
MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemistchapter 465: inti, the creator god of the sun 1


Ren didn't have to waste time competing with Great Dynasty over a mere Tikbalang. There was a bigger fish to fry.

Once the Tikbalang was frozen and couldn't do anything, it was only a matter of time before Great Dynasty killed the monster.

Once caught the Tikbalang was easy to handle.

While they were rejoicing from the loots, Ren was getting ready, for the real threat was about to show itself.

When the Tikbalang disappeared, the forest changed, and they were transported in a wide clearing of grass like in an open field.

About time. Ren thought. He should have arrived here hours ago, but thanks to the Tikbalang's interference, he wasted so many hours.

But it didn't matter . . . at least now Ren could use Pii if ever since the little guy's [Evolution] would reset after six hours. It was a waste if he wouldn't use it now.

Ren's initial plans was to save Pii for Anansi while making Great Dynasty Cannon Fodder for Inti while he KS the boss. But now he felt like he would face Anansi tomorrow so it was better to use Pii now if ever.

"W-what's going on?"

"The environment suddenly changed."

"Turn back, mortals. This is my land!"

A roaring voice thundered above them.

Everyone looked at the sky, and they gasped when a giant man hovered over the horizon. The man was five times the size of a regular human with sun-kissed skin, waves of black hair, and rippling with muscles. His eyes were golden and ever-glowing like the sun. He was holding a halberd in one hand while a ghost of a snake and lioness formed on each of his sides.

"Inti . . . ," Ren muttered, and he finally burst into a small smile. All he could think about was the [Gods Fruits] and not the high God's incredible stat.

Inti is the sun God and the giver of life, worshipped mainly by farmers seeking a better harvest. Inti controls the sun, which brings light and warmth to the people. No other Gods received more offerings than Inti, for the farmer couldn't thrive without him.

Those who worshipped Inti dedicated one-third of their lands to him. This meant an entire third of all crops grown and water used go to Inti. And those who couldn't provide one-third of their crop must offer human sacrifice in its place, satisfying Inti's thirst for blood.

'When good customs were forgotten, and people were given to all manners of greed and vice, Inti's wrath was severe. He kept the sun from rising for two full days. Women moaned. Men worried about crops. Would Inti have mercy on their wicked souls? Surely. After this great outcry, confession of sins, many sacrifices, and fervent prayers, the sun rose again.'

"Whoa. Is that it? Is that the High God?"

"Looks like it. Its stat is like a mini World Boss."

"Wait . . . can we defeat it with so little of us here?"

Hugo looked over at Ren and confidently said, "As long as this NPC is around, we can defeat it."

That's how things always worked for them in the past whenever they encountered an NPC who joined their ranks. Usually, these NPCs helped them and were mostly the ones ditching out the most damage.

Since [Monocle] only worked with beasts and monsters, there was no way of seeing an NPC's stat except maybe if that NPC suddenly turned into their enemy.

Great Dynasty was overconfident because all the NPCs they encountered were nice and helpful.

Not this time . . .

Inti's eyes squinted. "This is your last chance, mortals! Sinners aren't allowed in these sacred grounds!"

"What are we going to do?" Hugo asked Ren.

"Attack it and make sure to protect me at all times while I reduced its HP," Ren bluffed.

Hugo's face brightened. "Got it!"

How gullible was this guy? Ren thought.

When the players armed their weapons, Inti was enraged.

"Puny little mortals! You shall pay your arrogance with blood!"

Inti had [Innate Spellcasting] like most High Gods. This skills granted him the ability to cast the following spells, requiring no casting time and cooldowns.

At will: Dancing Lights, Shocking Grasp

4/day: Burning Hands

3/day: Arcane Eyes, Darkness, Fabricate, Sunray

2/day: Prismatic Spray, Sunbeam

1/ day: Prismatic Wall, Sunburst

Just his innate spells alone could wipe out an entire party if he willed it. He also had the terrain advantage because of his [Limited Flight 3/day] that allowed him to hover ten meters from the ground and fly at a speed of a hundred meters for one hour.

What's more, all Inti's attacks were Magical because of its innate skill [Magic Weapons]. The players who have weaker MDF, like most DPS, were the first to disappear for sure.

Inti started the fight with [Radiance 3/day]. An annoying spell that summoned an aura of blinding light in a fifty-meter radius. Those within the affected area were blinded for one minute.

It was when Great Dynasty scattered in every direction while their Ascetic immediately made an area [Cure] for those who were blinded by the light.

Their DPS worked on their own and raced to claim Inti's head, backed by the spellcasters' magic.

With [Multiattack], Inti ditched two spells simultaneously. One was [Darkness], which killed all light in the area, halting everyone mid-attack, and two, he lifted a hand towards Great Dynasty and from his fingers shot a brilliant ray of sunlight instantaneously. Those who were hit suffered radiant damage continuously.

"Everyone, take cover!"

Everyone tried to avoid the barraged of sunrays, but those who didn't have [Dark Vision] and any similar spell had a hard time evading the bullets of lights.

A cacophony of screams filled the area, and when what little light came back from the twin moons above, Great Dynasty's numbers were reduced even more.

Ren was convinced that if this kept up, Great Dynasty would get wiped out before they could even reduce half of Inti's HP.

However, this was their chance to attack Inti while it was in the middle of casting another spell. The DPS were quick on their feet and leaped towards Inti, harsh slash tears through the High God's body, slicing messily through everything.