Wraith emerged from the sarcophagus and attacked him as its sinister voice filled the room.

"You dare disturb my slumber? Now embraced the gift of death that I couldn't have!"

A Death's Wraith was the terrifying result of a soul being trapped on a plane where its physical body perishes. Capable of commanding shadows and siphoning the life out of living creatures, these powerful Undead retain few, if any, memories of their mortal life –– appearing and acting as resentful, spectral slivers of their former selves.

A wave of necrotic energy rippled outward from the Death Wraith. But since Ren was [Bless] and had the [Monarch Sovereignty], he was immune to the frightened status.

The Wraith wasn't that hard to kill because it was weak to all light and divine damage. Even if Ascetics used simple healing spells against it, they would probably kill it within a few rounds.

The hardest parts of the whole journey wasn't the final boss but the Tomb itself and its puzzles and traps.

Ren had already passed the hardest part, and it was time to finish this quest and move on to the .

With a series of multiple beams of lights that erupted from the ceiling and rained down at the Wraith, it could do nothing but shriek in agony and slowly disperse into nothingness.

<CONGRATULATIONS on getting the first blood from defeating the Boss, DEATH WRAITH!


❶ 10 000 EXP

❷ 100,000 Gil

❸ Crystal Chest x1

❹ Platinum Chest x1

❺ Gold Chest x2 >

<Do you want to announce your achievement to the world?>



Ren pressed <NO>

[ CONGRATULATIONS to player **** on getting first blood from defeating the Boss, DEATH WRAITH! ]

Ren ignored the treasures he had just got and opened the coffin. He found a woman's corpse in pristine condition –– as if she had died minutes ago instead of centuries. She wore a golden diadem on her head and a jet-black ring that seemed to pull in the light around her.

When Ren removed the ring from the woman's finger, shadowy mist rose from the woman's chest, and the translucent form of a beautiful elven woman manifested before him.

"Thank you, stranger," the specter murmurs, its voice barely more than a whisper. "The ring prevents my spirit from leaving this world. However, I feared that this was just the beginning of some bigger plot . . . You see . . . I am not the Fairy Queen. I am merely a duplicate copy of her, taken against my will and murdered in cold blood. Thank you . . . for freeing me."

The spirit then looked over and drew a last sigh of relief before slowly fading away.


❶ The Ring of the Undying

This ominous ring can grant its wearer a second life once per day. However, the cost is half of your HP and a [Fear] status that lasted for five minutes.

Equipped: Everyone

❷ Diadem of Devotion

A beautifully ornate headpiece that looked like a crown when worn.

Women who wear this diadem has resistant to dark magic spells up to 50% and are immune to Fear and Necrotic damage.

MDF +100

Equipped: Women only ]

Ren wasn't surprised that the Tomb didn't contain the corpse of the previous Queen of fairies. It was all part of the storyline.

Rather, he was happier about his haul in this Tomb. The [Ring of the Undying] alone was worth more than five million at least. And the [Diadem of Devotion] was worth at least more than ten million because of its high MDF addition and immunity to dark magic.

Not to mention the [Spellbook] or [Skillbook] in the [Crystal Chest] he got.

Ren felt like he didn't need the books right now since he could just copy skills and spells. What's more, he didn't want to start with low-level spells compared when he was copying it from someone who already had high level spells. And he needed the money more than he needed new spells and skills right now.

It was just how his brain worked at the moment. When his mind was set on something, he would focus on that until the end. And right now, all he thought about was accumulating enough money before the end of the month.

Those spells and skills could wait until Evie was by his side, safe and sound.

Ren was occupied with his thoughts when he heard approaching footsteps from behind him. And when he turned around, there were elves surrounding him, the point of their spears pointing at his throat.

They weren't just wild elves and regular elves, which Ren encountered in the forest. These were tall, lean, pale skin, platinum blond, long pointy-eared Elves. And they had the symbols of the Elven royal family carved on their metal plates.

"Sheath your weapons," a woman elf instructed. Hers was a wild beauty that went well with the angle of her face and bright crystal green eyes that glowed like diamonds.

The elf stood before Ren. Her beauty could light this entire dark hall. She was tall and slender, with long flowing hair that cascaded down her back in waves of platinum blond. Her eyes were a deep emerald green, and they sparkled with an inner light that seemed to glow from within.

Her skin was smooth and flawless, like fine porcelain, and it seemed to glow with an otherworldly radiance.

A confident elf woman was a sight to behold. She stood tall and proud, with an air of elegance and grace that radiated from her every movement. Her sharp, angular features were accentuated by her pointed ears, and her piercing gaze seemed to see right through him.

She was dressed in clothes made of the finest fabrics, tailored to fit her slim form perfectly. The intricate embroidery on her garments speaks to her impeccable taste and attention to detail.

She moved with fluidity, as though she was dancing even when she was just walking. Her confidence was palpable, and she exuded an aura of power and authority.

But despite her intimidating demeanor, there was a warmth and kindness to her that drew others to her.

As Ren stood there, he recalled that beautiful elven face.

She was born a leader and a role model, inspiring those around her to be their best selves. And while she may be fierce and uncompromising when it came to matters of importance, she was also quick to smile and laugh, enjoying life to the fullest.

Princess Elena, twin sister of Princess Elaine and one of the most beautiful Elves in ARCADIA, belonging to the top ten waifu in the game.

At that moment, Ren knew that he was in the presence of a truly magical creature, one whose beauty and grace was beyond compare.

Princess Elena spoke with a clear, unwavering voice, and her words carried weight and authority.

"You. What are you doing here? This place is off limits."