
Martial King's Retired Lifevolume 12 chapter 6

To the east of the imperial city was a clear lake. Its neighbour was an old stone tablet with “Rongyu” stylistically carved on. To the rear of the lake were long white walls and black tiles, a design that expressed grace. The buildings that were clones of each other further highlighted the tranquil ambience. Once one was in its surroundings, their mind would slow down, and they’d instinctively soften all their actions. Nobody dared to build any buildings the size of this academy near the imperial city unless it was a government property. Collectively, the place Li Dynasty’s progenitor ordered the construction of was known as Daren Academy.

The tenet Daren Academy propagated was “Protecting the nation’s peace is our self-imposed undertaking”. Ever since the school’s inception, it had been the imperial court’s development centre for future vassals and the school scholars dreamt of attending to pave their future. They held the highest rate of graduates who entered the imperial court’s employment. In addition, all Rank Three officials and above were students of the centre. To be promoted to prime minister, being a graduate of Daren Academy was pretty much a requisite.

Prime Minister Li wasn’t just the record holder for all subjects at Daren Academy but was also a former teacher there. Thus, he had plenty of disciples across the lands, all of whom could find success purely by virtue of association.

Besides being accepted into Daren Academy via the strict annual exams, the only way one could be admitted into the school was if their family had contributed significantly to the nation. Unless candidates showed promise to become important figures in future, the answer was a straight “no”.

A well-groomed man in his forties read a book over a pot of tea inside the hexagon pavilion, designed with Chinese cornice, beside Rongyu Lake. He had a distinctly yellow tassel tied to the sword hanging from his belt, indicating he was either a wanted criminal or someone of incredibly high standing.

His visitor stopped roughly three metres away from him, took a few breaths to catch his breath, then took another three steps, held his hands in a cupped-fist salute and cast his gaze to the man’s knees. “Principal.”

“Not again, Ji Zhi.” The man set his book down with a smile. “How many times have I told you that you must tread lightly and without tension? When running, once you commence, you must be quick, precise, straight and stride lightly. If you cannot remember the teachings, how can you teach another?” *

“I will bear it in mind.”

The principal bobbed his head, knowing his obedient student meant what he said. “What have you come to see me for?”

“As per your instructions, I went to investigate the reason behind the fight a few days ago. Strangely, aside from the two parties who fought, nobody would admit to witnessing anything as if they were paid to keep a secret. The two parties who fought insist that the other started first.”

“… I expected as much. How are Ying Yang’s injuries?”

“He is still unable to walk. According to the physician, his right leg… may be beyond saving.”

The two who got into a tussle with each other at Luori Hall were the Ministry of Revenue’s son and a scholar who found an opportunity to escape his life of poverty through a scholastic pursuit. Where there were people, problems couldn’t be avoided, except a grudge that saw someone break another’s leg wasn’t a common occurrence at Daren Academy.

The principal had a nip of tea. “… Tell Ying Yang to bear with it.”

“Principal, th-”

The principal held his hand up. “Ying Yang is gifted. He has what it takes to place in the top three in the coming special exam His Majesty is arranging. Don’t take away a big opportunity for something small. Lu Feiming’s boldness doesn’t come from his father. You should be aware that someone is guiding him from the behind the curtain. I’m glad you can express yourself like that.”

With his rage on his face, Ji Zhi lowered his head.

The principal got out of his chair. “It’s good that you can tell right from wrong. The saying, ‘Education does not know class discrimination’ isn’t just an empty saying, especially here, where it holds a vital meaning.” He gazed at the black tiles above and continued, “The future of this nation rides on Daren Academy. As a teacher, it’s wrong to discriminate. Students enrolled here must learn what their duties are, be it Ying Yang, Lu Feiming or him. Else, there is no point in my presence here.”

Although Ji Zhi was also a tutor, his thinking and judgement left a lot to be desired compared to the principal. “Understood… Ah, there is one more thing. A new student wishes to enrol.”

Disillusioned with his pupil, the principal frowned. “The exam period is over, and it’s not autumn yet, so we can’t enrol new students regardless of who it is. Didn’t you explain the rules to them?”

“I did; however, the recommended student is unlike others.” Ji Zhi then whispered into the principal’s ears.

“His Majesty? Someone from the three offices overlooking the martial world?” The principal placed wrapped his hands behind him and gazed toward heaven, mumbling, “His Majesty announced a special extra exam upon returning from Nanjiang. More scholars are always welcome considering even I was intending to recommend students with bright futures to His Majesty. The people can never enough good men in office. Why would His Majesty want to enrol a martial artist all of a sudden? … Could it possibly have something to do with the fight? What sort of individual are they?”

“He has a rather complicated story, but he has been drawing a lot of eyes as of late. Mayhap you have also heard about him. His name is Ming Feizhen.”

The principal of Daren Academy, the kind teacher who advocated for, “Education does not know class discrimination”, the tutor His Majesty praised as the best teacher in the imperial court, the head of scholars, Huang Yuzao, squeezed his facial parts together and belted, “What the hell is that s.o.b. coming here for?!”


Three-division beard – One distinct patch on the chin, two distinct above the lips.

Chinese cornice – Looks like this: /uploads/images/%img%/%book%