
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 479: servants crypt


After dinner and checking in with Leonel about World Conqueror's status, the both of them logged into COVENANT.

Though separated in missions and locations, Ren was confident that Leonel would take care of World Conqueror while he was away. And it was not like he was totally clueless about what was going on in his mercenary group.

Ren still reviewed the missions and progress of each task while giving pointers from time to time. That's what he was doing most of his free time. He immersed himself in work, so he didn't have to think about unnecessary things.

Back in the exact location from where he was forced to log out with the same exact stat and items, Ren proceeded into the Queen Fairy's Tomb.

Ren was in the Hallway of Season, and he advanced to the Servant's Crypt next.

A large stone sarcophagus stood in each corner of this room which connected to a hallway to the west and to the east.

The Fairy Queen Aurora had close servants that were laid to rest in the four sarcophagi. The lid of each Sarcophagus was carved with a mosaic of a humanoid with wings wearing yellow, green, red, or blue robes, respectively. The heavy clouds of dust-covered lids could be pushed.

However, Ren's STR wasn't high enough to do that. At least a +100 STR was needed to move the lid.

Ren didn't need to move the sarcophagi. Though the Fairy Queen servants have long since passed, their sarcophagi were now guarded by four spirit wards.

All Ren needed to do was disturbed the spirits by attempting to push the lid of the Sarcophagus.

The spirits emerged from the sarcophagi, and an otherworldly voice filled the room.

"You disturb the slumber of the dead! Here lie Aizel, Ezka, Fienor, and Gremlich. Do not sully their graves. Be gone, thieves!"

"I don't plan on disturbing their rest. I'm just here to check up on the Queen Fairy's Tomb," said Ren. His LCK and INT were high enough to elicit a positive response from the spirits.

"WE have sensed your will adventurer. And we have not detected any malice from you."

"If you will. We have a request."

"What is it?" Ren asked to advance the storyline.

"We have felt that something has prevented our Queen from passing into the afterlife."

"We cannot feel her spirit."

"We ask that you go forward into her Tomb and check the cause."

"We believe all the answers lies in our Queen's Tomb."

"We are bound to protect the earthly remains of the queen's close servants, and therefore we can't leave this room."

"Will you accept our request?"

Ren nodded in agreement, and the world quest [Fey Realm] had been updated.

Rather with all the spirits talking simultaneously, he didn't have the chance to butt in or say no.

"As a sign of good fate. We present to you the treasures that were buried with us. Take them as payments for your help."

The Sarcophagus creaked open, and each contained skeletal corpses littered with all sorts of accessories embellished with jewels like emerald, ruby, sapphire, and topaz.

They were all sorts of accessories that only women could equip, from earrings, necklaces, and bracelets to anklets. Each had its unique design and properties.

Though most only added to two digits to a single ATP like +10 LCK, +20 MDF, or +20 AGI, they also had immunity to certain status effects, and it would definitely fetch a high price if auctioned.

Ren hauled all of the accessories. This was the advantage of going solo. He could horde all of them for himself.

After the spirits had said their piece, Ren moved on to the next room. There was an option to fight the spirits as well if he refused their request or if a player didn't met the required ATP.

If the players fail, the spirits attack with lethal intent and fight until destroyed or until the players leave the chamber. But if the players win, they could gain access to the contents of the Sarcophagus.

Ren then proceeded towards the Tomb's Corridor.

Ren went into a corridor that led to a heavy wooden door lit by a torch on each side of the door. The door and torch stand was covered in strange symbols.

The door at the end of the corridor was sealed with an arcane lock spell, was impervious to all damage, and couldn't be forced open unless the magic was suppressed with dispel magic or similar magic.

On each side of the door was a magical torch with a heatless flame that functioned like a continual flame spell and shed bright light in a ten-meter radius and dim light for an additional ten-meter radius. These torches couldn't be removed or dispelled.

Ren looked over the text written on common words on the door's frame:

[One flame for those aged, another for youth.

Though each need to break the gate, to move on through]

Hmm . . . if Ren was correct, then it was all about age. But he still used [Scan] and [Probe] to investigate.

The symbol on the handle of the Torch on the left depicted youth and vitality, while the symbol on the Torch on the right depicted age and wisdom.

If the youngest player in the party touched the heartless flame of the Torch to the left, or if the older character in the party touched the flame of the Torch to the right, the Torch's flame changed to a pleasant blue light for one minute. If both torches shed blue light, the door would swing open, and everyone within a twenty-meter radius from the door gained the effect of the [Bless] spell for one hour.

This [Bless] spell would let the player be resistant to all attacks. The key word was resistance and not immune.

However, if the players touched the flame wrongly, then everyone within a twenty-meter radius from the door would suffer [Exhaustion] and would feel that their body was too heavy while their movement sluggish. This effect could be reversed with a [Greater Restoration] spell or similar magic.

However, Ren was in a dilemma because he wasn't at a party. He was alone. He slightly forgot about this part, and he was about to call Leonel or any of his available friends when Pii went to the left Torch and brought its snout on the flame.

Oh right. Ren snapped his fingers. It didn't say anything about another creature touching the flame.

"Good thinking Pii." Ren touched the right flame, and the door opened with a loud thud.