
Martial King's Retired Lifevolume 12 chapter 5

Volume 12 Chapter 05 Feizhen Promoted

Eight guards in golden armour pinned me to the ground immediately after I spoke.

“Stop.” Luckily, Fangzh-, His Majesty intervened. “Relax. Fangzhang is a nickname we used in Nanjiang. Stand down. Hohoho, habits are hard to overcome. I, too, miss those days.”

Thank god His Majesty was so tolerant. I furtively looked back to gesture, “Safe,” to Boss. She gestured back with her eyes, “Just you wait.”

Shall I go sleep at Tang Ye’s place tonight?

I looked back to see His Majesty summon Eunuch Wang Tushui over and whisper something. Based on my lip-reading skills, he said, “Remove the two chests of jewellery he was supposed to receive.”

Li Fangzhang! Where is your honour?! Although I was the one who called you ‘Fangzhang’ the most, it wasn’t only me who called you by that name! Besides, I wasn’t the one who gave you that nickname! Wait… I did… Well…

His Majesty cleared his throat, then continued, “As you all know, Constable Ming contributed in many ways, so I conferred him a rank of duke. Therefore, he is now D-”

“Your Majesty, let us not mention your subject’s title.”

“There’s no need to be modest. You earned the title of Duke Daluo with your own hands. You deserve the every bit of the title!”

And… as expected, the people behind me started laughing.

This is revenge for calling you Fangzhang, isn’t it?!

“Duke Ming is a major contributor in the pilgrimage to the south!” Beaming, Emperor Yuansheng listed, “In Huzhou, he sorted out the logistics, paved the way, strategized and utilised all of his network and resources for me. Saving me from danger as well as contacting adepts like Empyrean Zha and Night Fortress’ master alone are tremendous contributions.”

I held my hands in salute and bowed my hand as I was taught. “The praise is undeserved, Your Majesty.”

I could hear the officials behind me mumbling, “I never knew a radish could be so impressive.”

You want to get clapped?!

“In Nanjiang, I was pretty much a commander giving out orders. Duke Ming did all the running around regardless of time of the day. Our campaign wouldn’t have been a success had it not been for him. I am thoroughly touched by his efforts. Duke Ming.”


“Duke Ming is a pillar of our nation and one of my own.”

“You speak too highly of your subject.”

“Not at all.” Emperor Yuansheng wagged his hand. “Duke Ming, don’t be so modest. You are my Han Xin, my Zhou Yu, my Huo Qubing.”

I don’t have any issue you with you complimenting me, but can’t you compare me with people who lived longer lives?!

“It is not an exaggeration to say that you are my Sun Zi.”

“Thank you, Grandpa.”

Emperor Yuansheng smiled and announced to the officials, “Since I am in a good mood today, I shall announce two things. Duke Ming, don’t frown. What I am about to say is good news for the entire world. Court Historian, record what I say in small seal script since this is formal.”

All I could do was keep my head down and wait.

“First, I plan to hold an examination.”

The ministers couldn’t help but turn to each other because the last exam was only a year ago. For an opportunity to be available again already, it truly would be good news for many people.

“My quest to the south opened my eyes to the talent in martial arts and scholastic fields. To not employ such talents is a pity. I intend to recruit talented individuals across the land. Those who pass shall be listed as my students. Prime Minister Li and I have decided that the preliminary exams will be held in two months from now.”

Boss grinned.

“Needless to say, if there is anyone fit, the three offices can register their personnel. I will not discriminate as long as you can bring something to the table.”

I looked back at Boss, understanding she smiled because it could be a big opportunity for Liu Shan Men to return to glory. It wasn’t just us who were thrilled; as officials, they were bound to have family members keen on joining the political arena, not to mention as one of His Majesty’s students.

His Majesty waited for quiet, then resumed. “The second announcement continues on the topic of talented individuals. It is with great elation that I announce I have a new lucky charm, and that lucky charm is Ming Feizhen.”


“Duke Ming is Ming Huayu’s direct disciple. I had a discussion with Mount Daluo’s representative, Mr. Lian, in Nanjiang. We have laid down the groundwork for Mount Daluo to join the imperial court. Henceforward, Mount Daluo will aid us in maintaining the peace.”

Immediately, condescending gazes behind me turned to gazes of respect. Shaolin was no different to a mute. While close to the imperial court, Wudang was the martial world’s leader, so they had no obligation to take orders from the imperial court if they had no desire to. With Mount Daluo in a partnership with the imperial court - even if only nominally - the imperial court had enough power to manage the martial world. As such, my worth easily shot up a hundred folds.

The officials: “What a radish…”

Can you stop?! Just forget the title, will you?!

“Not only is he the disciple of a reputable sect but also a disciple of Ming Huayu. One could say he is well-learned. Having said that, you don’t need to look at him like that. His martial arts skills are still in the process of being polished.”

Boss and I exchanged eye contact of jubilance. Knowing my identity as Mount Daluo’s senior disciple and categorising me as an incompetent fighter was the best protection I could ask for. If he could confer me a post without any duties, I could chill at Liu Shan Men and exploit, I mean enjoy a nice life.

“As you are all aware, Mount Daluo and our ancestors were close, and they are valued as an important faction of the orthodox sects. On account of those factors, in addition to Duke Ming’s contributions, I have decided to employ him as a legitimate official. Duke Ming, I hereby confer you…”

All right. Here we go.

I revised the script Boss provided at light speed in order to epically blurt them when the time was ripe.

“Hanlin Academician!”

“Long live Y-, *&%%#@ what?”

“Insolence!” Eight armed guards surrounded me.

“It’s okay. He’s just overjoyed, hohoho.”

His Majesty had, “Praise me. Thank me,” written all over his face, yet I couldn’t find the words to insult him with.

“I know martial arts are not your speciality but literacy. To force you to perform physical labour and socialise with martial artists would be making life hard for you. Daren Academy is where scholars of our future study. Take advantage of the upcoming exam to prove my judgement of you is right!”

Your Majesty, pardon my bluntness, but you’re flipping blind!


Duke Daluo - You don’t see anything wrong with it in English, but left untranslated, it reads “Daluobo”, which is “Big Radish”. As you can see from the chapter, the pun doesn’t work in English.

Han Xin, Zhou Yu and Huo Qubing - All three were accomplished military officers who died young.

Sun Zi - You may recognise this name written as “Sun Tzu”. “Sun Zi” sounds the same as “grandson”, hence Ming Feizhen’s response.

Small seal script - Also known as xiaozhuan/Qin script since Qin Shihuang’s government was the one that standardised and promulgated it, was a form of calligraphy. It’s now only known through commentaries.

Hanlin - Literally translated, a grove or forest of brush-points, suggesting a group of litterateurs: from the 700s on, occurs as a prefix to numerous titles of literacy and editorial workers and even other specialists such as physicians, most commonly but not solely members of the Hanlin Academy, commonly rendered simply Hanlin.